

Vivian's POV

I woke up due to the sound of painful grunts. I observed my sorroundings and found out I was still in the hospital.

John was awake already, and the noise was coming from him. I stretched my stiff body a little and went to meet him.

'What happened? Why do you have bruises all over your body?' I asked feigning concern.

'It's nothing, I just got into a small fight' he said.

'Small fight? And you were bruised up like this' I said.

'Who were you fighting with?' I asked.

'Just a friend' he answered curtly.

'Who's this friend that beat you up like this?' I asked again

'No one. Just forget about it' he said.

'Whatever. I wanted to talk to you about something' I said

'Can't it wait? I have so many things to worry about now' he said sighing.

'It can't wait. It's really urgent' I said

'What is it Vivian?' He asked tiredly.

'All the videos we shot yesterday has vanished. There isn't any single trace of them in the internet anymore' I said