
Darkseid hunting

Batman walked forward still having one hand in his cape the last stand he could muster with his might, hoping to catch the new god without his guard up, useless and wishful thinking as he said but nonetheless the only effective way in the book- last stand of the famous writer, Batman.

Two parallel beams traced their path toward the vengeance of Gotham, finding their way to the Man-bat.

Batman ran haphazardly, but with all mind to his path, and his end of the journey. Making use of his surroundings he made the infamous Omega beams trace their path to Steppenwolf, as he effectively saved himself and humanity from their extinction.

"You have fended off the Omega beams not once, not twice but thrice. For a homo sapien, you interest me. I am giving you the same offer to come under my reign, as my eternal servant as I gave to your Kryptonian. Unlike him, you would serve me as one of the battle commanders, a respect none of my foes have ever been given."

Batman looked straight from his caped hood, straight into Darkseid's red eyes. Below his feet was Steppenwolf, dying, perhaps the best thing Bruce had witnessed in his life.

"Are you worried about your treatment as a servant of mine? This would heal, in a day, I bestow powers equivalent to the deeds of my subjects. Come under me, homo sapien, for it would be the most one of your species could achieve in this universe."

'One day- he meant Apokolips day, meaning 1 month, and 17 earth days. Not the best result, but till I get this Titan down, nothing is the best result.'

He checked his internals, and his body was still workable for him to fight.

'3 ribs shattered to the point of powder, shrapnels digging in intestine, liver, and stomach, also the outside of the flesh at the point, the femur is broken into two, the suit is supporting the leg, one molar tooth broke with Steppenwolf's punch to the jaw, digging into my esophagus, all finger joints having mild damage, while the left shoulder is out of the socket'

'Not the best condition to fight, but...' Batman looked to the ripped-apart body of Shazam, who after his death reverted to his child form. There were no changes in expression on his face, but one did not need to see his face to know what he had in his mind.

Effectively, Bruce's body was holding just because of his suit, the suit was just like a carton of milk, stopping all the insides from spilling out of it.

Batman lunged forward rolling down on the rough landscape, to close down on the abomination of an alien.

"You are stuborn to no end. Fine, I will just have to make your dead body work for me if the living you are no use to me."

Darkseid's pupils started glowing red and again spew the red parallel Omega beams out of it, this time with a target straight ahead without anything in between to stop them.

Wayne pulled something out of his cape, aiming it straight at the extraterrestrial warlord, with the Omega beams helping him to aim.

It was no pointy gun or some laser, it was a light bulb with a trigger, something that could be easily mistaken for a child's toy if it was not in the hands of the Dark Knight himself.

A beam of light, faster and thicker in circumference, engulfed the two Omega beams to turn them towards their origin, towards Darkseid himself.


A reddish-black miasma engulfed Darkseid's eyes and forehead, devouring him each second.

"What have you done? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" Darkseid fell holding onto his eyes, but to no avail, as the miasma followed his hands when touched, now leaving him which no palms.

With the last stand, the Dark Knight fell, just beside the crawling Steppenwolf, who was reaching for his master in his destroyed body. (batman used him to save himself from Darkseid's Omega beams)


Tired Batman, just lay there silently, waiting for the adversity to end, like the 39-year-old man he was. He remembered his talk with Alfred, who spoke of his vision of his master, Bruce having kids and living a normal life, but Batman just could not see itself having a normal life.

Batman was not a man, "IT" was a symbol, of vengeance, of dark nights coming for the evildoers, of a being who stood equal with the gods.

"What did you do with my MASTER?!" The dying Steppenwolf shrieked, as he lay beside the Darkseid, with no torso.

'Just be silent.'

"Hahaha- You did it! We did it!" A sound came from the groin part of the Dark Knight, one he would have been surprisingly eager to answer if not for the situation at hand.

It was the face of the dead, actually now not so dead Cyborg, one of the Justice League members. Celebrating the win before it was established that they had won.

"Do not- *cough*

A second of rest and the adrenaline of the ten-day fight without rest wore off, and Batman was at his worst, all things considered. Blood gushed out as the molar in his food pipe made its way to his windpipe, adjoining the two while gastric juices raised themselves enough to leak into his lungs.

The result was acid, burning away his insides while he got a nosebleed, on the outside.

"That, you monster, was the Null void projector, which I designed with the help of Batman. It gnaws one's body and seals them away in the Null void dimension, from where no one can come out from."

Steppenwolf grimaced, but inside was overjoyed as nothing could stop his liege from returning, he was gone down temporarily, and he would come back.

'It was meant to be the Null void projector until I tweaked it secretly to make it Null void beam, breaking the body to the last atom, effectively killing off anyone in its way, the last of my contingencies against someone invincible against the league, or in the worst case...'

Suddenly, the red miasma stopped from devouring what was left of the remains of Darkseid, on its side was another source of miasma, one with the color white instead of the initial red, revealing Darkseid devoured torso, quite lively at that.

"HOW?" Cyborg was out of his wit's end of what was happening before him.

Batman, raised himself looking at the rageful Akopolis god, eyeing him with a monstrous expression, not hiding any intentions of his, different from his normal, calm demeanor.

Batman was still in the usual calm mask, with his guard on, and looked for the Null void gun, changing its settings as he did before the fight, a month ago.

/ A month ago/

"It's ready, and it is working." Bruce Wayne, without his cape, was working on something, which was unsurprisingly the Null void gun that he meant to take in the worst-case scenario in the invasion from the outer world.

Not wearing his cape did not mean he was not in his suit, in fact, he was wearing his without-cape suit, the one he used for doing things that the league did not need to know.

Cyborg and Bruce had contributed their mind to the Null void gun, and after a year, they had gotten substantial results, effectively making the strongest and ultimate weapon against anyone in the universe.

As the two of them left the hidden base of Batman, the cyborg, for some reason returned to see his marvel of a weapon.

"While Bruce may be an intellectual, I calculated its consequences, and am sure he would make the atom vanisher out of this, for a contingency as he said."

"While it may sound good against an enemy, it only has a chance of 69% of working, while its null void projector part is working at a full 100% effectiveness. I won't have it be a failure when it is needed, be as it may that Bruce's contribution to it was more than that of mine, I could not have it fail when it is most needed."

And as he expected, the gun, the final product was the atom nullified, so Cyborg did what he thought would be best, reverting it to its initial settings, wasting a whole 2 months of work from Batman's side.


Bruce looked at the settings the gun was subjected to, disappointed at his teammate's going behind his back.

'A 69% of absolute win is better than a 100% of failure'

Now Bruce could tweak the gun to the settings he needed, just the time required for that was a minimum of two months, plus the machines it needed, all of which were destroyed when the Batcave, the hidden one, was destroyed when Steppenwolf attacked and he gave refuge to the common people there.

That was if Batman had not planned a contingency plan for his initial contingency, making the second shot of it, the hidden slot which was the aiming part, the atom nullifier.

He aimed again at the hideous new God of Apokolips, this time effectively making contact with his torso, ending him for good if there were no more surprises.

"YES! YES! YE-" He punched his belt's screen, effectively silencing Cyborg.

The beam did what it was meant to do, with Darkseid vanishing from the face of this universe, when an injured Steppenwolf attacked the tired Batman.

[note- I had to drop Steppenwolf out of the fic due to popular opinion, so dont drop this if you have reservation against him]

He snatched the null void projector, now having no Ammo inside it, aiming it at Batman's face, and pushed the trigger, where a blue portal engulfed him and Batman, vanishing the two, teleporting them to god knows where.