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Yeah, most of the time I can't really have him do anything crazy because his character is just that cautious in the light novels/anime. We all want to see him just melt everyone but that would be out of character, so the best I can do is slowly develop him in a way that allows me to slip in some power fantasy scenes.
Ainz never actually intended to take over the world, he was just admiring the sky of a world yet to be tarnished by human hands, but Demiurge misinterpreted his words and began planning for world conquest. Ainz just went along with it so as not to disappoint the NPCs. He also still holds a fierce pride and loyalty towards AoG and conquering the world to create a better civilization is one way to create something under that banner with which his friends can be proud of.
Chapter 13 is done, 5300ish words. I'm trying to iron out the timeline for the story and make sure there aren't any consistencies before I update. Are people on this site generally okay with authors retroactively going back and changing stuff?
Yeah, he's dead for now
It's sad because while there are some who want Ainz to return faster, I also have a bunch of people on other sites telling me they don't want him to return so quickly and that I should take my time developing the world more before bringing him back. If I just wanted to tell a story about Ainz stomping I wouldn't have gone in this direction. I would have probably written story about him being transported into the age of the eight greed kings or do a crossover with another franchise. The story is about change and transformation of a world shaped by Ainz's legacy, and how Ainz interacts and reacts to these changes. 17 chapters really isn't that much. It's around 120 or so pages, which is paltry compared to the buildup used in real fantasy literature. I get that people want their instant gratification on this website, but I think it's strange to call a novel like this slow because if anything, I think I rush the plot lines and create a very shallow setting as a result of trying to satisfy admittedly quite impatient reader. :/ There are many critiques to be made about my work, and the primary one is that frankly the world is too barebones and nothing is fleshed out as much as it should be. Another Overlord fanfic, Valkyrie's Shadow, is what I consider the golden standard of fanfic writing. Absolute perfection and far better writing than mine. However, most Overlord fans do not have the patience to digest a masterpiece like that because they would rather see some SAO-type plot where the MC goes around blowing stuff up with a harem than incredible world building and dialogue. Overlord is more than that, imo. Anyway, thanks for reading my rant and as always I'm grateful for the review.
Yeah, I'll just be frank with this one-he'll be resurrected by Ainz later on. Same process as with Shalltear
He returns next chapter
It's honestly been a while since I've read a story in this genre, but you've reminded me just how addictive these types of stories can be. As a Chinese person myself, I can empathize with quite a few of these sentiments. The writing quality is above average compared to the norm for this site, and the overall plot is cohesive and consistently engaging. Best of luck.
I'd love to take a look at your book. After I'm finished with this chapter, I'll hop on over and give it a read and leave a review. Super glad you liked my story!
Oh, this is pretty cool! I didn't know what to expect going in, but your writing style resembles a merging of more traditional Western fantasy interactions and newer Light Novel-type storytelling. Very interested to see where this will go.