

Coralline's pov

The ride was quiet. I was still in shock, I couldn't believe John tried to have me kidnapped. What does that psycho want from me? he clearly broke up with me. I was very deep in thought that I didn't know when the car came to a halt.

'Are you going to sleep there?' Damon asked.

I looked sideways and saw he had left the car already. I came down too and looked around. A wow escaped my lips, the place looked like heaven.

I've never seen a mansion this huge and beautiful, technically I've never seen a mansion before.

'come in' Damon said and took my hands in his. I stared at our interlocked fingers in admiration, they looked perfect together. He took me inside the mansion. Beauty and class are underestimated words to describe the the inside, Damon must have a really great taste, well his rich.

He led me to a room.

'Thank you for saving me' I told him 'You're welcome. There's no need for you to go to work today since you're obviously still in shock. You can stay in this room for the meantime' he said

'Wait, what about Sophie?' I asked 'Who's Sophie?' he asked

'my best friend. She might be worried if I don't go home today' I said

'There's no need to worry. Just call her and explain everything to her, okay?'

'Alright, thanks again'

He smiled and left shutting the door behind him. I glanced around the room, it was big and spacious. I jumped on the queen size bed and damn it felt so soft. I didn't know when I slept off.

I was woken up by the sound of my phone ringing. I glanced at the wall clock and saw that it was three already. How did I sleep so long?

I checked my phone to see who was calling and saw Sophie's name at the top of the screen. Ugh I forgot to tell her everything. I picked the call.

'Hey bestie' she said cheerfully 'Hey, how are you doing?' I asked

'I'm good. I called to tell you that I would be home late today so if you're hungry just order a takeout,

'There'll be no need for that' 'why?' she asked

I sighed and explained everything to her.

'Are you ok?' she asked worriedly 'I'm fine, thank God Damon arrived on time' I said

'That b*stard what else does he want from you? I wonder what would have happened if Damon didn't arrive on time'

I just sighed 'But still Cora, since you're staying at your prince charming's house tonight don't forget to use protection. I'm not ready to be a godmother yet' she said teasingly

'Shut up' I said embarrassed and ended the call.

I heard a knock on the door, 'come in' I said

A maid probably in her mid thirties came in and said 'Good afternoon miss, young master said I should invite you for lunch'

'Okay' I replied and followed her. She led me to the spacious dinning hall , the delicacies on the table were mouthwatering, I dint notice Damon was already seated until he called me 'Have a seat Coralline' he said

I sat down and started munching on the food in haste

'Slow down' he said when I started coughing. I was embarrassed but still complied. I was almost done with my food when I remembered a question that has been bugging me

'Who is Charlotte?' I asked