
World Under My Feet!

HELLO GUYS, THIS IS MY VERY FIRST NOVEL AND VERY FIRST WRITING ALSO. I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE IT. AND AS I SAID EARLIER THAT ITS MY FIRST NOVEL SO I KNOW THERE CAN BE MANY MISTAKES AND ISSUES. SO, PLEASE BEAR WITH IT AND COMMENT ME SO I CAN CHECK IT AND CORRECT. AND I AM TRYING TO STAY OUT OF NORMAL ROUTINE OF PLOT. ------------------------------ What will you do if you ever given chance to talk with GOD and given a chance to ask for any one wish to come true? Then, what will you ask for? Money, fame, women, power, fan-following, immortality ,etc ? Same happened with Alexis , our protagonist, who is a typical school boy always get bullied by his school mates and comes from a poor background. He happened to get the chance to meet with God . God asked, " What did you wish for? i can make any one wish of yours come true!" Alexis said, "I-I....." What did Alexis asked for? And what he plans to do with his new wish? DON'T LIKE CLIFFHANGER? THEN DIVE NOW. Wish you a pleasurable journey!

BeggarProMax · Urban
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24 Chs



Alexis put his bag on the bed and held the parcel in his hands.

Alexis went over to his study desk and opened the drawer and retrieve a cutter to open the parcel.



Alexis cut the tapings and when he saw the thing inside the parcel , his eyes widened because...


Alexis cut the tapings and when he saw the thing inside the parcel , his eyes widened because the thing inside the parcel was 2-Documentaries which he purchased from a website on a very cheap.

Alexis was surprised because the seller was selling books at a very cheap price. Like, if each book was 50$ in the market then the seller was selling each for 10$ only, which is in complete loss . At first, he thought that seller is a scammer but he wanted to read these documentaries because it was his hobby to read books and the prime example of it was his bookshelf which was loaded with books of many genres, so he took the gamble and ordered it.

And now here it is.

"Wow! It really came", Alexis said in surprise.

"I thought it was a scam since it was not delivered on its delivery time which was last week.", said Alexis with a hint of astonishment.

"And condition is also next to new one. Now, I wonder why would someone sell it at a loss price? Maybe he was in a urgent need of money something? Or it was gifted to him then, selling it on 10$ was his profit!" Alexis pondered the reason.

"Well whatever maybe , as the saying goes, ' Your trash can be someone's treasure!' It's a total jackpot for me.", Alexis cheered himself up.


Alexis put the books on his study desk and started to prepare to take shower.


After taking a long shower, Alexis changed into his home's clothes and went to dinner table to take his lunch .

And after filling his belly to the satisfaction level, he went into his room and took the books and started reading them while lying on his bed.

2 hours later------

After reading book constantly for 2 hours Alexis started to feel drowsy and decided to take a small nap of around 45mins-1hr.


Alexis put the books to the side and closed his drowsy eyes.


In a vast place, there is a large lake(water body) of infinite area and large sky of infinite kilometers. And lakes water was acting as a VERY big mirror.

Alexis was lying on the lake and surprisingly lake wasn't deep .

"Uggh" , Alexis woke up.

"Hm? W-Where am I?", Alexis thought as in front of his eyes there was infinite size mirror-like lake and sky.

"Wasn't I lying in my room?" Alexis thought of his last memory

"But where the heck am I ?", Alexis got up from the water surface but miraculously he wasn't wet . After getting up he started looking to get some clue of his location and situation but reality disappointed him as he was not able to find anything.

He started walking here and there .

"What kind of dream is this?" Alexis thought he was dreaming so he decided to pinch himself.

"Eeekkk!", Alexis cried in pain as he pinched himself.

"It's not a dream! Am I lucid dreaming?", Alexis thinks of a possibility.

And just as Alexis thinking , a while light shone , it's brightness was even more powerful than sun as just as he looked at the light his eyes started to hurt and tears started rolling .




Alexis was able to hear sound of fast winds but surprisingly water was not showing any motion or to say the phenomena in front of his eyes seems to defy physics and laws of nature itself.

Alexis also noticed that brightness started to dimmish and he was able to move his head to see in front.

And he was able to see silhouette of a person.

And as the brightness fading away, silhouette of man started to become clear.

30 seconds later---------

Now Alexis was able to see the man in front of him, instead of saying him man would make him sound as an old man instead he was a young man in his 20s. His handsomeness was above any superstar or idol he has seen till now. His skin was flawless . He had dark black color hairs and man seems to be wearing a full-black tuxedo. The person in front of him like a ethereal being.

"W-Who are you?" , Alexis came back to his senses and asked in a panicking tone. His instincts and senses were telling him that the person in front of him is very-very-very dangerous.

"Me?", the person in front of him asked. His voice was so charismatic and clear that even if the person in front of Alexis was standing 10 meters away but he was able to listen his voice loud and clear . And just as the person's voice fell in his ears, his all worries and tension vanished like a rat avoiding a cat.

"Y-Y-Yes!", said Alexis but he seemed like he was trying to trying to say.

" I have many names and many avatars . For everyone, I am different. For some I am money while for others I am tree. I, myself don't know my name as everyone calls me by different name and the most common which was given to me is GOD…" the person who claimed to be GOD said to Alexis.

"Y-You are GOD? How can that be ?" Alexis said.

" Yes, I am indeed GOD you human says and sorry we GODs don't carry identification cards and something. And You must be confused by appearance, right?" GOD said as he read Alexis's mind .


"Do you believe now?", GOD said as he changed into Jesus Christ.


"Now?", GOD this time changed into Shiva


"Now?", this time GOD changed into Sang-Je.

"So you must have understood by now, right? We GODs are what you imagine.", said GOD in a calm voice.

Alexis nods in head as he get the gist of the situation he was in.

" So, am I ...."

" No you are not dead." GOD said before Alexis could completes his sentence.

"Then where am I?" asked Alexis.

"This is a plain which is in the middle of your soul and body or what we GODs call as "Plain of Beginning.", replied GOD.

"And what do you mean by 'We' ? Are there more GODs other than you?", Alexis asked out of curiosity.

"Hmm…Indeed there are many GODs in this vast universe. Other GODs call me as Oasis. And for your kind information we GODs also reproduce." GOD Oasis replied as he freed Alexis from his curiosity.

"Oh! But why am I here if I am not dead?" Alexis asked with confused expression.

"Well! Why you are here is a difficult question! If I have to say then you were destined to come here and meet me or I was destined to come here and meet you! You see, for us GODs also , destiny is as confusing as for you humans. Even we GODs can't escape from destiny." GOD Oasis replied.

"Then, do I have some kind of divine bloodline or trait or something?" Alexis asked as he thought of many novels and comics which he read during his free time.

"Nope! You are as plain as a normal human would be!" GOD said as he shook his head.

"Oh!" Alexis nodded his head and a little bit disappointed.

"Well now you have been here . Then it's my duty as a GOD to return but returning you without giving you anything would leave a bad image of me. So, human child, I can make any one wish of yours come true. Ask what did you yearn for?", GOD said without even hesitating.



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