
World Under My Feet!

HELLO GUYS, THIS IS MY VERY FIRST NOVEL AND VERY FIRST WRITING ALSO. I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE IT. AND AS I SAID EARLIER THAT ITS MY FIRST NOVEL SO I KNOW THERE CAN BE MANY MISTAKES AND ISSUES. SO, PLEASE BEAR WITH IT AND COMMENT ME SO I CAN CHECK IT AND CORRECT. AND I AM TRYING TO STAY OUT OF NORMAL ROUTINE OF PLOT. ------------------------------ What will you do if you ever given chance to talk with GOD and given a chance to ask for any one wish to come true? Then, what will you ask for? Money, fame, women, power, fan-following, immortality ,etc ? Same happened with Alexis , our protagonist, who is a typical school boy always get bullied by his school mates and comes from a poor background. He happened to get the chance to meet with God . God asked, " What did you wish for? i can make any one wish of yours come true!" Alexis said, "I-I....." What did Alexis asked for? And what he plans to do with his new wish? DON'T LIKE CLIFFHANGER? THEN DIVE NOW. Wish you a pleasurable journey!

BeggarProMax · Urban
Not enough ratings
24 Chs



"O-Our boss was calling for you!" Nord said while trembling.

'Let's end this completely.", Alexis thought.

"Okay! Let's go!" Alexis said as he stood up from his seat.

"Huh? Oh-okay!" Nord didn't expected that Alexis will agree this quickly.

And they left the class.


Alex was led to a 4th year class.

Alexa met a group of students of about 10-20 standing in class .

Just as he entered the class he heard a voice.

"So you are the one who is challenging Gabriel's authority ,huh?", Jack said. He was sitting in the middle while other students have surrounded him as he was some kind of precious jewel.

"Are you Gabriel Nova?" Alexis asked casually.

"Nope! Before meeting Gabriel you have to beat us!", Jack said

"Why?", Alexis uninterestingly.

"If you want to climb a ladder , you have to follow the steps. You can't just jump to top." Jack said.

"Very well let's get done with this." Alexis said as he got in fighting position.

But the next moment his eyes widened in shock.




The classroom is transformed into an arena of chaos. Desks are pushed aside, papers fly through the air, and the tension is palpable. Alexis stands at one end, his eyes focused and determination etched across his face. Surrounding him are 15-20 students, fueled by anger and a desire to challenge his dominance. It's a battle that will test his skills and resilience.

The students, with clenched fists and determined expressions, close in on Alexis from all sides. They begin to attack simultaneously, launching punches and kicks with relentless aggression.

Alexis, a master(in a sense) of multiple martial arts, expertly weaves through the onslaught. He evades strikes with cat-like reflexes, employing swift footwork to keep his opponents off balance.

With a burst of energy, Alexis counters the first attacker, executing a precise elbow strike that sends the student reeling backward. He then turns his attention to another, unleashing a flurry of strikes—a combination of punches, kicks, and sweeps that swiftly dispatches his next opponent.

The remaining students regroup, realizing the magnitude of their challenge. They adjust their strategy, attempting to overwhelm Alexis with sheer numbers. But he remains focused, using his martial arts training to exploit their openings and vulnerabilities.


Alexis employs a combination of Taekwondo kicks to create distance, Judo throws to incapacitate his opponents, and swift strikes from karate and Kali Arnis* to keep them at bay. He moves with deadly precision, incapacitating one student after another.

A/N*: Arnis, also known as Kali Arnis is the national martial art of the Philippines.

Despite their best efforts, the students struggle to land a single significant blow on Alexis.

As the fight continues, the classroom becomes a battlefield, chaos unfolding with each strike and counter-move. The sounds of grunts, thuds, and shattering objects fill the air.


Alexis maintains his composure, never losing sight of his goal—to neutralize his opponents without inflicting permanent harm. He focuses on disabling techniques, using joint locks and submission holds to incapacitate the remaining students.

Gradually, the fight comes to a crescendo. The remaining students, bruised and battered, begin to realize the futility of their efforts. One by one, they step back, conceding defeat.

The classroom falls into an eerie silence as Alexis stands in the center, his breath heavy but victorious. He looks around at the aftermath of the fight, assessing the damage caused.

Alexis looks coldly at Jack.

Jack who felt Alexis's gaze, trembled in fear.

"I-….." Before he can say anything Alexis appeared in front of him and punched him in the face.


Jack fell backwards.

" I won't repeat again, ' Where is Gabriel?'", Alexis asked with cold eyes.

Jack who saw Alexis's expression and cold look knew if he lied or tried to do something. He might get seriously injured.

"G-Gyna..sium!" Jack replied honestly.

Alexis heard Jack's reply turned around and got read to left.

But once he reached to the door, he looked at the lying students and then looked at Jack.

"Send them to the infirmary. And don't cause trouble for Miss Jenny! Understood?" Alexis said and left.

"Y-Yes boss!" Jack subconsciously replied.

After Alexis left, Nord who was hiding in the corner rushed to Jack's side.

"B-Boss, are you okay?" Nord said as he helped Jack getting up.

"Do I look like okay to you? What the hell he even eat? His fits are hard as rock." Jack said.

"Go tell everyone that boss is going to change in the school and tell them to head to Gymnasium. And send them to infirmary and remember what boss told not to cause trouble for Miss Jenny." Jack said and left the classroom.

"Linbin and Dublin ! Go tell everyone . I'll send them to infirmary." Nord said as he looked at students lying and groaning in pain.

And soon the news spread to everyone in school whether it was teacher or students, anybody who knew Gabriel abandoned their class and decided to see the showdown between the Gabriel and the unknown student.

And Alexa and Amy was also amongst these students.


Alexis who didn't knew about the stunt played by Jack even after getting beaten up decided to head to bathroom to see the notifications he got during the fight.

"System" Alexis called out system.


[ Body assimilation…34% completed! ]

[ Body assimilation…38% completed! ]

"Oh! I am 2% left for next major change", Alexis said as he looked at the percentage bar which has now only 2 percent left for the next change.

"I think it will get completed once I beat that Wild Dog." Alexis said with a evil smile.


Alexis washed his face and left to conquer the school and become the 'Conqueror'.


Alexis reached the Gymnasium.

"Have you seen Gabriel?", Alexis asked a student.

"Oh! Gabriel, he is right there in the ring" Student replied as he pointed towards the ring where a student was boxing with another student.

"Which one is Gabriel?" Alexis said as he was confused because there were two students in the ring. And, he had never seen Gabriel also.

"Of course, it's the red one who is beating shit out of the opponent." Student replied as he was telling something obvious.

Alexis went towards the ring.

He looked at Gabriel and remembered he had seen the guy once in the toilet.

'So he is Gabriel.' Alexis thought as he looked at the fight in the ring. Well, rather than saying it would be right to say a one-sided massacre.

He had rumors earlier that Gabriel was boxing champion but Alexis was sure that if he had to rank Gabriel's boxing then it would be peak of [ BEGINNER ] rank.

A/N*: Basic> Beginner> Intermediate> Advanced> Peak. These are ranks for both sports and knowledge.

If Alexis only had [ Basic Boxing ] then he was sure that he wouldn't have been able to handle a single punch of Gabriel .

But Alexis had confident that with his [ Basic Fighting ] which is the culmination of different type of martial arts in the world , he wont lose.


Opponent fell on the floor of ring and Gabriel easily won.

Just as Alexis was about to go in the ring , he was surprised to see...….


What do you guys think?

Is it okay?

Was there any mistakes ? i corrected which i found.

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