
Joseph's Secrets

I looked at Lara, who didn't change since three years ago. I could see a slight blush on her cheeks as I got closer to her. When I was in front of her, I noticed that she wanted to run away from me. But I did not let her leave that easily, so I quickly started a conversion with her.

Joseph: "Long has been a long time since I last have seen you, Lara…" I said with a loving smile on my face. I was going to talk to her more when someone familiar called out for me.

Jonah: "Joseph, what are you doing here." when I looked closely at the person who was behind Lara, I was surprised that Jonah was on this ship. Lara was shocked while looking at Jonah and asked a question to Jonah.

Lara: "how did you know Joseph." she said, trying not to look at my longing eyes on her

Jonah: "this is my little brother I talked about, I guess I forgot telling you his name." When Lara heard his words, she had looked of surprise as she looked towards me and back to Jonah. Jonah noticed her trying to compare Jonah and me; I decided to break her answer her question.

Joseph: "I didn't get any of my father's looks, but I got all of my mother's genes." I said while smirking at her. I looked at Jonah and started talking to him. "Hey, Jonah, I didn't know you work for this ship."

Jonah: "Yeah, I forgot to call you and tell you where I work, by the way, how is Haru." He said while looking at me with worry, but before he could answer my question, someone pushed me out of the way and ran towards Lara.

Haru: "Mommy, I missed you," she said while hugging Lara's waist and rubbing her head on Lara's stomach. I looked at Haru in envy as I wanted to hug Lara more than her. Lara was surprised at who she was finally meeting and hugged her back.

Lara: "I miss you too, Honey," she said while lifting the seven-year-old girl and kissing her cheeks. "You have changed since the last time I have seen you." Haru looked at Lara and started to kiss Lara back on her cheeks.

Jonah: "I sense that you two have a history together." he said while looking at me. I looked at him and just nodded.

Joseph: "She worked in my cafe for some time, that's all.'' When I said that, I had a stoic looked on my face. While Lara avoided everyone else gazed at her. She focused her attention on Haru. When everyone saw this, they knew something more happened when she was still working for me except for Sam, who was teasing Lara. Then an older man walked towards me and introduced himself.

Roth: "I am Conrad Roth, father of Lara." he said while shaking my hand but with a little bit of force when gripping my hand, Which I didn't mind as I know what it is like when your daughter is with a boy. "Welcome on board my Ship the Endurance I hope you could help out on the ship."

Joseph: "thought I am not tech-savvy. I do know how to cook and clean." I said, letting his hand go and looking at Lara. She gave back Haru to me, Haru wouldn't let Lara go, so I whispered something to her. "Don' worry, I will get you, mommy, back. I will not let her go this time."

Haru instantly lets go of Lara while I go back towards the Hummer, where I made her go inside the car. I just wink at her then looked at Hana, who was in the driver seat.

Joseph: "Open the trunk I need to grab my weapons for protection." I said while looking at her with my stoic face, Hana just nodded and opened the back of the Hummer.

Hana: "Boss, do you need someone to come with you." she said with worry on her face.

Joseph: "don't need you guys right now; just protect my daughter from harm." I grab my gun case and camera case and go onboard the ship. When I was on board, I looked at one of the crew and asked for direction. "Where will my room be?"

When the crew member noticed me, he just made me follow him to one of the empty rooms.


---Lara pov---

While Joseph was directed to his room, the group dragged me to the galley to talk to me. Everyone is gazing at me with a questioning look on their face, except for Sam and Alex.

Both of them are working their own thing; Alex was busy working stuff on his laptop while Sam was cleaning her Camera.

Jonah: "never thought that my brother would have another girlfriend in his life since his last girlfriend went missing." When I looked at him, I was surprised at what I heard because Haru told me her mother died. I was going to ask him a conformation when Alex started talking to Jonah.

Alex: "Does your brother previously worked in the military just like you." Alex said while typing something on his laptop.

Jonah: "Yeah, I think the branch's name was SCP, that is all my brother told me about his branch, just the name." Jonah said while looking at Alex in confusion. Alex didn't mind his gaze and started working something on his laptop; it didn't take him long for him to be surprised at what he saw on his screen.

Alex: "Jonah, you said your brother worked SCP didn't tell you anything on what he does in the branch." he said while physically shaking in fear.

Jonah: "I don't remember much, but he told me he would just protect some scientist." he said, trying to remember anything. Alex turned his laptop towards us and started explaining who Joseph is.

We saw Joseph's profile; there were a lot of black bars not wanted to be known; the only words that could be read were the names of his expeditions like El Dorado, SCP-001, Holy Grail, and Shambhala. I was surprised at what I saw, and I looked at Alex to explain things for us.

Alex: "If I have to guess who Joseph is, he would be a treasure hunter for some big organization that the government can't touch." he said while scrolling through Joseph's information. "I would like to see what is behind those black bars, but I would be hacking to a mysterious big organization, unlike a government I have occasionally been borrowing information to sell."

Alex was going to dig some more information when his laptop suddenly black screen and showed some codes before catching on fire. Alex threw the Laptop out the ship into the sea.

Alex: "Damn, another of my PCs is down under the sea." he said while sighing. "That was super dangerous; whoever is preventing us from getting information, they really will do anything to keep their secrets..."

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