
Ace Pilot

---Dugg pov---

My squad is currently flying towards the island. While flying towards the island, we met up with the Mage squad and Golem squad.

Mage one: "this is the Mage squad leader report."

Golem three: "this is the Golem squad leader report." When I heard their words, I immediately identified our squad's name.

Dugg: "This is the Phenix squad team leader report." when I said that, I heard radio silence for a second before I listened to their voices again.

Mage one: "Confirmed new squad name, welcome on board to FoxHound. You must be the new guys."

Golem three: "you better keep up with us; our mission is about to start. We will enter dangerous air zones. I want your gun hot and ready." he said with a condescending tone in his voice. Three of our team stayed silent except for Count.

Count: "this is, Phenix two, look, Mate, we don't need to babysit me. I am the best pilot around; no one can outmaneuver me." he said with a snarky attitude in his voice.

Golem One: "what makes you think that you're the best, you're only the second-best in your team. the one with the wolf on its tail wing seemed the best pilot out of all your squad."

Dugg: "Stop it, you two, you can fight on who is the better pilot when we all get back home safely." I said while sighing tiredly. I looked at my radar and saw multiple bandits incoming. "Multiple bogies incoming in a 0001-minute prepare for a dogfight."

Golem Three: "Golem squad ready."

Mage one: " this is, Mage squad, ready to fight the incoming enemies. This a breath of fresh air flying the blue skies instead of waiting on the ship." he said before cutting off the radio. I looked around and saw the other squad separating from us to do a part of the mission.

Dugg: "Phenix one and four form up together and apprehend the incoming bandits. Phenix two, follow me." I said while slowing down next to Counts. I looked at the F-22 Raptor with a wolf Logo. Wolf hasn't said one word throughout the briefing and on when we were on the ship.

Blade: "wolf, I will be your wingman; you don't have to worry about bandits trying to flank you." he said with a cheerful tone in his voice, but we only heard radio silence from Phenix one. I was going to force him to talk to our teammates when suddenly he started speeding up and leaving us behind.

Dugg: "Shit, Phenix squad go after Wolf, who is going to get himself killed." I said while speeding up.

Count: "Hey, let's make a bet whoever gets the lowest kill will buy us drinks when we get back home. Of course, I will have the highest kill count." he said with a snarky tone in his voice.

Blade: "Oh pleased, stop with your arrogance who said you are the best if you ask me you're just a conman." he said with his lighthearted tone in his voice. All of a sudden, Wolf started firing at the incoming bogies.

Wolf started chasing after the bandits who were surprised by our sudden attack. All of a sudden, I saw a bandit getting behind, Wolf, ready to shoot him down. I was going to warn Wolf for danger, but what I saw was the most dangerous maneuvers ever done by a pilot.

Wolf went over 1000 kpm and lifted his plane nose cone towards the sky, to slow down and get behind the enemies. When he was behind the bandit, he then shot it down and proceeded to chase after more targets.

Blade: "Hay, did you just saw Wolf performing a cobra maneuver without slowing down to 500 kpm, his nuts do you know how much G's his taking just to do that stunt he just did." he said with a stern tone in his voice.

Dugg: "Wolf took down another bogie. Count, I think you might not be a match for Wolf." I said while looking at Wolf, who took down another enemy. I looked at Wolf and saw him hunting down more bogies like he is a wolf himself. "Man, he does live up to his name, hunting down enemies with ease."

Count: "SHUT UP! He was just lucky that he shot down the bandits. I am still the best," he said while speeding up and trying to steal targets from Wolf. I look at this sigh in defeat.

Dugg: "Blade change of plans, you will babysit Count while I will look after Wolf." I said while flying towards Wolf.

Blade: "Wilco," he said, turning his nose cone towards Count to support him. I then followed Wolf and saw some high G maneuvers that only the Ace pilots could do. After what felt like minutes, Wolf brought down ten bogies by himself.

Blade: "If I were to guess our lone Wolf here is an Ace pilot," he said playfully. And Count did not like what he just heard and tried to catch up with Wolf, who already brought his 12th target down.

Golem three: "Golem three to Phenix, we have five unidentified they have already taken down two of our pilots requesting for backup." he said with a scared tone in his voice.

Dugg: "this is Phenix three; we will be sending our pilots towards your way hold on as much as you can." you hear Golems distress call, Wolf, we need to go help our people." I looked towards the Jet who suddenly did a barrel roll and came towards me, he then turned upside down and passed over my plane.

