


Coralline's POV

This morning felt worse than yesterday's morning. I wasn't able to do anything naturally. What the hell is wrong with me?

I managed to take my bath and eat some food. Even though I vomited it later. I decided to go to the hospital for a checkup.

When I came out of the house, I heard a commotion outside.

'What's going on there?' I asked the security man.

'Ma'am, there's a man outside that wants to see you. He says it is urgent.' He answered.

'Who is he?' I asked again

'He said his name is John Humphrey' he answered again.

What is he looking for this time?

'OK, let him in' I ordered.

He complied and opened the gate. John walked in looking haggard. He didn't look like the John I used to know, the one who's obsessed with cleanliness

He looked like he hadn't slept in a long while. He took long strides towards me.

'Say whatever you want to say quickly, I don't have much time to spare' I said staring at my wristwatch impatiently