
World Under My Feet!

HELLO GUYS, THIS IS MY VERY FIRST NOVEL AND VERY FIRST WRITING ALSO. I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE IT. AND AS I SAID EARLIER THAT ITS MY FIRST NOVEL SO I KNOW THERE CAN BE MANY MISTAKES AND ISSUES. SO, PLEASE BEAR WITH IT AND COMMENT ME SO I CAN CHECK IT AND CORRECT. AND I AM TRYING TO STAY OUT OF NORMAL ROUTINE OF PLOT. ------------------------------ What will you do if you ever given chance to talk with GOD and given a chance to ask for any one wish to come true? Then, what will you ask for? Money, fame, women, power, fan-following, immortality ,etc ? Same happened with Alexis , our protagonist, who is a typical school boy always get bullied by his school mates and comes from a poor background. He happened to get the chance to meet with God . God asked, " What did you wish for? i can make any one wish of yours come true!" Alexis said, "I-I....." What did Alexis asked for? And what he plans to do with his new wish? DON'T LIKE CLIFFHANGER? THEN DIVE NOW. Wish you a pleasurable journey!

BeggarProMax · Urban
Not enough ratings
24 Chs



If Alexis only had [ Basic Boxing ] then he was sure that he wouldn't have been able to handle a single punch of Gabriel .

But Alexis had confident that with his [ Basic Fighting ] which is the culmination of different type of martial arts in the world , he wont lose.


Opponent fell on the floor of ring and Gabriel easily won.

Just as Alexis was about to go in the ring , he was surprised to see...….


Just as Alexis was about to go in the ring , he was surprised to see that one of the student came and whispered something in his ear . What surprised him was that the student was one of the student he beat earlier in the class.

After student finished whispering , Gabriel looked towards Alexis with cold eyes.

Alexis climbed the ring and stood in front of Gabriel.

Just as he entered the ring, a large amount of student coming in the Gymnasium.

" Did you hear someone challenged Gabriel ?" Student A said.

"Yeah! Is he mad or something, challenging Gabriel? Did he really want to die!?", Student B said.

"Who knows? Maybe he has strength to challenge Gabriel?" Student C said.

"What the…..?", Alexis cursed out, seeing the sheer amount of students.

"News spread faster! Oi, do you really want to challenge me? Think again, you would get humiliated in front of these many people. It's not late , think again.

"No need ! Because of you many people are suffering. Although I am not a messiah or something , but if something is wrong and I have strength to stop it , I wont sit still either." Alexis said confidently.

The school gymnasium brims with energy as students gather, eagerly anticipating a showdown. Standing at one end of the arena is Alexis, a 'master of martial arts', proficient in a wide range of disciplines including karate, Judo, Taekwondo, kali arnis, and more. Across from him stands Gabriel Nova, the strongest bully student in the school and a skilled boxing expert. The atmosphere is charged with tension as they prepare to clash.


Gabriel smirks confidently, flexing his muscles to intimidate Alexis.

"You think you can handle me with your fancy martial arts moves? Prepare to be knocked out." Gabriel said while chuckling.

A/N*: The student who whispered told him how he defeated so many students. Not in details but clear enough to understand.

Alexis remains calm, his gaze focused and determined.

"There's more to fighting than just fists, Gabriel. Let's see if you can keep up." Alexis said confidently.

"Hey Alexa! Isn't he your brother?" Amma said to Alexa who also came to see the showdown.

"Y-Yeah! But what the hell is doing there?", Alexa said worryingly.

"A-Alexis!" Amy was also shocked to see Alexis.

Gabriel charges forward, launching a rapid series of powerful punches. His technique is honed, each strike carrying immense force.

Alexis, quick and agile, evades Gabriel's punches with impeccable footwork and well-timed blocks. He moves with precision, analyzing Gabriel's movements and looking for openings.


As Gabriel's frustration grows, he increases the intensity of his assault. He throws a devastating right hook, aimed at knocking Alexis off balance. But Alexis ducks under the punch, swiftly countering with a spinning kick to Gabriel's midsection.

Gabriel grunts in pain, momentarily staggered. Alexis seizes the opportunity, launching a flurry of strikes—precise punches, swift kicks, and expertly executed grappling moves. He uses his knowledge of different martial arts to keep Gabriel on the defensive.


But Gabriel is no ordinary opponent. He regains his footing, channeling his anger into a relentless onslaught of punches. Alexis weaves and blocks, skillfully evading the strikes with a combination of agility and technique.

As the battle intensifies, both combatants display their skill and determination. Gabriel's punches pack immense power, while Alexis's agility and versatility give him an edge.

Alexis capitalizes on a split-second opening, dodging a punch and delivering a lightning-fast combination of strikes. A precise kick lands squarely on Gabriel's jaw, sending him sprawling to the ground.

The gymnasium falls into stunned silence, the impact of the blow reverberating through the room. Gabriel, bloodied and bruised.

"D-Did just Gabriel puked blood?", Student P commented.

"It seems so!", Student D said.

"A-Alexis….." Amy said worryingly.

"Brother!" Alexa said holding her tightly.

Determined to fight back, he readjusts his stance, his eyes burning with newfound determination.

Gabriel begins to employ his boxing techniques more strategically, moving fluidly and expertly bobbing and weaving. He launches a devastating uppercut, aiming to land a decisive blow on Alexis.


But Alexis, a master of martial arts, is not easily shaken. With a combination of Judo and Taekwondo, he counters Gabriel's uppercut, redirecting its momentum and turning it into a powerful throw.

Gabriel hits the mat with a thud, momentarily winded. But he refuses to stay down. Pushing himself up, he grits his teeth and charges at Alexis, his punches fueled by sheer determination.

The fight intensifies, both fighters showcasing their skills and resilience. Gabriel manages to land a few solid punches on Alexis, showcasing the strength of his boxing. However, Alexis, drawing upon his martial arts background, counters with a dynamic mix of strikes, kicks, and grappling techniques.


The crowd watches in awe as the fight unfolds, the atmosphere charged with anticipation. Each blow exchanged between the two combatants is met with a collective gasp or cheer.

"Woaaaaaah!" Students cheered.

As the final moments of the fight approach, both Alexis and Gabriel show signs of exhaustion, their bodies battered and bruised. But their determination remains unwavering.

In a display of sheer willpower, Alexis unleashes a final series of strikes—a combination of karate kicks and Judo throws—that sends Gabriel sprawling to the ground. The gymnasium erupts with a mix of applause and awe.

"Waaaah! Gabriel got defeated." Many students said in unison.

"Bloody Hound." A student from the corner of the gym screamed.

"Bloody Hound" Students started chanting in unison.

"Bloody Hound"

"Bloody Hound"

"Bloody Hound"

"Bloody Hound"

"Bloody Hound"



Alexis adjusted his breathing.

"I am still weak!" Alexis said as he clenched his fists and looked at lying Gabriel.

Although, he defeated Gabriel but it wasn't easy.



Alexis heard two familiar voices and turned around to look.

What he saw, shocked him......…


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