

Coralline's POV

'Great friend you've got there' He said

'I know what do you want to talk about?' I asked him

'I wanted to let you know that I've signed your discharge papers already, so you're going to cone live with me in my mansion' He said

'Why?' I asked confused

'I just don't want you to experience harm again. Just in two days you've been kidnapped and now you're lying on the hospital bed' he said

'I've been doing fine before I met you' I stated

'What are you insinuating? If not for me, John your ex would gave whisked you to God knows where and know you're blaming me?' He said obviously annoyed.

'How do you know John is my ex?' I asked surprise

'I know practically everything about you' He said

'Have you been digging info about me?' I asked

'Don't try to change the subject young lady. You're coming with me and that's final'

'What if I say no?' I asked stubbornly

'You don't have a choice baby' He said smiling.

'Whatever' I muttered

He handed me new clothes and directed me to the bathroom. I went on alone, removed my bandages and took my bath. I wore the new clothes and came out refreshed. A nurse came in and dressed my wounds again. I left the room with Damon and met Sophie waiting for me.

'You're getting discharged today?' She asked surprised.

'Yeah, told you it wasn't serious' I said smiling but she just snorted.

'I want to go get my things from my apartment' I told Damon

'There's no need, I'll just ask Kyle to go'

'Kyle?? Who's Kyle?' I asked puzzled

'Your guard' He said nonchalantly

'Since when do I have a guard?'

'Look it doesn't matter, Kyle will take your friend home and come back with your belongings' He said leaving no room for arguments.

Sophie stare at me accusingly and asked 'first you didn't tell me you guys were dating now you guys are living together, how many secrets do you plan to keep from me?'

'I haven't kept any secret from you, we aren't dating' I said

'How come you are living with him?' She asked

'We just made that decision today because of the attacks on me lately'

'Alright, whatever you say. I'm out' She said and left.

I wanted to go after her but Damon held me back and said 'She'll get over it. Kyle will follow her if you're that worried'

A guard in black suit and dark shades went after her.

'Come on' he said and led me to his car in the harking lot.

Vivian's pov

I ended the call angrily. Bastards, just one simple job they couldn't do properly and that wench is still alive.

I know John us still obsessing over her that's why I have to get her out of the way if not everything I've worked so hard for will be ruined. How could she survive that? Who's helping her?

At least the stupid thug did a clean job if not they could pinpoint the accident to me if that bitch decides to investigate the accident.

I have to think of something else to end that bitch. Coralline, you won't stop me from getting what I want. Never.

Sophie's POV

After the guard dropped me at my apartment, I went in and packed Cora's stuffs so he would take them, after that he left immediately. I failed my boss's number.

'Hello, how is she?' He asked immediately he picked the call.

'She's fine, it was just a minor injury' I said

'OK, is she with you now?' He asked again

'No, she with Damon, they are dating now' I said

'Wow, that fast?'

'Yes, but sir when are you going to show yourself to her?' I asked

'Now is not the right tine, just keep watching over her. Don't let Damon figure out you're working for me, he's pretty smart' he said

'OK sir'

'I bet they would be surprised when they see me' He said happily and ended the call.