
Konoha: The Template System

Kazuki granted the power of a template system leaves his mark in the dangerous ninja world, an arduous journey. {The Template "Tobirama Senju" has been extracted to 30%} Advanced chapters on P@treon.com/Gojo6666.

Tobi_444 · Tranh châm biếm
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112 Chs

Chapter 68 Return

(Volume 2: Love and Village)

The sun hung high over the Hidden Leaf Village, its rays casting a warm glow on the bustling streets.

The air was thick with anticipation and the scent of freshly cooked dango. Villagers of all ages lined the main thoroughfare, their eyes fixed on the horizon, waiting for a glimpse of their returning heroes.

 At the village gates, the Third Hokage stood flanked by Elders Homura and Koharu. His face, usually a mask of worry, today bore a broad smile.

 "They are here!"

 Suddenly sensing something, Sarutobi looked far ahead on the road that led towards the entrance gate and spoke up.



 With the sounds of footsteps, the Konoha army appeared in the distance and a cheer erupted from the villagers.


 The sound swelled like a wave, washing over the returning ninjas. At the forefront of the procession marched Orochimaru and Tsunade, their presence commanding and proud.

Close behind them was Hatake Sakumo, the White Fang of Leaf, his famed blade gleaming in the sunlight.

 But it was the figure beside him that drew the most attention—a young chunin with striking silver hair. Kazuki Aoyama, known as the Blue Storm of Leaf.

Despite his tender age of twelve, his eyes held the depth of a seasoned warrior.


As they entered the village, the Third Hokage stepped forward, raising his hands for silence. The crowd immediately hushed, hanging on his every word.


Turning his gaze at Sakumo, Sarutobi raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder, his lips parting.


"Sakumo, you truly lived up to every expectation and kept putting your life on the line again and again without hesitation; your heart truly embodies the will of fire passed down from Lord First"


Said Hiruzen with a compassionate look on his face, his tone showing how much he acknowledged him but deep in his eyes that gazed at Sakumo a look of hesitation that no one could spot.


"I just did what any konoha shinobi would have done; whenever the village requires, my blade would be at service, Lord Third"

Responded Sakumo modestly while bowing a little, his face showing a calm and collected look.


At this response Sarutobi's smile grew wider and patting him on the shoulder once again, he turned to look at Tsunade and Orochimaru.

"Having survived a battle against Hanzo, I believe it's time for me to cease my worries; you have all truly grown up"

Said Sarutobi with a look of pride on his face, those he taught managed to deal with one of the toughest enemies in the world, as a teacher how could he not feel proud.

"Don't be all sentimental old man, I'd be happier if you were to give couple million ryos then just empty words, I haven't gambled for years so I need a lot of money to practice and polish my skills again"

Tsunade shut down Sarutobi with a bored look on her face and stretched out her hand to ask for money without any embarrassment.

"I'd also like to look at few jutsu's on the forbidden scroll, Sarutobi Sensei"

Orochimaru also put forward his request with a straight face and without a hint of hesitation.

"Ha…Ha… we can talk about it later" Sarutobi's smile stiffened at their words and letting out a dry laugh, he put their requests for some other time.

Sarutobi quickly shifted his focus from Tsunade and Orochimaru and gazed at the person who most of the villagers had their eyes on.

Gazing at Kazuki who stood with his arms crossed and a straight face, Sarutobi's eyes suddenly turned blurry and for a second a figure with silver hair, red eyes and red lines on his face appeared in his head but quickly going away and overlapping with kazuki.

*The aura around and even his chakra; it resembles you so much* Sensei Said Sarutobi inwardly, if it weren't for different facial features and some other small differences, he would have almost mistaken kazuki before him for a young Tobirama.

The chakra signature of kazuki was clearly different from tobirama as well but it still had a familiar feeling deep in it.

But shaking his head Sarutobi quickly brought his focus back to reality and finally spoke up.

"Since the day you saved Senju Nawaki; I had wanted to meet you but war made it impossible" Said Sarutobi to Kazuki, who listened quietly and didn't respond yet as Sarutobi seemed to have just started.

"But as time passed you continued to achieve greatness, making merits at sand battlefield and even saving Tsunade from a deadly ambush, later you played a crucial part with the battle against Iwagakure and at the end turned out to be the main reason for the defeat of Iwagakure"

"Whether it's me or…

Saying that in the curious eyes of Kazuki, Sarutobi who stood in front of him moved to the left and allowed him to have a look at the streets of konoha, everyone gathered looking at him with eyes of admiration, respect.

"Whether it's me or these people; aside from respect and gratitude they have nothing else for you"

"Thank You Lord Kazuki!!!"

"Hero of the Leaf!!!!"

"Savior of the Village; The Blue Storm of Leaf!!!!!

The words fell and the silent crowd erupted into cheers again, the passionate chants resounding at every corner of the village.

Hearing thousands of people chanting his name and raising slogans for him, Kazuki for some reason he couldnt understand him didn't feel excited at all.

"Let's go in!"

Said Sarutobi amid the noise, motioning everyone to cross the entrance gate and enter the village.

"Welcome Lord Sakumo!!!!"

"Tsunade-Hime!!!!"  {Hime= Princess}


The army with third hokage and the war heroes' forefront passed through the streets of konoha with the sides full of people, all the time chanting and cheering.

"Haha!!! these guys…

Waving his hand Kazuki and the rest responded to the crowd, and Kazuki spotting a red and yellow haired duo in the crowd cheering for him madly finally laughing out, a grin on his face.

The celebrations of the return of war heroes continued and after a whole day, everyone was finally free to go home.


Under the night sky, Kazuki who hadn't been in village for nearly two years walked on the road that led towards his house, people from time to time greeting him with smiles and respect.


Rummaging through the pockets of the black pants he was wearing, Kazuki standing before the door of house took out a key and inserted it in the keyhole, but before he could turn the knob of the door to open it, he frowned sensing something.

But quickly Kazuki understood what it was as calmly he pushed open the door and entered, the house already brightly lit up.

Read chapters ahead on p@treon.com/Gojo6666.

I'll upload another chapter in an hour