
Chapter 6

For the next two weeks, I later found out that not only am I the weakest of the group, but I did also get lucky joining SCP. When we have to combat mock practice with my squad, I would be immediate—decimated by everyone else. In my first two weeks of my life, I was depressed.

But I do not want to lag. I ask Kenshin to teach me swordsmanship skills. Of course, he turns down my request. But as if he felt sorry for me, jujutsu. Surprisingly when I was testing out other weapons using all the modern weaponry, whether it is Steyr AUG, or FN SCAR, to pistols like the M1911 pistol to the Glock 19x. Holding these weapons gave me a nostalgic feeling that I had used this before, even though this was the first time using this weapon.

We also practice gorilla tactics on other squads. In all teams, I'm the only one who knows stealth and recon. I even went out of my way to set up traps and ambush location marks on my map to rely on my team though I'm happy that I'm good at something. I know my weakness on one vs. one I begrudgingly pick up a simple magic system I could learn in a short time.

At first, I asked Seth to teach me a space magic system. Knowing full well of my weakness, he told me space magic would take time to learn. Seth proceeds to say to me some more accessible magic.

I could learn first being blood magic as it's just by using—The blood that you could use it as a weapon. But it is also the most frowned upon the magic system as it's more accessible to learn it even more demanding losing too much blood in the battle is too many risks if you don't know how long a struggle will last.

The second option is the charm magic system even more accessible to blood magic, unlike blood magic; this only for support purposes.

The third and final option is the anti-magic system; this one does not need any reading or training. This magic system only needed to be injected into your body to work. And it's also deemed as the magic system that could kill any anomalies, whether it is aliens, mythic, and gods. But one downside to this magic system, you have to join the Illuminati as their test subjects.

That is also the reason even though they are one most influential factions even though they are one of the newer camps that formed. After thinking about it, I begrudgingly take the blood magic system as an option. I wanted to choose the third option, but I don't want to be on a table ready to be dissected.

For another week, I have been hard at work trying to learn blood magic. I have become good friends with Kenshin as he has been teaching me jujutsu. And Haruhime stops being shy to us and actively talks to us, and she even helps me teach me how to use my blood magic.

Rory is still a bit unique to the group dynamic together with Gabriel, who always says, "deaths walks among you." Seth, on the other hand, does whatever he deems it fun. One time he tried to hit on an elven girl before running away from an orc, which I later found out is the boyfriend of the elf.

Unlike all my teammates, I got used to the IDroid as if I have used it before. The best part about it is Gabriel tried to talk to me before running away. The worst parts are Rory pointing a giant ax at my head, demanding me to teach her how to use the device. 18, on the other hand, doesn't talk too much. I'm the only one out of the group that treated her as a person and not a weapon. 18 does, however, like to help humanity and is working on a prosthetic arm that will revolutionize prosthetics technology.

She always talks to me about helping out war veterans that lost limbs. One downside about this, she keeps attaching weapons into the prosthetic arms, a small retractable knife, small rockets, etc. I tried to talk to her about making everything a threat, but she won't listen to me.

It is now the fifth week of training, and my squad is in a classroom talking about object classification and dangers. Our instructor is the infamous Dr. Frankenstein. He does not age any longer after his accident on one of his experiments.

Dr. Frank: "the first object that we will show you is a very dangerous artifact, Item number: SCP-055, also known as Pandora's box one of the oldest objects that the SCP keeps away from people." as he said that he handed each of us three pieces of papers. I looked at part of the article with item number SCP-055.


Item #: SCP-055

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures:

SCP-055, also known as Pandora's box, should be safely secure in a standard tight vault. Only let level 2 clearance. And only researchers can study the object but cannot touch. SCP-055

Description: This object will not open if you don't bring two keystones, SCP-024 and SCP-25, as for public safety, they are already level 5 top-secret clearance. Scans on the box further proved the ancient greek mythology. Researchers have scanned there are indeed dark powers contained in the box but have yet found another form of energy called hope—significant research needs to be done before anyone opening SCP-055.

Reference: to this date, we have theorized if SCP-055 is opened, it could induce chaos in the hearts and minds of people around the vicinity. More research needed to be done.


I'm already immune to surprises as I have been living in this part of the world for four weeks. Himura tugged on my shirt and pointed at what looked like a Japanese katana.

I leave behind the time skip thing. As it always distracts me when I'm writing. I don't know how it will do if I should bring back time skips bars. Whatever ill just go with the flow.

DarkWiz4rdcreators' thoughts
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