
Tomb Raider New Game

Author: DarkWiz4rd
Video Games
Ongoing · 1M Views
  • 88 Chs
  • 4.1
    16 ratings
  • NO.200+

I do not own the image above, so if you want me to take it down, please ask me as I only look up this image from Pinterest. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have seen too many anime fanfics. I want to change that by adding video game fanfic based on the tomb raider games and comic book. I am also first writing fanfic, so go easy on me when criticizing. Also, English is not my primary language, but I live in America long already to know some basic English. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An ex-military assassinated when playing his last game, tomb raider. when asked what, would he wish would be, he asked God to erase his memories but keep his knowledge of his past and skills (i don't want him to know the plot of the game, but he will have plot armor as power, but that's it no superpowers like Sharingan or devil fruit just pure John Wick gunplay, maybe) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- because I only played the recent three games that come out and read the comic book, I will be the focus on that end of the story (i.e., concise story) but if I feel like adding new game entry I might take a while as I need to do some research older games that will add as the three games don't follow the Lora Croft of the past (I mean that she dual wields handguns and backflipping from the old sets)

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Chapter 1The Three Factions

A/N: if anyone cared at all about the character Seth Zeentch. He is not an original character I created but a YouTuber who goes by SsethTzeentach. Why did I choose him? Well, I could add slangs like edgy or traps that he would know as he is an intellectual that dabbles in *cough* Hentai *cough* because the story took place in the year 2002. I am limited to saying some new words from the year 2020. Maybe in the year 2007, when the first iPhone comes into the market, western information will steamroll/ jumpstart the popularity of anime and give slangs only anime fans know. So, for now, I will make do with Seth as he is not afraid to show to the public that he is a weeb, mostly because the slang does not exist yet. Thank you for hearing me out back to the story.


We are riding the cab toward King's Cross Railways Station. When we got there, he fished out his tickets on which platform we should go to, and he gave me the same card as he has. When I looked at the passport on which platform we should go too. I was not expecting I would go to platform nine and three quarters. I looked at Seth with a questioning gaze at him.

Joseph: "hey, there is no platform nine and three quarters on the map; are you sure you gave me the right ticket."

Seth, with a surprised face, looked at me. He was confirming my confusion.

Seth: "OH! MY! GOD! They never told you yet. Which means you're on the recommendation list." Seth started running toward platform Nine but ran towards the wall.

Joseph: "hey, you're about to hit.." before I could finish my words, he vanished through the wall. I look around if people see what I have seen. As I'm invisible, no one paid attention. Before I could finish my train of thought, half of Seth appeared right in front of me.

Seth: " Hey, what are you doing standing around there?" as he said that grab my arms pulled me into the wall.

What I found on the other side of the wall was stairs leading towards a portal with lots of overgrown vines all around it. Before I could ask about it, I was pushed by Seth towards the entrance. The next thing I knew was bright light forcing me to close my eyes. When I opened my eyes, what greeted me was a man with a conductor suit with two giant mechs behind him. I looked around and found out I'm standing on a giant tree.

The conductor: "hello, you must be Joseph Maiava, the recruit for the SCP, Welcome to hollow Earth. Agartha. You just need to step on the pads to get transported to the central hub with all the SCP recruits."

I was awed that I didn't notice I was walking toward the glowing pads. In a blink of an eye, I was high up in the air before I could scream my lungs out I already landed. I sat down, trying not to sh1t my pants. Seth comes close to me, gives me a hand on standing up.

Seth: "never gets old; at least you didn't vomit on the floor." as he said it, he helps me up on my feet.

Joseph: "where is this place?" I said as I looked around, divers were walking around. I saw people with animal ears and tails, half body snake girls, and people with pointy ears.

Seth:" were in the middle of the earth crust, hence the name hollow earth. And this is also the place for faster travel around the world." Seth said as he pointed multiple portals with labels on them like Tokyo, London, and New York

Joseph: "what is that people with unique body parts…" Before I could finish my words, Seth covered my mouth.

Seth: "shhh… don't blurt it out, how would you feel when people called you weird because of your white hair, And to answer your question this is the home for thousands of different intelligent species that live here. There are elves, Neko no on'nanoko (catgirls), Doragongāruzu, khajiit, and Argonians. The list will go-on; you will learn all this when we will enter training." As we talk, we walk toward the entrance of the big tree. (A/N: if you have been living under a rock, Nekos are catgirls, Doragongarus are anime dragon girls. If you haven't played Skyrim, Khajiits are cats that stand on two legs, and Oregonians are lizard people.)

What I saw inside was an eye-opener for me different—species altogether in one place, even humans. Seth told me essential information about this place while we are talking.

Seth: "There are three main factions that 'control' this place; I use control loosely as they can't control Agartha." he said while I stopped and listened to him.

Seth: "There is the dragon syndicate. They are just terrorists who want to test out Chaos theory saying if we know how to prevent something from ever happening again, we could do it again. It's like injecting yourself with the flu so you won't get sick with the same flu back." he said while pointing at the group of people who are wearing jackets that have a dragon logo on their back.

Seth: "The Illuminati don't have moral standards. They would experiment on anything new they would find and also research on humans that are prisoners. But they did provide us with a better understanding of the unknown and gave us a better weapon to fight anomalies that we can't explain." Seth said while pointing at the group of people who have high tech-looking guns on their back.

Joseph: "wait, the Illuminati are real.." I said while looking surprised at what I just heard.

Seth: "yeah, they are, and just like you think, they do control the government in some way." he said while looking at me. He got closer to me and whispered something to my ear. "They sometimes kidnap some unwilling civilians to test one. The SCP is trying to find some evidence, but we have no luck as they kept cleaning their tracks."

Seth: "And finally, the Trinity, also known as the templars, yes the same templars that burned supposed witches on stakes and ushered in a new era of cleansing the earth of anything that is not human." he said while snorting in disdain.

Seth: "Ironic isn't it now; they need to hide from the people they swore to protect." he said while looking at the people who are wearing red clothing with a cross on their chest. " Because they are the oldest faction out of the three, they have better ways of dealing with some of the anomalies that plague the human race."

Seth: "They are also the group that is actively trying to find a clue to immortality. They have some sort of broken tablet that would lead them to the holy grail." he said while trying to remember more information.

Seth: "There is also the 4th faction, but we are more of a glorified cop for the anomalies being here in Agartha. So we don't have power as the other much older group." he said with a sad tone in his voice.

Seth: "We do have more people than the other groups because we actively recruit people from any species that have talent. We are also the middle man for all the factions because they hate each other. So we sort of regulate them, so they don't harm any citizen in Agartha and outside Agartha." he said while looking at me who was lost in my thoughts.

Seth looked at me after explaining. But saw that I still have a confused face. He sighs right after seeing my face.

Seth: "look, sorry about the info dump. I just want you to understand that there are some dangers to joining factions here. Some won't even let you retire, and some would not hesitate to experiment on your body." After listening to his explanation, I just nodded.

Seth: "oh, I need to introduce you to our squad." he said as we approached a group of people.

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Table of Contents
Volume 1