

Author: Irene ofure
Contemporary Romance
Completed · 27.8K Views
  • 46 Chs
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Read ‘MARRIED TO MR CEO’ Online for Free, written by the author Irene ofure, This book is a Contemporary Romance Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Coralline Scott was once a loving and cheerful girl. Though without parents, she still enjoyed her life without worries....


Coralline Scott was once a loving and cheerful girl. Though without parents, she still enjoyed her life without worries. She had the best boyfriend a girl would ever ask for and a very good friend. Life was going great for her until her caught her best friend and boyfriend having intercourse. She couldn't contain the heartbreak she felt until she crossed lanes with the most powerful man in New York, Damon Gonzales. He was someone who would sacrifice anything for her happiness but will Coralline be willing to open her heart again for someone else? What happens when Coralline finds out that her ex boyfriend is related to the person that made her an orphan. How would she feel when she finds out that her relationship with her ex boyfriend was just a plot. Grab onto your seatbelt and join me in amazing and intriguing ride between love and revenge.

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