
Road to Shambhala Part 2 Final

Chloe looked at Nate for a few seconds before handing the dagger to him. But before Nate could grab the knife out of Chloe's hand, she took it back and stared at Nate.

Chloe: "do one thing for me; then I will give you this Dagger." she said while glaring at Nate, "take that son-of-bitch down," she said while handing the knife back to Nate.

Nate looked at the dagger, not caring about my presence. I head toward where Chloe led, too, and leave Nate in the room. When I caught up with Chloe, she looked like she was thinking of a way on how to explain how she lost the dagger.

Joseph: "you thought of something to explain to them how you lost the dagger." I whispered to her, who didn't seem to hear my words.

It didn't take a few minutes when we arrived toward Flynn and Lazarević. They didn't look too happy when they looked toward Chloe, who doesn't have the dagger anymore. When Flynn saw this, he was physically shaking in fear as to what he saw.

Chloe: "Nate got the Dagger; we need to go after him," she said while trying to play off her lies. "He probably ran off somewhere in the monastery we should hurry up and catch up with him."

Lazarević didn't seem to be convinced with Chloe's explanation and started to question her.

Lazarević: "how did Drake overcome you, Ms. Frazer, you would have given him a tough fight, right," he said while slowly walking towards Chloe. His face was devoid of any emotions; he looked like he could kill Chloe. I prepared myself in case he wanted to kill Chloe.

Chloe: "I…, he jumped me when I was looking for clues." when she said her words, she had sweat forming on her forehead.

Lazarević: "Men capture this traitor; we need to make an example of her." he said while walking away. He stopped midway and looked at Chloe, "do you think I am stupid, I know you let the prisoner out which lead the founding for this expedition to be pulled out. I don't trust you one bit when handling the dagger."

But before he could walk away, we all heard something opening, we all looked at the courtyard that has a tree on the edge of the cliff. We saw the stairs reveal the pathway, Lazarević wasn't too pleased with this and looked at his men.

Lazarević: "go to that pathway and apprehend the enemies," he said while angrily staring at his men, then he looked toward Chloe to say something else. "It seems that your uses are coming faster than I thought, men, capture he we will be using her."

The armed men around me captured Chloe while I pretended to be with them. We slowly went toward the courtyard, but all the creatures that are going around the area hindered us from reaching it.

We eventually reached the courtyard, but we saw lots of corpses everywhere; bullet wounds killed most of them. I took over on holding a gun towards Chloe as they haven't realized who I am yet. Flynn was about to hold Chloe at gunpoint, but I didn't let him.

Flynn: "what wrong with you mate, let me have the girl," he said while angrily grabbing the other arm of Chloe. I didn't budge and pointed my gun at his head, "whoa, whoa, easy now mate; we don't have to fight over this; you take the girl." With him out of the way, I whispered to Chloe what her plan was this time.

Chloe: "just stay quiet and follow Lazarević until we find a way out of this." while whispering to Chloe's ear, she flinched a little bit and pushed her head away from me. I didn't mind her; I am more focused on Lazarević, who entered the entrance.

I was going to follow when I felt danger coming all around me. I looked around but saw nothing that could endanger me, which triggered my nerves. But before I could look around more, Lazarević called me out to bring the girl inside the open hidden passage. I found Elena and Nate, who don't have any weapons on hand. I pushed Chloe together with Nate and Elena.

Lazarević: "So Mr. Drake, which girl do you want to choose to die, the girl you are protecting or the girl that saves you." he said while pointing his gun at Elena and Chloe. "So which would you like to choose.

Nate: "alright... I will open the gate to Shambhala," he said while going toward the device that was in the middle of the room. It didn't take him a minute before we saw the door glowed with bright blue. With that, Nate struck the Dagger he got from Chloe into the glowing door, which opened it revealing a bridge.

Lazarević and his men were about to walk on the stone bridge. But all of a sudden, the deck disconnected from each other.

Lazarević was not too pleased with this while looking at Flynn.

Lazarević: "what is this," he said while looking at Flynn, who didn't have any clue on what to do, "find a way across, and fix it." he said while looking at Nate "take Mr. Drake with you."

Nate was with Flynn trying to find a way across, leaving me with finding a way to get us out of here. But while I was thinking, my mind can't shake off the feeling that someone has been watching me. I know that Lazarević and his men have not found out who I am, but then I remembered Rion Steiner, I haven't seen him once throughout this expedition.

I look around for any signs of his presence, but with no luck, I haven't seen any signs that he was here. I saw Lazarević talking to himself, which struck me odd to who he is talking to; he can't be seriously talking to thin air. I kept quiet while observing him; it didn't take long before the stone bridge started connecting, letting us cross.

When we reached toward a room with a giant gate at the end of it, we saw Nate fighting the Yeti, which he wasn't successful when he was about to beat to death, luckily for him, Lazarević shot the beast on top of Nate.

Lazarević captured Nate, who was going after his gun. Lazarević wanted Nate to see the Shambhala before he killed Nate. When we entered the Gate, I saw something beautiful on the other side but also felt danger flared up around me. I looked around and saw the purple men who are now using crossbows ready to fight us.

