

Vivian' POV

'What is the meaning of this?' Josh asked, flinging a newspaper at me. I am currently at his office. Susie had left already.

I took a glance at the paper even though I know what it's about.

'They're just baseless rumors' I said calmly.

'Baseless rumors, well just so you know, these baseless rumors cost me a whole fortune. Do you know how much I've lost just yesterday?' He asked angrily.

I remained mute and that seemed to anger him more.

'You're not even a supermodel yet and you're already causing problems for me. You know what, you're fired' he said and that statement seemed to shatter something in me.

'You can't fire me, I've done nothing wrong' I pleaded

'Nothing wrong? Making me loose money is nothing wrong?' He asked angrily

I knelt down and pleaded more 'please don't fire me. Anything you want me to do I'll do it, I'll even clear up the rumors. Please just don't fire me'

'You'll really do anything?' He asked, his voice suddenly becoming low.