
Chloe Frazer

--Chloe Pov--

I look at Nate, who was shot. I tried to stop Flynn, but it was too late. Flynn ordered the other men to chase after Nate while I was taken to Lazarević. I heard an explosion behind me, and I don't know if Nate survived.

The men took me to the very front of the train, where I was pushed into the office of Lazarević. He did not care about my presence and was talking to a blonde man in black. He looked at me with his stoic face but went back to talking with Lazarević.

???: "are you sure that you would find the tree of life you haven't been successful throughout the years if you don't know where it is you know what would happen right." he said menacingly with his stoic face.

Lazarević: "don't worry even if we don't find it; we still have someone who could find it for us." he said while laughing at the man. When I heard him say that I was confused about who he was talking about, but then I realized that Nate must have survived.

???: "Well, at least we have one excellent piece of news, for Dr. Shou," he said while looking at me. "So who is this woman and why she is here."

Lazarević: "oh, this is the traitor who can't decide which side she should be on." he said while looking with an indifferent look on his face. "I will show her what would happen if she doesn't go my way; I will be joining you when you start your experiments." when the man heard Lazarević's words, he didn't care and went out of the room.

Lazarević looked at me with an indifferent look and asked me to sit in front of his desk.

Lazarević: "Ms. Frazer, you may sit in front of my desk," when I heard his words, I didn't dare disobey his words and sat on the chair as quickly as possible. "Do you know what I hate most about a man's instincts, their cowardice nature, and you Chloe Frazer are a coward. That needs to be dealt with, but unfortunately you will live another day as there are still uses for you. But I don't want you to defy my orders, so I will show you an example of what would happen to you if you defy me."

He stood up and signaled me to follow him. We walked toward the front of the train and walked into a dark room; there was a see-through mirror on the other side of that mirror was Joseph. I frown at the site why would they capture him. Lazarević saw my confusion on my face and started intruding me to the real Joseph Maiava.

Lazarević: "let me tell you a story of a once-great man who has a strong will in his heart. That man crawled his way out of hell, granting him the title The Devil, that very same man helped find the long lost treasure of El Dorado. His final glory was the first man ever to find the Holy Grail." he said with admiration on his face like he sees his childhood hero, but his face grew sad when he told me the last story. "But unfortunately, that great man became a coward. Scared of his enemies, he became attached to his weakness. if his will were stronger, he would have killed his family, as they are his only weakness."

When I heard him tell his story, I looked at Joseph with a surprised look on my face. I saw Joseph waking up; he seemed calm. Then suddenly the man I saw before came in and went toward the TV that they set up over there. Unfortunately, I can't hear what they are saying on the other side of the wall.

I saw Joseph shake in fear as he watched the TV in front of him. I don't know what he is watching, but I could only guess that it isn't right. It didn't take long for them to start torturing Joseph. I was horrified at how extremely they cut him up and electrocuted him, but I was amazed at what I saw. His wounds began healing immediately, leaving just scars.

Chloe: "What is he, is he even human," I said while worriedly looking at Joseph. " is this the reason you captured him."

Lazarević: "he is still human but his genetically superior compared to normal humans." he said while looking at Joseph as if he is a piece of treasurer. "If we unlocked the secrets that hide in his body, we could lead humanity to new heights," he said while crazily laughing. I look at Joseph, who was physically and mentally breaking apart; he started laughing insanely, which I don't want to see. I tried to look away as it became too gruesome, but Lazarević pointed a gun at me.

Lazarević: " don't look away, Ms. Frazer; this will happen to you if I know that you tried to betray me again." he menacingly said while pointing his gun at me. Being forced to watch the torture, I don't know when it ended, but I only saw a broken man sitting on the chair. "It's already over. I thought he could go a bit further considering how much we went throughout all these years." he looked at me with a dangerous smile on his face before leaving me to watch at Joseph.

I watched Joseph carried away by armed men; they didn't bother giving him clothes; they just threw him inside the jail and left him. I don't know what was going on in my head, but I felt sorry for him, so I cleaned him up from his blood. I looked at his handsome face and thought about what he would be like if he smiled a bit more. It was unfortunate that I had to see something horrific. I have doubts that he would be okay after he wakes up, but until then, I just need to help him.


Few days have passed, I would come to Joseph's cell to take care of him. When I was helping him clean his body, he would sometimes talk in his sleep. He would call out names like Haruhime and Lara, which I could only theorize that they are family members or his past relationships.

Right now, I was heading toward Joseph's cell again to help him, but when I entered, I saw him about to wake up, I grabbed a chair and waited for him to wake up. When he finally woke up, I saw his eyes full of hatred. I wanted to back away from him as he looked at me with those killers' eyes. But if I run away now, I might not be able to help him, so I let him run towards me. But before he could get near the gate bars, I hit him on the face. Which surprisingly worked on waking him up from his clouded mind.

Chloe: "You need to snap out of it, or I would hit you back again." I said while worriedly looking at his lost look on his face; he just stared at me with his sad look on his face. I looked at him and sighed. I sat in front of him and started talking to him. " So do you want to talk about your experience? You seem to look like you need to talk about your problems to someone with all the shit you have been too."

I looked at him; he was about to disregard my words and stay quiet. It was okay for him to remain silent. I have all day for him to open up towards me. But surprisingly, he looked at me with a new light in his eyes and started talking to me.

Joseph: "So where do I start.." he said with his handsome smile on his face if I weren't immune to his smile, I would have jumped him and started kissing him. "I guess I should start my story when I first join the military.��

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