

Coralline's POV

I smiled when he said that. 'Where am I? I asked because this room looked unfamiliar to me.

'My room' he answered

He helped me sit up and asked hopefully 'Do you finally remember everything?'

I looked at him in the eye and decided to tease him a little. 'Remember what?' I asked

He looked really sad, his eyes were already watering. I felt bad but I wanted to test his love for me.

'So you still don't remember anything?' He asked again

'What am I supposed to remember?' I asked him

'It's nothing, we'll make more memories you would never be able to forget' he said smiling sadly

'Give me examples Dammy' I said smiling. Dammy was the nickname I gave him when we were kids.

Looked at me surprised. His sad face turned in a very happy one. He hugged me tightly burying his face at the crook of my neck.

'So you really did remember' he said after unlocking from the hug


'You really know how to play with someone's feelings' he said