
World Under My Feet!

HELLO GUYS, THIS IS MY VERY FIRST NOVEL AND VERY FIRST WRITING ALSO. I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE IT. AND AS I SAID EARLIER THAT ITS MY FIRST NOVEL SO I KNOW THERE CAN BE MANY MISTAKES AND ISSUES. SO, PLEASE BEAR WITH IT AND COMMENT ME SO I CAN CHECK IT AND CORRECT. AND I AM TRYING TO STAY OUT OF NORMAL ROUTINE OF PLOT. ------------------------------ What will you do if you ever given chance to talk with GOD and given a chance to ask for any one wish to come true? Then, what will you ask for? Money, fame, women, power, fan-following, immortality ,etc ? Same happened with Alexis , our protagonist, who is a typical school boy always get bullied by his school mates and comes from a poor background. He happened to get the chance to meet with God . God asked, " What did you wish for? i can make any one wish of yours come true!" Alexis said, "I-I....." What did Alexis asked for? And what he plans to do with his new wish? DON'T LIKE CLIFFHANGER? THEN DIVE NOW. Wish you a pleasurable journey!

BeggarProMax · Urban
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24 Chs



After this chapter we are going to go on a fast pace. I will try to keep the details but I can't guarantee.

Please comment me if you want me to fast-pace the novel or keep the same speed.

I will wait only for 2 days and if I get around 5-6 comments in favor then only I will increase the speed.



Jack and Gabriel also followed him.

Alexis turned around and said with cold eyes , "Ah! I forgot! If I see or heard of your men in my school area then that would be your last day as boss."

Alexis turned around and left.

Whole floor was filled with an eerie silence.


"Dude! Are you okay?" Anthony went towards Max.

"Uhh!....That bastard nearly killed me." Max as he tried to stand up.

"You guys can also wake up ! I know you are not unconscious!" Max said as he saw his lying subordinated.


"We got caught"

Anthony looked at them and was quite surprised.

"Don't worry about them, they are used to it." Max said as he took his seat.

"Bro! What I was saying earlier you want to do it?" Anthony asked as he also sat on his seat.

"About what? Alliance?" Max asked as he lit a cigarette and took a puff.

Anthony nodded his head.

"You can clearly tell that, that bastard is very strong and from the expression I saw earlier. I am sure he even didn't take seriously us. And even when he was beating you he was kinda looked disappointed." Anthony said as he also lit up a cigarette and took a puff.

"Indeed! I can also feel that! He was just thinking of us as a sheep." Max said.

"That's why I am telling you that we have to do something about it." Anthony said.

"But how? Didn't you see what he just did?" Max said as he took another puff.

"Don't give me that crap! You and I that they aren't your subordinates just a copy of them except Tyler" Anthony said.

Students standing by Max raised their eyebrows in surprise.

"Oh! But neither yours look the right also." Max said in a relaxed tone.

Anthony smiled and nodded his head.

"You know very well, right? That those guys only come for serious matters." Anthony said as he released a big cloud of smoke.

"You mean 'those three'?" Max asked.

Anthony nodded.

"So, what do you say about the alliance?" Anthony asked again.

"I will think about it. And I can't take decisions alone. Although I may be a boss but I have to first ask my executives" Max said in a calm tone.

'You bastard then why the heck are you boss?' Anthony thought in his mind but kept a smile on his face on outside.

"Then let's see you later !" Max as he stood up to leave.

"Ah! I forgot to ask! Are those rumors were true of your 'business'?" Anthony asked as he stood up.

"Who knows? Maybe or Maybe not?" Max said and left.

'Bastard! Do you think I don't know about your 'business'?' Anthony thought but kept a smile on his face.

"Let's go! We don't have any business here!" Anthony said as he also left the floor.


"Boss! Why didn't you accepted the alliance deal?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah boss! That bastard is crazily strong" Student A said.

"His punches were felt like getting it hit by a solid metal pipe" Student B said.

"Same" Student C and D nodded their heads also.

