
Broken Tower Saga : The First Swordsman

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  • 220 Chs
  • 4.5
    10 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Broken Tower Saga : The First Swordsman

Read ‘Broken Tower Saga : The First Swordsman’ Online for Free, written by the author silent_walker, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ROMANCE Fiction, ADVENTURE Light Novel, SYSTEM Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: The Maha Tower or The Broken Tower of Omega—some call it. It is a place of Dream, a place of myth, and a place of Chaos....


The Maha Tower or The Broken Tower of Omega—some call it. It is a place of Dream, a place of myth, and a place of Chaos. Only a thousand among many get the chance to climb it each year. Wrik spent years to find this tower, ignoring his studies, University, but to no avail. Until a day when a letter came to his door with a pair of tickets to the tower. But before that, he had to appear in gruesome trials to enter the cruel Tower. ________________ Check out the other works: Chaos Cycle: The Eye of Genesis. ________________ [The novel is a bit slow compared to other webnovel. It picks up the pace from the 10th chapter or so.]

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*VOLUME 1 : ALMIRA, ALVIN, REVAN Almira Zahara Gadis yang dibanggakan keluarganya , suatu ketika dia harus salah jalan karena kekhilafan melakukan hubungan terlarang dengan Alvin Pratama Handoko. Namun rupanya takdir tidak mengijinkan mereka menikah pada awalnya. Hingga Almira harus dijodohkan oleh kakaknya dengan laki-laki bernama Revano Adiwijaya. Revan sangat mencintai Almira hingga pada malam pertama Revan mengetahui kalau Almira sudah tidak lagi suci. Revan yang merasa dibohongi menjadi sangat membenci Almira. Dia ibarat mendapat barang second. "Almira udah g virgin lagi ternyata Der, " Deril kaget sampai terbatuk batuk menatap Revan. "Serius lo Van?" "Iya gue serius, tahu gitu gue g jadi nikah aja sama tu cewek. Gila aja kali gue dapat barang second." Hidup Almira sangat menderita karena diabaikan oleh suaminya sendiri. Suatu hari takdir mempertemukan kembali Almira dan Alvin. "Buah manggis buah kedondong, cewek manis senyumin abang donk!" Pantun Alvin yang jenaka membuat Almira tak bisa menahan senyumnya. Alvin memang dari dulu selalu punya cara untuk membuat Almira tersenyum. Apakah yang terjadi dalam rumah Almira dan Revan? Apakah takdir akan mempersatukan Almira dan Alvin? Ataukah Almira tetap mempertahankan rumah tangganya bersama Revan? Ikuti kisahnya di DBA VOL.1 Di Novel ini kita akan belajar tentang Islam yang begitu indah. Tidak hanya percintaan tetapi tentang parenting, hubungan suami istri, hubungan antar keluarga, dan juga dengan orang-orang di sekitar kita. VOLUME 2 potret anak muda yang berprestasi dan memilih menikah muda dari pada pacaran. Gadis manis dengan rambut panjang sebahu itu meringkuk didalam selimut dengan kondisi yang memprihatinkan dan menangis sesenggukan. sang pemuda yang merupakan rivalnya di sekolah duduk di tepi ranjang membelakanginya. Pemuda yang bertelanjang dada namun masih mengenakan celana abu-abunya itu mendekatinya dan memperlihatkan foto yang ada diponselnya. gadis itu mendongak dan tak percaya dengan yang dia lihat diponsel itu. "gimana lo mau kan mengundurkan diri jadi ketua OSIS?kalo ga mau foto ini bakal nyebar ke seluruh siswa disekolah..lo siap kehilangan reputasi lo?" "Brengsek kamu Ka". VOLUME 3 (ARSYILA,ERNEST, MARVEL) Terkadang pendapat orangtua tidak selamanya benar. Disini kita belajar untuk mengkomunikasikan segala sesuatu dalam keluarga. Syila dijodohkan dengan Marvel namun hatinya hanya untuk Ernest. Yang usianya 10th lebih tua darinya. Kedua orangtuanya menentang hubungan Syila dan Ernest. Karena laki-laki itu terlihat urakan, dengan tato di lengan yang semakin menambah garang. Orangtua mana yang mau melepas anak gadisnya untuk laki-laki seperti itu? Tapi kalau ternyata yang dipikirkan orangtua itu salah bagaimana? VOLUME 4 DOSA BESAR ALMIRA VOL.4 Bisa dibaca langsung ke Vol.4 ya. Azzam seorang laki-laki yang pernah melakukan kesalahan pada seorang gadis, tidak memiliki keberanian untuk mempertanggung jawabkan perbuatannya. Bahkan dia melarikan diri ke negeri orang dan meninggalkan gadis itu. . . Sellia, gadis yang dinodai oleh Azzam, memilih menyendiri di panti asuhan dalam keadaan hamil. Dia tidak berharap lagi dengan Azzam. Seseorang yang telah melukainya. . . Tiga tahun kemudian, semua berubah. Azzam yang sudah terbiasa hidup bebas di luar negeri pulang ke tanah air dengan membawa tunangannya. . . Hingga suatu hari, Azzam menjadi dosen tamu di universitas tempat Sellia menimba ilmu. Tapi Azzam tidak mengenali gadis itu lagi karena kini Sellia telah berhijrah dan bercadar. . . Akankah Sellia membuka jati dirinya pada Azzam? sedangkan dia akan dita'aruf oleh Rafka. Anak dari sahabat Ayahnya. . . Akankah Azzam memilih tunangannya atau gadis bercadar yang mencuri perhatiannya di kampus tempat dia bekerja? . . Nantikan kisah mereka di Dosa Besar Almira Volume 4. (Dosa Besar Azzam)

