
World Under My Feet!

HELLO GUYS, THIS IS MY VERY FIRST NOVEL AND VERY FIRST WRITING ALSO. I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE IT. AND AS I SAID EARLIER THAT ITS MY FIRST NOVEL SO I KNOW THERE CAN BE MANY MISTAKES AND ISSUES. SO, PLEASE BEAR WITH IT AND COMMENT ME SO I CAN CHECK IT AND CORRECT. AND I AM TRYING TO STAY OUT OF NORMAL ROUTINE OF PLOT. ------------------------------ What will you do if you ever given chance to talk with GOD and given a chance to ask for any one wish to come true? Then, what will you ask for? Money, fame, women, power, fan-following, immortality ,etc ? Same happened with Alexis , our protagonist, who is a typical school boy always get bullied by his school mates and comes from a poor background. He happened to get the chance to meet with God . God asked, " What did you wish for? i can make any one wish of yours come true!" Alexis said, "I-I....." What did Alexis asked for? And what he plans to do with his new wish? DON'T LIKE CLIFFHANGER? THEN DIVE NOW. Wish you a pleasurable journey!

BeggarProMax · Urban
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24 Chs



After this chapter we are going to go on a fast pace. I will try to keep the details but I can't guarantee.

Please comment me if you want me to fast-pace the novel or keep the same speed.

I will wait only for 2 days and if I get around 5-6 comments in favor then only I will increase the speed.



Both Anthony and Max raised their brows.

Alexis sat on his designated seat. On his left sat Alexa and Amma while on the other hand Amy.

A/N*: Take seating arrangement as in C shape. Max is seating on the opposite side while Anthony in the middle and Alexis and group on the other side.

"Okay! Shall we start the meeting!" Alexis said as he crossed his legs.


Jack moved forward.

Jack looked at Alexis and saw him nodding his head.

"W-We are here to talk about the unusual movements of Osmana High in Alington High's territory."

A specs boy came forward from Osmana High's loation.

"We're not doing anything wrong, Alex! We were just passing through." Specs stood in front of Jack and replied.

"Passing through? Come on! We've noticed your Osmana High students making unusual movements in our neighborhood. You think we don't see what's going on?" Jack replied with confidence.

" Unusual movements? That's just a bunch of nonsense! We're not here to cause trouble. Our presence shouldn't bother you. We're just going about our business." Specs boy replied in defensive tone.

" Your business? Your business is encroaching on our turf! You're disrespecting Alington High, and we won't stand for it! This street is ours, and you need to leave." Jack said but this time in an angry tone.

Specs boy raised his voice and said, "You're acting like some kind of street vigilante!"

" Street vigilante? No!. I'm just standing up for what's rightfully ours. We've worked hard to establish our reputation and maintain 'peace' in this area. Your intrusion threatens that." Jack said firmly.

" Oh, please! Your precious reputation? We're not here to challenge your reputation,. We're just going about our daily lives. You can't control everything and everyone." Specs boy replied sarcastically.

" Don't play innocent. We know what your group is up to. We've heard rumors about your involvement in illegal activities. If you think you can bring that into our neighborhood, you're dead wrong!" Jack said pointing aggressively.

Max heard and pointed his subordinate who was standing next to him to go forward. He was Max's right hand man, Tyler. He is known for ridiculously fast speed. He had white long hairs and thin body frame.

Seeing Max's gesture, Tyler nodded his head and went forward with a dashing speed.

He stretched out his punch to hit Jack on the face.

Jack who saw upcoming punch at a ridiculously fast-pace, his mind went blank and only one thought remained, " I am dead! "

Jack subconsciously closed his eyes.

After few moments, Jack opened his eyes confused as he wasn't hit.

He saw Tyler with an extending arm but expression was not something he was expecting.

Tyler face sweating profusely.

Jack moved his head to the side and shocked as he saw one of the beauties who was with his boss was now standing next to him, more accurately Amma, stopping Tyler's punch with a stick.

Earlier Alexis saw the small interaction between Max and Tyler and understood and told everyone to be on stand by mode.

