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Yet that changed nothing. I still said it.
With a name like yours.. sounds like you were named after your mother.
It's okay buddy. there is nothing wrong with having feelings for The Great Tedmosby. He is a swell guy. next time don't make it so obvious.. I have an only fans page.
Please note: this is just my stupid opinion It is funny how people keep saying if you know you know. I am here to know and there is none of the knowing to be had in the story so far. Anyway, I still don't understand why the author chooses to mess with the s h*tty aspects of AOT, time travel. The author of AOT wrote himself into a corner and did the time travel nonsense. The same way the author of Naruto wrote himself into a corner and started talking about aliens. This is supposed to be a Naruto fanfic. right now everybody he cares about is dead. Which makes all his power ups pointless unless he is going to mess with the s h*tty aspects of Naruto cheapening death and resurrecting the dead. The same thing that killed the MCU.. cheap death and the multiverse. nothing means nothing when people can be easily resurrected or be replaced by their multiverse variants or time travel to a convinient time. It is well known that cheap death, aliens, time travel, multiverse, dream sequences are for when you have ran out of ideas.
why should they care? I am confused. or maybe you are confused.. I don't care, people don't care, you are the only one who cares.. why do you care so much? Do you like me that much?
As much as I hate AU This was a really good chapter. I am of the opinion that, if you need to keep explaining yourself in the author's notes or footnotes it means something is terribly wrong with the story telling. Why the mother is alive should have been explained as it happened or setup properly beforehand not turned into some mystery and suspense. A lot of authors on webnovel like doing this turning something insignificant into a molehill and making you think it will be worth the wait, building it up so much they write themselves into a corner and come up with a disappointing explanation that wasn't worth all the mystery in the end. I would say, just get it over with and focus on the main story. I know I am here for the MC's power up not the mother or why the mother is alive.
why should they like it? I am confused.