Dugg: "Phenix squad, we need to head towards, Golem squad, and provide aid." I said while lifting my plane, the sky, and turning direction to follow the running Lone Wolf.

Count: "Shut up, I was about to pass that mute bastard." he said while chasing after another bogie.

Blade: "GIve up already; you can never catch up with a real Ace pilot." he said while laughing at the enraged Count.

Count" SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" he kept repeating this until he shot down the target he was chasing. He then started chasing after Wolf, who was already speeding away. When we reached Golem's location, we saw five fighter jets with what looked like good team coordination.

Blade: "Hay, don't you think those fighter jets looked way too coordinated for a team of five? I might think they are drones." he said while looking at Wolf, who is fighting them alone.

Dugg: "we need to start helping out Wolf; it looks like he is losing to them." I said while looking worriedly at Wolf. But all of a sudden, we heard a call form, Mothership.

Mothership: "This is Mothership to any remaining pilots in the area, we need to destroy Trinity's Aircraft Carrier and all the experimental drones in the air."

Dugg: "shit since when did Drones become so advanced that it gave Wolf a hard time fighting one of them."

Blade: "We could ask those questions later we need to help out Wolf" when I heard Blade's words, I then shook my head and gave them new orders.

Dugg: "Phenix squad destroy the enemy drones and head towards their mothership," I said while speeding up towards Wolf.

Blade: "Wilco," he said while trying to draw attention by shooting one of the drones.

Count: "Wilco, I will not let that mute bastard be the hero of this operation," he said while maneuvering towards one of the drones. All of a sudden, I saw code red on my radar and saw a missile heading towards my rear.

I pulled my fighter jet up the sky and raised above the clouds. When I am sure that the missile is not following me anymore, I then pointed my plane downwards and performed a nosedive. When the drones saw me coming towards one of them, Wolf got an opening and opened fire at one of them.

Blade: "Wolf confirmed kill four more to go." he said with a cheerful tone in his voice.

Count: "GODDAMMIT!" he yelled out loud to the intercom. Count then started chasing after one of the drones, which is now distracted by him. Wolf used that same opportunity and shot down the drone that was pursued by Count.

Blade: "Wahoo! Another confirmed kill by Wolf, three more to go." he said cheerily at another down drone while Count was fuming.

Golem one: "Hey, the pilot who has a wolf logo, your fucking amazing, bro, your maneuvers are fantastic and hard to performed by normal pilots." Wolf did not answer his call, but the Drones noticed that only one of the Fighter Jets were dangerous to them, so they started chasing after Wolf.

Wolf then pointed his plane up towards the sky and started racing to the top above the clouds. There I saw another fantastic piloting skill I saw performed right in front of my eyes.

Wolf went above the clouds beyond the limits of the plane. Ice started forming around him, but he still didn't stop. I don't know if he did intentionally, but all of a sudden, his engine is cut off. It didn't get the drones enough time to lock on to him as they were also affected by the frost that is forming on their sensors to detect enemies.

Wolf fell and went behind the three drones that were following him. He then started his engine and fired his gun at them, destroying all the drones. We all looked at this in awe as Wolf began coming down towards us.

Blade: "Oh my god, he alone took down all the drones." he said in awe as we looked up the sky and saw what looked like a free wolf happily running through the dark blue sky.

Dugg: "He might not just be some ordinary Ace pilot.�� I said while seeing what looked like a silhouette of a wolf flying high up onto the sky. "No, he is the best pilot in the world that no one can compete.."


---Joseph Pov---

I am in my private office sitting on my couch, looking at data of all the pilots. I can still remember what Lara told me on the deck. Lara told me she needed time to think for herself, and she told me everything I have said to her overwhelmed her right now. After announcing her part, she left me there, standing alone, looking over the sunset.

All of a sudden, I heard a knock on the door. I let the person who knocked on the door in my office. Himura came in with a grim look on his face and told me the bad news.

Himura: "The operation was successful, but we have another problem; the Trinity has been researching drone technology that could rival almost all of our Ace pilots." When I heard his words, I looked at him sternly. "We have reason to suspect that an alien arms dealer is selling their advanced technology to Trinity, and we don't know who that alien is right now."

Joseph: "too bad we can't just burst into an alien home planet and demand their technology. We would not survive if there were a full invasion of earth." is sighed in defeat as I know I can't do anything about it. I then remembered that the operation was a success, " so who should be the squad that took care of the Drones."

Himura: "it's not a squad that took care of the drone; its just one person." he said while looking at me. "It's Ace pilot Wolf…"

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