
Dragon's Triangle

A/N: so I was replaying Tomb raider again to get more ideas on what to write, and while I was playing, I mistook the Burmuda triangle with Dragon's Triangle. When I learned about this, I went back to my previous chapters and changed some words that point that the island of Yematia is in the Bermuda Triangle. Sorry if you're confused as to why I was calling Dragon's Triangle a different name even though the Bermuda Triangle is literally near Florida, not Japan.


A Few days have passed currently, I am in the galley helping out Jonah prepare food for the crew. I didn't mind working in the kitchen as I did run a cafe back in London, but half of my focus is not on the food I am making but Lara, who was talking to Dr. Whitman.

She was trying to change Dr. Whitman's mind, about turning the ship to head towards the west instead of east towards the Dragon's Triangle.

Lara: "are you even serious about the expedition Dr. Whitman? You are not listening to my suggestion on keeping the ship on track towards the Dragon Triangle." she pleaded towards Dr. Whitman, who looked offended when he heard Lara's words.

Dr. Whitman: "how could you say that I am not serious about this expedition Lara?" he said in an annoyed look towards Lara. "It's not just Sam's family that is funding us, I've put my savings in the line for this expedition," he said while pointing at Sam who was reading the book that Lara and Dr. Whitman were researching.

Reyes: "we've all got some kind of stakes in this, including Lara's boyfriend over there." she said while pointing towards me. I didn't respond as I am here for something or to be more specific for someone. Lara just blushed for a second before going back to normal.

Lara: "that is precisely why we should continue pushing towards the east towards the Dragon Triangle." she said, looking hopefully towards Dr.Whitman, whose face did not change much.

Dr. Whitman: "Look, Lara, there is no way that Yamatai is that far east." he said, trying to ignore grim who was playing with Captain Roth. "the book simply doesn't support it!"

Lara: "I talk to Roth about this," she said while showing a map to Dr. Whitman. "There is no point following other people's footsteps, Dr. Whitman." When she told her opinion, she looked at Dr. Whitman, who was not even trying to listen to her words.

Dr. Whitman: "I refused to bet my reputation on your hunch!" he said while looking at Lara with an annoyed look on his face. "I am the lead archeologist here, not you, Lara Croft." When Grim heard Dr. Whitman's words, he laughed and mockingly talked to him.

Grim: "An' when were you last in the field without the TV crew behind you?" he said while drinking his glass of alcohol that Jonah gave to him. Dr. Whitman slowly turned his body towards Grim and talked to him.

Dr. Whitman: "I got Thirty years' of experience, two Ph.D., one in East Asian history," he said while angrily looking at Grim. "so why don't you just stick to boats, Mr. Grim?'' When I heard Dr. Whitman's words, I laughed out loud, which drew everyone's attention. I looked at Dr. Whitman and started talking to him.

Joseph: "Dr. Whitman, with all the experience you have under your belt, how many lost civilizations have you found." I said while smiling sheepishly at him. Dr. Whitman was not happy and started talking to me.

Dr. Whitman: "Mr. Maiava, you have experience in your so-called treasure hunting adventure do tell us about your experience finding those so-called treasures you have found." he said while looking mockingly at me. I looked at him with a lazy smile on my face and answered his question.

Joseph: "Almost all of you have known that I helped my friend named Nathan Drake, who found the long lost treasure, El Dorado, and there is proof that we found it as the government's all around the world have publicly announced its existence already." I said while smiling mockingly at Dr. Whitman. "Nathan Drake told me when we first met that 'history can be wrong.' what makes you think that following some book that didn't know where Yamatai's location is going to get any help."

Joseph: "If you ask me the people who wrote the book never did find the lost kingdom of Yamatai, why would we follow a failed explorers book." I said with a lazy smile on my face. "And besides, it's better to follow Lara's suggestion instead of the explorer's vague location of Yametai location." when Lara heard my words, she looked at me with a grateful look on her face. Dr. Whitman wanted to talk back to me when Jonah interrupted our conversation.

Jonah: "Lara, my little bird... " he said while putting down the food on his hands down the table and looked at Lara. "Just like my brother said, I will follow you anywhere, even though the place you suggested has some bad vibes to the place you wanted to go."

Alex: "Bad storms more like, makes the Bermuda triangle look like Disney world... Sign me up." he said while showing his computer to us and smiling at Lara. I looked at him with a frown on my face.

Lara: "Just like Alex said, there are stories about Himiko who could summon storms." she said while looking at Dr. Whitman with a pleading look on her face. "Myth is usually based on some variation of truth, what if Yametai is somewhere in the Dragon Triangle itself" when Lara says her opinion, Alex followed up her claims by showing us evidence on his pc.

Alex: "Look, this is the satellite imagery from inside the Dragon's Triangle." he said, with a smug look on his face. Sam looked at the satellite image on Alex's pc and commented on it.

Sam: "that doesn't look good." she said while having a worried look on her face. Grim saw the image and snorted at it.

Grim: "If it's wet, I could sail on it." he said while walking away. Roth decided to make the final judgment.

Roth: "Look, we don't have any ideas or plans, and as Joseph said, we don't have to follow the book that never tells us the location of Yamatai," he said while looking at us. "And Reyes is right we don't have the funds to piss about, it's now, or never we will stick to our route towards the Dragon's Triangle." Dr. Whitman looked at us with fed up, looked on his face, and grabbed his food off the table, and walked away.

Dr. Whitman: "why am I even here…" I looked at him as he left the galley. Lara came towards me with a thankful look on her face.

Lara: "thank you, Joseph, for supporting my idea." she said while smiling at me. I looked at this and got my face closer to hers, giving her a quick kiss on her lips.

Joseph: "Hey, your idea is better than a dead explorer who wrote the book, and besides, you have a general idea of where the island should be, not the book." I said while we stared at each other for as long as we can. I started talking to her to tell her something about my secrets. " Lara, I have to tell you something.." but before I could say to her my secrets, Sam interrupted me again.

Sam: "Lara, can you come here for a sec.," she said while taking away Lara from me. Sam looked at me and gave me and gave me a mocking look on her face. When I saw Sam's face, I only sighed in defeat as I whispered to myself.

Joseph: "I guess I will have to wait a little longer…" I said jokingly, not knowing that I would have to wait even longer to tell Lara about myself.

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