ANESHA_BEE · History
401 Chs
Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :The First Swordsman: Origin


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Hello, Author here, giving his book a biased review. I'll say again, the book is slow at the start and takes time to tension build. And the side character outshines the main character in the beginning (trust me, I planned that), though the mc starts showing his colour after the first arc. PS: the RPG elements do not appear until chapter 7 (and it's not a RPG element heavy book either. Give it a try. Thank you.


Enjoyable read, seems like a tower climbing at first but so far doesn't seem like the case. After reading the first 3 arcs, I felt the story so far was a prologue. A large chunk was dedicated to the trial/entry to the tower per se. The overall story felt like it progressed slowly overall but the pace and action within the trial made it seem fast paced. The fighting scenes were well done and didn't feel repetitive. I liked how the MC was not always the strongest nor smartest one within the group. Other members are capable of making their own actions and pulling their own weight helping each other. Not being always dependent on the MC is rare. Though the 3rd arc MC took the reins. The characters are nice and they have their own quirks. They mesh well together. Though you still have some of your stereotypical characters. Some thing I disliked is that it felt repetitive that someone is knocked unconscious or captured and needed someone to save them. Characters got separated a lot in the trial so there was a lot of pov changes not bad at all. Additionally, there are a lot of named characters most might not get enough development. Lastly, a lack of deaths. There was always danger lurking around but nobody ever dies.


Well well ...! It was actually very interesting! I'm not really used to reading Litrpg but the Diablo-like tower ... I'm sold (as a gamer, that spoke to me)! The writing is concise, precise and suits very well to the universe. I truly recommend to people to give it a try! I have to add one thing: author, you have the reverse problem of me. Sometimes, you cut the sentences too much where it should be a comma instead of a point. I think some sentences will be more impactful or meaningful. I'll keep it in my library and will definitively continue reading it! PS: I'm so sorry, I add so many comments while reading as I was reacting just in the hot of the moment :joy:


The main character should be the blond boy. That's how I remember it, Alex, right? The book is beautiful and flowing. I haven't read much, but it looks like quality jewellery Well, take it, easy man. Good luck. But right now! The main character must be changed.I felt like commenting today. 4 stars!


it was soo amazing!! now i'm left wanting for more :(( I suddenly feel empty..well thank you author-san for your work and hope you keep us updated !!


The story had a lot of potential but unfortunately its been ruined. The author tried making the conversations smart, sassy, funny and mature but he totally overdid it. Many conversations are stretched out for no reason as well.


Nice Będę padał na was ogniem piekielnym, poznacie mój gniew i poczujecie ból tysiąca śmierci, nieistotne śmieci uhhhh


The whole concept of the story is interesting. Hidden mysteries amd secrets that have the potential to explode into an amzing storyline in the future? Count me in. The 50 floor tower did remind of a part of the comic Player Reborn, though. I like the dialogs and character interactions—they're immersive, real and flow quite well. The world building is coming together nicely, and using names that look like they belong in a fantasy-like civilization helps a lot. I look forward to reading more about Maha and getting answers to the prologue.


Oh, this is pretty cool! I didn't know what to expect going in, but your writing style resembles a merging of more traditional Western fantasy interactions and newer Light Novel-type storytelling. Very interested to see where this will go.


it reminds me of the beginning of tower of The Tower of Druaga and a little of tower of God. I'm going to keep a eye on it to see it's growth.


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