And told Amma to go forward if she saw someone making move towards Jack.

Max, who saw the seen in front of him was flabbergasted.

'H-How? I wasn't able to see her movements? Is she faster and stronger than Tyler who is one-of the best in the group?' Multiple thoughts started popping in Max's head.

'Oho! Was there someone like her in Alington high all along? Her movements were very fast and seemless.' Anthony said as he was also surprised to see the scene in front of him.

'But wasn't she carrying two sticks? Where is the other one' Anthony thought as he remembered every girl carrying two sticks with them.

'Don't tell me….'

"Holy shit!"

"Did she just countered Tyler head-on"

"That's insane"

"Look at her other stick!"

Anthony and Max also looked and again got shocked.

Amma's other stick was aiming at Tyler's side-ribcage. He knew that opponent in front of him is faster than him and if he tried to make movements , he was sure that he was going to hit at ribcage with great momentum. It could have broke his ribs. And he also that opponent doesn't have any ounce of hesitation in her eyes.

Anthony and Max who saw the scene, only one came out into their heads 'Monster! This girl is a fcking monster. That amount of reflexes can alone was enough to defeat Tyler.'

"That's enough!" Alexis said and looked towards Amma and nodded his head.

Amma also nodded her head at him and withdrew from the fight stance and went towards her friends.

Alexis stood and moved toward Osmana High.

"Care to explain?" Alexis asked in an annoyed tone.

"We were testing if you have capability to back your words!" Max said as he thought that Amma and others were sticking to him just because he has handsome face. He also thought that although he beat Gabriel but that's all to it. Even Tyler could have beaten Gabriel.

"Oh! Is that so?" Alexis said.



Max was about to complete his sentence when fast-paced front kick came into his view and dodged immediately.

"Oh! You dodged it!" Alexis said amusingly.

"Grr…" Max gritted his teeth and took fighting stance.

But before he can look at Alexis , a fast paced punch landed on his abdomen.

"Kuaaghhhh!" Max grunts in pain and fall on his knees.

"Oh! That's it! I thought he would be stronger! Looks like overestimated them.


"Oh! You wanna take revenge for your boss?" Alexis asked as he saw Max's subordinate coming towards him.

Alexis swiftly dodged their punches and hit them with jab on chin and making them faint.

In an instant, Osmana High's main force collapsed.

Everyone was flabbergasted except for three girls.

'H-He is stronger than before!!' Gabriel thought as he remembered that Alexis was equally match with him but the one in front of him is stronger than seamless then before.

'F-Fckkk! What the hell is this?' Anthony was shocked. He knew that he was stronger than Gabriel but not to this extent. He doesn't have any words for him.

Lab-Dab! Lab-Dab! Lab-Dab! Lab-Dab!

His heart beat started racing.

Alexis looked at Max's side and saw him standing.

He went towards him and grabbed his collar.

"Ugg…!" Max who was lost in the pain didn't realized Alexis coming.

"Do you know what I hate the most in comic and novels?" Alexis asked Max.

"N-No.." Max replied.

"The one who claims that they are testing MC's and MC's also believe them even if they have gone though shits and do nothing. Although I may not be MC but the moment I heard you testing me , makes me remember those a$$holes characters." Alexis said in an annoyed tone.

"Wh-What?" Max said as he was stunned by Alexis's reply.

Everyone who was present there was also stunned.

'J-Just because of that?' Anthony nearly puked blood.

"Do you think I would let you go after you said you were testing me?"

"Do I look like that easy to you?"

"You a$$holes, why don't you test you family for raising you. Doing shit like this , instead of studying."

Alexis started beating Max. Well, it was more like venting out personnel grievance.

"Brother! That's enough!" Alexa said in a loud voice.

Alexis who heard her sister's voice stopped in his 'actions'.

"Che!" Alexis stood up and left.

"Let's go" Alexis said and decided to leave.

Jack and Gabriel also followed him.

Alexis turned around and said with cold eyes , "Ah! I forgot! If I see or heard of your men in my school area then that would be your last day as boss."

Alexis turned around and left.

Whole floor was filled with an eerie silence.


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