
The Monster: Trainer Kota

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  • 92 Chs
  • 3.8
    22 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is The Monster: Trainer Kota

Read ‘The Monster: Trainer Kota’ Online for Free, written by the author VILLIAN_MAKER, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ADVENTURE Light Novel, TRANSMIGRATION Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: The Pokemon series, with hundreds of episodes. It was not just an anime for us, it was a part of our life.It was an emot...


The Pokemon series, with hundreds of episodes. It was not just an anime for us, it was a part of our life. It was an emotion, something we will never forget. *** I traveled through the darkness, could see the light but not approach it. A new world of dreams, displayed itself to me but I couldn't live in it. I was scared, that I would face a similar situation there. But, I still fell for it. Pokemon Trainer, I wanted to be the best. Pokemon Master, I wanted to be the best. A path of hardship, struggle and pain, let us all witness it ourselves. My journey, of how I will be the greatest! ----------------------------- Cover not mine, if the owner wants it to be removed. Contact me through insta. This is in an alternate world, please expect various changes. Pokemon in here will be of different sizes than the ones shown on anime, as to make them more realistic. If anyone wants to talk to me for fun, Insta- @birkang_bty I have more fan-fiction novels, do try them out. Who knows, you might like one. -One Piece: I Am Psychopath [Completed] -Attack On Titan: Devil's Presence [Paused]

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I jump in and out of Harry Potter world .

Adam is a kid who live in Earth 1999998 where Captain America had fought in world war II and Tony stark has declayered himself as Iron-man . He is son of James and Lily Bekham. In his world he was a normal 14 year old kid who is a gifted genius . He like to live life with his own rule facing any problem headon . He one day get transmigrated to Harry potter world ( he didn't knew at first that he is in a alternate time line then original Harry potter world ) as Harry potter himself . anything Harry learn come back with Bekham to his own real world . Because of some mysterious cause Adam don't need a wand to perform magic and magic come easy to him . by using his knowledge as Bekham and the power of Harry potter Bekham unintensionally become a superhero . Adam bekham age 14 title - Gifted Genius skills - Genius scientists ( Major in Biomechanics , Biophysics , Biochemistry, Genetic designing , Mathmatics and theoritical Physics , ). CURRENT TECHNIQUES (LUMOS CHARM ) Allow the user to create any wavelength of electro magnetic spectrum . (SPECTRUM VISION ) Due to a side effect of being able sence magical power and adams adaptation to the magical power he developed specrum vision enabling him to see whole spectrum . (LEVITATION CHARM ) Original levitation charm only allow user to levitate an object or move object with there wand but as Adam does it directly with his brain . He could now controll movement of matter at a atomic scale giving the illusion of telekinesis. (TRANSFIGURATION) Magic being the primal force of nature is capable of bending reality on a quantumic scale . This ability allow Adam to change the reality of an non resisting or non intelligent organism into anything he so desire making it appear as something else entirely . (METAMORPHOMAGUS /SHAPESHIFTER) ADAM as Harry is a natural Born Metamorphomagus along with his newly mutated body and his prior knowledge in human anatomy /physiology grant him ascess to every atom in his own body . He could potentially shapeshift into anything thing he desire as long as he preiorly know the structure of his desired object and it come within the mass and energy consumption ratio. (TELESCOPIC VISION ) Adam with his friends have developed a blue print for organic eye that could grant telescopic vision to a human ( technologically imposible in current time ). But with the help of his shapeshifting he could change his eyes to have telescopic abilities . He can see up to a mile range with perfect sight . Including any spectrum vision will grant him telescopic spectrum vision. (Tactile telekinesis ) Mastering his Telekinetic abilities , Adam has learned to harness its power to enhance his strength , speed and agility . He could punch with two ton of force . or pinpoint the force with his finger in a single point without damaging his finger .( with increase in his magical power and improved controll it could grow indefinitely ) .

Trillionaire100 · Book&Literature
45 Chs
Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :Indigo League
Volume 2 :Mewtwo Strikes Back
Volume 3 :Johto League
Volume 4 :Pokemon 4ever


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If you are tired of those harem or completely overpowered pokemon fan fiction novels, worry not, because this novel is for you! A normal guy, no system, no heck, just pure memories of the anime. There are very little mistakes, even if there are, I re-read the chapters before anyone and correct them. Even so, there might be one or two mistakes which is not corrected because i am a human, and human do make mistakes. I update the chapters almost everyday! And if you want mass release, try convincing me!! And don't forget to check out my other fan fiction novel- "One Piece: I am Psychopath" Thank you!


Bipolar, sociopathic, narcissist 16 yr old captures 4 op pokemon in one day, abuses them till they evolve/learn a move while gaslighting them into thinking they are worthless and then sais... "WOW I DID THIS" randomly jumps in during plot to beat up team rocket then leaves people to die just for funsies?


it's too plain....no theory, no background,no conversation,no emotions or feeling between trainer and it's Pokemon (it felt like NPCs)… idk about others but this seems a bit forceful with kota's personality and story pacing like superspeed. I can’t get over how the conversation is worded, im out( not a bad storie so far but I have a lot of ticks in Pokémon stories that make me not want to read them).


the mc is a pokemon abuser and generally unlikable. he takes offense to everything and is insanely entitled. mc "clenches his fist in rage when the pokemon dosent want to come with him" and proceeds to beat it half to death for "daring to refuse my offer" its like a chinese young master. trash novel.


Dammmm, never knew this fanfic existed, like I read the one-piece fanfic from the same author but forgot he was writing a new one. The main character seems neutral evil. Unquie in it own way, not everything is canon but it doesn't matter.


Is this redo? cuz if its the same then... its kind of too much something... i dont know what but if it is redo i probably would read it if it werent well... im dropping it...


Pretty good fanfic :) A lil character development where mc turns nicer would be sick, but besides that no real complaints. good to the point


I look at it's over emotional summary and than i look at it's coded NPC like MC with no personality . No interaction with his Pokemon and not even using his pokedex .


Pretty good fanfic :) A lil character development where mc turns nicer would be sick, but besides that no real complaints. For some reason it wont let me post until I write more words so this sentence is now here.


Ouch. Not a subtle read in the beginning. I had no problems with the current reading level. I generally enjoyed the start, but as it progresses further it would then turn bland. Not enough details, development with the pokemon, or even a set goal. I encourage the improvement of the author! <3


It can't be that bad, I hope it's just a humorous parody.... The MC is cardboard, there is no story, all the action is stupid and illogical, the battles are terrible.


Nice bro, es una historia interesante con buen desarrollo de personaje principal, buen desarrollo de peleas, villanos y varias cosas menos importantes peor que juntas hacen que sea una historia disfrutable y no tan llena de clichés como algunas más de este género, suelo leer historias en otros idiomas para mejorar mi dominio, pero realmente disfrute leer esta vez


its a meh but i enjoyed it. even with its plot holes. like the mc, why his like that parents, environment, so on and so forth. good over all, would recommend.


kinda doodoo to tired for a real review.


Reveal spoiler


I like the way the novel is proceeding! no useless romance! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. MORE!!!! PLEASE WRITE MORE CHAPTERS!! !! !!


Reveal spoiler


So far i have enjoyed the story hope u dont drop this fanfic novel and continue....................................................................................


More chapter please ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////




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