
Assassination Contract

After a few hours of searching, we returned home with a stuffed spider, which was reluctantly accepted by Haru, who wanted a real spider as a pet. When we reached home, Haru ran towards her room while I went towards the counter. I entered the kitchen and started making dinner for Haru.

I heard the cafe door open. I facepalm myself for forgetting to lock the door. I was going to ask customers to leave the cafe. But that all changed when I saw a woman and a child. The child looked like a Chinese Buddhist monk. The woman looked like a fairy with her green hair and fairy wings on her back, but her modern pencil business suit made her look like a businesswoman instead of a fairy.

???: "Hello, Mr. Maiava, it is nice to meet you." the woman said while extending her hands towards me. I just stared at her hands, not intending to shake it. The woman didn't mind my rude behavior and introduced herself. "Let me introduce you to us; I am Luna Arethusa; you can call me Luna for short."

Joseph: "what do you want from me…" I said, cutting our conversation short and going straight to the questioning. The child frowned, offended by my indifference toward them.

Luna: "I am Luminary of Agartha; we are here to hire you to assassinate Dragon Emperor Ka Quin Han," she said while sliding a folder over the counter. I didn't bother looking at the file and started chopping vegetables in front of them. The kid next to her frowned at my rude behavior and was about to speak up. But the woman stopped him.

Luna: "Let me rephrase my words. I am forcing you to assassinate the Dragon Emperor, or we will brand you as a criminal for revealing us to the Croft." when I heard this, I stopped chopping the cabbage. I then stabbed the cabbage with my knife and glared at them.

Joseph: "what makes you think I would be afraid of you? I have an army in my back pocket." I said while grabbing a gun from under the counter and slamming it on the table. When Luna saw my murderous aura, she shook in fear for a second before going back to normal.

Luna: "let me rephrase my words again. We will turn a blind eye towards your criminal activity and give you the location of Dr. Shou in exchange you will have to assassinate the Dragon Emperor." When I heard the offer, she was willing to give up. I was now looking at her with intrigue.

Joseph: "Go on.." I said while grabbing the files that were sliding towards me. I read through the archives and saw the name Richard Croft was on the record.

I read through the files, but there was a lot of redacted information. The only obvious thing is they are trying to hide something from me. Richard Croft was with his friend named Calahan Willams on an expedition to find something in the Kunlun Mountains.

Joseph: "There is a lot of information hidden from me about what they are looking for in the Kunlun Mountains." I said while suspiciously looking at them. "And who is this Dragon Emperor?"

Luna: "we can't tell you what Richard Croft and Calahan Williams are looking for in the Kunlun Mountains." when I heard this, I just snorted in disdain.

Joseph: "Can't, you mean Won't." Luna just stayed silent while I was flipping through the files and seeing a picture of an older man. The man looked like he would die at any second from now.

Luna: "as for who is the Dragon Emperor, you just need to kill him. That's all you will get." she said, pushing another file towards me. I opened it and saw a black double edge sword with a golden dragon drawn on the blade.

Joseph: "what do I need this sword for I don't even know how to use one." I said while looking questioningly at her.

Luna: "that is the only weapon that could kill the Emperor…" I looked at her, who looked like she was still hiding something from me.

Joseph: "fine, where is this sword.." but before I could finish my words, she pushed a long case in front of me. I opened it and saw the black sword in its sheath. When I touched the hilt of the sword, I could feel something was not right with this sword. But I didn't question it and put it back to its sheath.

Joseph: "I will be going by next week; I just need to confirm a few things before I go.." I said while closing the case that contained the sword. Luna and the child walked out of my cafe, leaving me with all the files on the table.


---Luna pov---

???: "why do we have to be scared of that rude man," the child said while looking disdainfully at the cafe we are walking away from right now. "So what if he has an army... They are probably weak."

When I heard this, I just shook my head and sighed in disappointment. I wish I could yell at this child that this man could have destroyed Agartha without lifting a finger. But this child will be the next leader of the dragon syndicate if the Devil succeeded in assassinating the Emperor.

Luna: "Prince, you will know that you have to be careful who to pick a fight with." when I said my words, the child just snorted and didn't even listen to me.

???: "If he had known who I am, he would be shaking in fear knowing my name is the next Dragon Emperor Hui Han." when I heard his name, I would laugh out loud. His name means wise and intelligent. And so far, he hadn't seen or felt the danger he was facing when he was in front of the Devil.

Luna: "I hope I didn't choose the wrong kid to be the next emperor…" I whispered to myself.


---Joseph pov---

After reading all the files, I then walked towards Haru's room to talk to her. I walked into her room and saw all the stuffed animals I have gotten her throughout the years. I then saw a picture of Lara carrying Haru's in her arms. I felt a slight sting in my heart whenever I saw her. I grabbed the picture frame and caressed Lara's image before putting the picture face down.

Haru noticed me looking at the image and didn't disturb me. She started all my actions until I put the image face down. She ran towards the picture and put it right up. She then glared at me for messing her stuff.

Haru: "If you don't want to see mommy's face, you don't have to look at her image," she growled at me. I just sighed and patted her head.

Joseph: "sorry about that… I wasn't thinking right." I then kneeled towards her height and looked sternly at her. "Haru, I am going to another expedition; you will stay here with one of my guard dogs. that will take care of you, okay.."

Haru: "can I come with you, Papa." she said with her puppy eyes. I shook my head and denied her request. She then looked betrayed and tried to convince me to let her come with me. "But why have I been training all this time if you're not taking me, papa."

Joseph: "This is too dangerous, maybe next time.." I said while patting her head. She then pushed my hands away.

Haru: "when papa, you have been telling me next time, or it's too dangerou.." she angrily yelled before running out of her room. I just looked at her running out of her room and sighed. I then brought out my iDroid and called someone.

Joseph: "Hay book me a flight towards Ireland. I need to meet someone there..."

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