"You guys don't know! That bastard Anthony may seems like a good guy from his actions and expressions but he is a very clever guy. Although he is suggesting Alliance now but no one knows when he will betray us and backstab us." Max said as he kept walking.

"And don't you know how he became boss?" Max asked.

"Wasn't previous boss got into an accident?" A student said.

"Fools! That's what was told us but in reality he was the one who pushed him in front of a running car. Previous boss kept him with him cause he was very clever and smart. But who would have known that he will betray his own owner?" Max said..

"Anyway leave it there! Call all our boys back from Alington's territory." Max said to Tyler.

"Yes boss!" Tyler said.

Max nodded his head and kept walking.


On the other side,

"Brother! You were looking so cool back there" Alexa said.

"Y-Yeah" Amy and Amma said.

"You don't know but I was so scared back there! Those guys looked like they want to eat me up if I let my guard down! I watched 'Godfather' last night to practice." Alexis said.

"Woah! I can't even tell the difference in real and acting! Brother you are so good in acting." Alexa said with awe and surprised expression.

"It's nothing!" Alexis said. He used [ Beginner Acting Knowledge ].

"Well Alexis! Where did those two gone?" Amma asked as she didn't saw Gabriel nor Jack.

"Well they said, they have some business so they went to attend that." Alexis said what Jack and Gabriel told him.

When Gabriel and Jack saw Alexis's power showdown they got very scared. So, when they left the building they were scared that if Alexis lost his mind then they will have to bear the consequences.

"But brother! Will everything will be okay now?" Alexa asked.

"Well I don't think so. The people they brought were very weak . Although they looked strong but they had pumped bodies not refine ." Amma said.

Alexis nodded his and said ,"Indeed! They were not the real executives. They were just dummy."

"The reason I took fight was also because of the same reason. Although they looked strong but they were only gym guys like Nord except Tyler. Tyler was indeed one of the executives. And same with Anthony also. This was not their main man-power." Alexis said.

"Woah!" Three of them were surprised by Alexis's thoughtfulness.

"But what about alliance they were talking!?" Amy asked. She also heard when Max and Anthony were talking loudly about it.

"That won't going to happen now! It was all that Anthony's plan. He was talking loudly to let us hear it. So, that we will be in pressure and will attack Osmana High since it's the closest to us and after when both parties will be exhausted he will come and land final blow on both. And the reason why they won't make alliance now, because of trust issue. No matter how easy going Max seems but he is also a boss and knows his stuff too. He won't fall for it now!" Alexis said.

"Tch! What a dirty bastard!" Alexa said.

"Well that's how people are!" Alexis said.

"But what do you mean that he wont do it now?" Amy asked.

Alexa and Amma nodded their heads and looked at Alexis.

"Well they are not desperate now! Do you remember when Jack brought illegal business thing?" Alexis asked his audience.

Three of them nodded their head.

"You see! Max is greedy for money to the point he can do anything for it. When we weren't paying attention he was doing his business here easily and earning tons out of it but now its over. And do you know what a greedy person is scared about?" Alexis asked.

"Low digits?" Amma said.

"Bingo! You are right! So he can control his greed for few days but not for long! Once he sees that his digits are getting low then he would start losing his mind and do things he didn't wanted to. And as a result he will again look for our territory as it's smaller and have less man-power to defend it. And that's what Anthony is waiting for! To strike the deal when the iron is super hot and ready to mold." Alexis said in a calm tone.

"B-But brother! Won't it be disadvantageous for us?" Alexa asked worryingly.

"As I said earlier he wont do now! And you don't have to worry since I am here and you guys are also strong enough to beat the hell out of them if you get serious." Alexis said with confidence.

"Well that's true." Three of them nodded their heads.

"We can't be overconfident. In a battlefield there can be many variables. If fight broke out, we don't their executives information as they are well hidden that even Jack can't get a whiff. So, from tomorrow onwards I will teach you guys a new fighting style." Alexa said in a serious tone.

"Yes!" Three of them strengthen their will.


On the other side,

'Let's see how long are you going to hold.' Anthony said , unaware that Alexis has already seen through his schemes.



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