The men that were holding Chloe, Elena, and Nate were about to put Elena and Nate on their knees. Nate fought back, which was now aided by the purple men that are hiding nearby. Elena, Chloe, and Nate successfully escaped, which left me to stay behind. I pointed my gun towards Lazarević to end his life when I felt a weapon was pressed against my head.

Rion: "Not so fast, Mr. Maiava." when I heard his voice, I silently glared toward Lazarević, who finally noticed me. Rion took off my mask, which surprised Lazarević.

Lazarević: "ah.. so you didn't run away like a coward Mr. Maiava," he said with adoration, "you stayed behind enemy line and pretended to be one of us." he looked at his men and instructed them. "After them, you idiot, we don't want them escaping and ruining our plan."

With me being captured, we slowly crossed the bridge that was heading toward the big tree in the middle of Shambhala. Lazarević started talking to me while we slowly walked towards the tree.

Lazarević: "do you know Mr. Maiava, you are more of a monster than anyone I worked for even more than Dr. Shou," he said while walking ahead. I stayed silent and looked at him with confusion.

Lazarević: "You stayed calm and collected when you were under the enemy line, and you didn't take action when your friends were captured. Instead, you are waiting for the right opportunity." I quickly refuted his claims.

Joseph: "I know that we will be ambushed, so I didn't interfere." I said while glaring at him.

Lazarević: "Oh.. what if that plan failed and those things didn't fire first? What would you have done to prevent you, friends, from dying" when I heard his words, I stayed silent as I don't know how to answer his question. When Lazarević saw that I was not answering his question, he started laughing. "And that proves my point. You will stay silent even when your friends are in danger, you Mr. Maiava are a Monster. The devil himself does not care whatever he will do to survive."

I stayed silent throughout our walk when we finally reached the tree Lazarević, and some of his men went toward the tree. He left behind about three soldiers to guard, and Rion, who has been silent throughout Lazarević talk with me.

I was waiting for an opportunity to fight back, but that opportunity came in a flash when the purple men started attacking us. I rolled away from them and grabbed a shotgun from the ground, and shot Rion on the arm, which was a success. I took off his right arm, all of a sudden, he was summoning a dark orb on his left hand and threw it on the ground, which created a dark cloud sphere around us.

Then I realized why I hadn't found him all this time; he was using the dark magic system to hide in the shadows. Realizing this, I stayed vigilant when I was blind, but for some time, I didn't feel his presence anymore. When I got my vision back, I looked around and only saw a puddle of blood but no tracks. I looked around and saw him at the entrance of Shambhala, trying to run away.

I looked at this and sighed in relief as I don't want to fight any of those Dark Magic users as they are hard to kill alone. I was going to head down toward the tree when suddenly I heard an explosion nearby. I looked toward the tree and saw Chloe and Nate, but I saw a bloodied Elena who was being carried by Chloe.

They were about to be pinned down by Lazarević men; I helped Nate out by killing all the men who were after them. After a few minutes of shutting down all the armed men, they finally reached my location. Chloe let Elena sit on the ruined building parts that fall off.

Joseph: "what happened, why Elena is hurt." I said while Chloe and Nate were busy taking care of Elena. Nate looked at me with a pleading look and talked to me.

Nate: "Joseph, can you take both of them toward the entrance and wait for me there? I will face Lazarević" when I heard this, I was going to refute him, but he beat me to it. "Look, I don't have time to explain, but Elena is hurt, and you're the only person that could protect them, please, Joseph." I looked at Nate, who was pleading for me to protect them. I looked at Elena, who was crying in pain. When I saw this, I just sighed.

Joseph: "Chloe, can you carry Elena alone, or do you need help." when Nate heard this, he ran towards the tree thanking me on his way.

Nate: "Thank you, Joseph," he said while running toward the tree base.

After that, Chloe and I slowly walked toward the entrance of Shambhala and encountered those creatures which I eliminated immediately using their crossbow. While walking, we heard a loud explosion behind us, Chloe was looking in that direction with worry on her face.

Joseph: "Come on, Chloe looks like this place is about to blow," I said while helping her out caring Elena, who was slowly drifting to sleep.

Chloe: "do you think Nate is alright," she said with worry.

Joseph: "knowing him, he will be fine next thing you knew he would be running from an explosion behind him." I said while laughing. When Chloe heard my words, she continued carrying Elena while I protected them.

When we reached the entrance, we saw Nate, who was running away from a collapsing bridge. I looked at Chloe with a smile on my face.

Joseph: "See, I told you he would get out alive." I said while Chloe ran towards Nate. While Chloe was running toward Nate, I saw one of the purple men was still alive. I was going to shoot it, but my shotgun was empty, so I ran towards it and used my hidden blades. He noticed me coming for him, so he turned around and started fighting me.

I quickly jumped on his back and started cutting his neck, but it took a little longer as his skin was made out of steel. He kept hitting me onto the wall nearby to shake me off, but I didn't budge, I kept running my blade at his neck until my hidden blades cut through his neck, killing him.

Knowing that I just killed him, I tried standing up, but I fell back to the ground. The last thing I saw was Chloe calling out for me to stay awake. But I slowly drifted to sleep.

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