
World Under My Feet!

HELLO GUYS, THIS IS MY VERY FIRST NOVEL AND VERY FIRST WRITING ALSO. I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE IT. AND AS I SAID EARLIER THAT ITS MY FIRST NOVEL SO I KNOW THERE CAN BE MANY MISTAKES AND ISSUES. SO, PLEASE BEAR WITH IT AND COMMENT ME SO I CAN CHECK IT AND CORRECT. AND I AM TRYING TO STAY OUT OF NORMAL ROUTINE OF PLOT. ------------------------------ What will you do if you ever given chance to talk with GOD and given a chance to ask for any one wish to come true? Then, what will you ask for? Money, fame, women, power, fan-following, immortality ,etc ? Same happened with Alexis , our protagonist, who is a typical school boy always get bullied by his school mates and comes from a poor background. He happened to get the chance to meet with God . God asked, " What did you wish for? i can make any one wish of yours come true!" Alexis said, "I-I....." What did Alexis asked for? And what he plans to do with his new wish? DON'T LIKE CLIFFHANGER? THEN DIVE NOW. Wish you a pleasurable journey!

BeggarProMax · Urban
Not enough ratings
24 Chs



Although, he defeated Gabriel but it wasn't easy.



Alexis heard two familiar voices and turned around to look.

What he saw, shocked him...…


His sister and Amy was running towards him.

"Alexis/Brother are you okay?", Amy and Alexa said at the same time their own version.

They looked at each other and then at Alexis.

"Brother ! H-How did you get so strong?" Alexa said. Her brother she knew was very weak and thin . But what she saw today was something else.

"What do you mean 'How'? I was always strong, it's just I didn't use it. And these guys first provoked me ." Alexis explained.

"Alexis! You were looking so cool while fighting." Amy said with a little blush.

"Y-Yeah!" Amma also nodded and blushed.

Alexa looked at both girls smiled and moved towards Alexis's side.

Alexa locked her hands with Alexi's hand.

"Let's go brother."Alexa said as she looked towards Amy and Amma.

When everyone was busy chatting, Alexis left the ring quietly.


Alexis retuned to class after dropping his sister in her class.

When Alexis returned to class he noticed that everyone was gazing at him.

Most of the students had seen Alexis fighting with Gabriel and defeating him. And knowing that one who defeated school's strongest bully was in their class. They were surprised and filled with admiration.

Alexis ignored as he knew this was bound to happen as whole school has seen him beating Gabriel to pulp. So, receiving attention like this was understandable.

And among them there were teachers also.

Alexis was focusing on class as teacher was teaching in the class.

Alexis was focusing, but he suddenly remembered "Ding!' sound during fight.

'System', Alexis said in his mind. This was also one of the feature of System, he can call or give commands just in his mind.


[ Body assimilation…40% completed! ]

[ Body assimilation…41% completed! ]

[ Body assimilation…43% completed! ]

[ Body assimilation…44% completed! ]

[ Do you wish to continue body assimilation? ]

[ YES ] [ NO ]

Alexis was shocked to see that his body assimilation has increased to 44%.

It had increased by 6%.

'Well, it's understandable as its just like gaining large amount of experience when you defeat a high level mob when you are low a level player in game.' Alexis said as he solved the mystery behind his assimilation's increment.

Alexis clicked on [ NO ] as he ddin't want to assimilate his body now.

He was in class now and when he remembered his reactions from last assimilation.

'It will be better to do it home. Who knows what might happen?' Alexis said as he made his decision.

Classes passed just like that.

When last class ended.

"Alexis! Meet me in the teacher's office when you are done!!" Teacher said and went out of the class.

"Okay teacher!", Alexis said. He wasn't surprised when teacher called him.

Alexis put his belongings in his bag and went out to teacher's office.


In teacher's office,


Alexis knocked on door!

"Come in!" A voice answered.


Alexis opened the door and went in.

"Teacher, did you called for me?", Alexis asked.

"I wanted to talk to you about your fight with Gabriel." Teacher didn't wasted his time on anything and asked.

"Yes teacher, what about it?", Alexis said as he didn't understand what his teacher wanted to talk to talk about.

"Why did you fight with him?" Teacher adjusted his specs and asked.

"Oh! About that! What happened was.....blah.....blah...….blah…..blah", Alexis honestly told everything what happened with him and others. And how bullies used to extort money from them and threaten if they tell teacher about it.

After 900 seconds later-----

"...that's what happened." Alexis said as he told everything to his teacher.

"I see! You guys have gone though so much." Teacher said. He was quite shocked to hear the content of Alexis's explanation.

"We are sorry Alexis! As a teacher it was our responsibility to teach and discipline them." Teacher said with a sad expression.

"It's nothing teacher! All things are now in the past." Alexis said and tried to cheer up his teacher.

"Thank you Alexis! You must be tired. You can go now!" Teacher said.

"Thank you teacher!" Alexis said as he left the office.


When Alexis reached the school gate.

He was surprised to see that his sister ,her best friend Amma and Amy was standing at the gate.

"What are you guys doing here?" Alexis asked.

"Obviously we were waiting for you. Amy told us that teacher called you! Is everything okay?" Alexa asked worryingly.

"Nothing happened! Teacher just wanted to ask some questions." Alexis said.

"We were worried about you!" Alexa said.

Seeing the worried face of his sister , Amma and Amy . Alexis was quite touched.

"Thank you for worrying about me!" Alexis said with sincerity.

"Alexis, if you face any problem, you can say to me . My father is an advocate." Amy said as she gave him a card.

"You can tell me too. My brother is also very strong." Amma also said she doesn't want to lag behind.

Both Amma and Amy looked at each other and sparks can be seen between them.

"Fufufu~.." Alexa smiled as she saw the scene in front of her eyes.

"Thank you! I will if I ever need your help." Alexis said.

"Let's go!" Alexis said as he started leaving school compound.


In a tall skyscraper,

"Boss! Alington High School has a new boss now! Gabriel lost to someone known as "Bloody Hound." A specs wearing student said.

"Oh! That Wild Dog lost to someone? Find out about everything about him." ????? said.

"Yes boss!" Specs wearing student said and left.


Wetstone High School,

"Boss! Alington High School has a new boss now! Gabriel lost to someone known as "Bloody Hound." A student said.



"Gabriel lost to someone? That's quite unexpected." ????? said as he sopped doing gym.

"Find out about that "Bloody Hound", ????? said.


Osmana High School,

"Boss! Someone has defeated Gabriel", A man in black jacket said.

"Well, he was weak to begin with", ????? said uninterestingly as was smoking.

????? took a puff and said, "Find out who defeated him!"

"Yes boss!" Man in jacket said.


Alexis who was unaware of the storm he has created was going home while talking happily with sister and friends.


What do you guys think?

Is it okay?

Was there any mistakes ? i corrected which i found.

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