
Review Detail of Wachdog in Naruto, Be My Son

Review detail


This is Chinese, a very unfortunate thing, it doesn't matter, I will try it because I love One Piece and Whitebeard. Anyway, I just hope it's something good, it's a shame that I don't have the writing skills to do my own work.

Naruto, Be My Son


Liked by 25 people




Yeah, there are some bangers out there, but most of the ones i come across are harem power trips with discriptions spanning multiple large paragraphs and an mc that is either a powerhungry A-hole or a really unlikeable character in general. Grammar is usually part of the fantasy element as well lol

lordhokage:undortunately most chinese fanfics are trash thats just factual

Where did you get that idea? Even if it's true, thos is mad good. The situations are funny too.


I also wish I had the writing skills to make my own novels. Though, I actually enjoyed this one more than I expected.


Bros first sentence was racist 💀 at least give some things a chance before rating them



undortunately most chinese fanfics are trash thats just factual

AkashicLibrary:Bros first sentence was racist 💀 at least give some things a chance before rating them

Yeah I don't think he's saying that in a negative way, it's more to do with the fact that a lot of stories translated from Chinese also has metaphors and grammar that can sometimes stand out and kinda detract from the overall story, so normally for a translated fic to be considered 'good' by western standards, some of the grammar needs to be butchered and rephrased in a flow that westerners can better read along with


And they have this habit of involving their ancestor ancestors when things go south.

NovaAias:Yeah I don't think he's saying that in a negative way, it's more to do with the fact that a lot of stories translated from Chinese also has metaphors and grammar that can sometimes stand out and kinda detract from the overall story, so normally for a translated fic to be considered 'good' by western standards, some of the grammar needs to be butchered and rephrased in a flow that westerners can better read along with



...I don't think that's just the Chinese tho, I mean besides having an Ancestor is yk a type of luck granted at birth lol and don't characters in crisis look for the strong for help?

The_Fallen_Eroge:And they have this habit of involving their ancestor ancestors when things go south.

i mean tbf, this is like 98% of Chinese Novel's lol.

The_Fallen_Eroge:And they have this habit of involving their ancestor ancestors when things go south.

i want to say no……… but lets be honest. other then being really racest….. it aint wrong.

MayoNutSpoonsies:i mean tbf, this is like 98% of Chinese Novel's lol.

In this interconnected world, connections and relationships are essential. While novels may exaggerate this, the truth remains that everyone relies on others when faced with conflict or the opportunity for personal gain. If you had a strong connection, wouldn't you be tempted to ask for help when beaten or seek a favor? Similarly, if a family member or close friend needed assistance, wouldn't you lend a hand? It's a universal habit to look out for and support our own, with the only difference being the extent of the help provided.

The_Fallen_Eroge:And they have this habit of involving their ancestor ancestors when things go south.

It really has to do with their culture, they do not defend their family members because they love their family, they do it because it is humiliating for them, how is it possible that you hit my family, only I can do, it something similar to that (that's literally Chinese culture, nowadays in young people you won't see that but there are many people in China there with that retrograde thinking)

Juto:In this interconnected world, connections and relationships are essential. While novels may exaggerate this, the truth remains that everyone relies on others when faced with conflict or the opportunity for personal gain. If you had a strong connection, wouldn't you be tempted to ask for help when beaten or seek a favor? Similarly, if a family member or close friend needed assistance, wouldn't you lend a hand? It's a universal habit to look out for and support our own, with the only difference being the extent of the help provided.

Kkkkkk qualquer um fica suspeito lendo obras chinesas, seja o preconceito ou a superioridade de seu sistema político como eles são "livres" 😂😂😂😂

AkashicLibrary:Bros first sentence was racist 💀 at least give some things a chance before rating them

sure2x... i understand the morality of your point of view but try to read at least 10 Wuxia/Xianxia and you will get the frustration of this repetitive idea that has been overused in all scenarios that it can be applied. I'm a byproduct of Chinese novel like ATG, BDS, Daolou dalu and many more that i already forgot but mostly that have a similar MC name called Jiang Chen. I was an avid fan of Chinese novels since it is what introduced me in the world deeper than anime and manga but things got quite bland due to the "repetitive" ancestry concept and it makes me wanna puke every time I read some Chinese works that follow the same stereo typing kind of work. I know there are a lot of hidden gem Chinese art out there that need respect so it's up to you to find it and if you are having some hard time then you can ask the father of your father grandfather fathers ancestor ancestors.

Juto:In this interconnected world, connections and relationships are essential. While novels may exaggerate this, the truth remains that everyone relies on others when faced with conflict or the opportunity for personal gain. If you had a strong connection, wouldn't you be tempted to ask for help when beaten or seek a favor? Similarly, if a family member or close friend needed assistance, wouldn't you lend a hand? It's a universal habit to look out for and support our own, with the only difference being the extent of the help provided.

I think that one Archmage returns something novel was quite ok

The_Fallen_Eroge:sure2x... i understand the morality of your point of view but try to read at least 10 Wuxia/Xianxia and you will get the frustration of this repetitive idea that has been overused in all scenarios that it can be applied. I'm a byproduct of Chinese novel like ATG, BDS, Daolou dalu and many more that i already forgot but mostly that have a similar MC name called Jiang Chen. I was an avid fan of Chinese novels since it is what introduced me in the world deeper than anime and manga but things got quite bland due to the "repetitive" ancestry concept and it makes me wanna puke every time I read some Chinese works that follow the same stereo typing kind of work. I know there are a lot of hidden gem Chinese art out there that need respect so it's up to you to find it and if you are having some hard time then you can ask the father of your father grandfather fathers ancestor ancestors.

Hey, I totally get where you're coming from with the whole repetitive ancestry concept in Chinese novels. It can get pretty tiresome seeing the same old stereotypes over and over again. But hey, maybe there are some hidden gems out there waiting to be discovered, right? It's like digging for buried treasure in a sea of clichés!And about asking the father of your father's grandfather's ancestors for help... well, I guess it's all about perspective, right? Sometimes a little family support can go a long way, especially when you're in a tough spot. It's like having your own personal cheerleading squad, cheering you on through the ups and downs of life.Anyway, keep on exploring those novels and who knows, you might stumble upon something that breaks the mold! Until then, happy reading and may the literary gods bless you with some fresh and exciting stories.

The_Fallen_Eroge:sure2x... i understand the morality of your point of view but try to read at least 10 Wuxia/Xianxia and you will get the frustration of this repetitive idea that has been overused in all scenarios that it can be applied. I'm a byproduct of Chinese novel like ATG, BDS, Daolou dalu and many more that i already forgot but mostly that have a similar MC name called Jiang Chen. I was an avid fan of Chinese novels since it is what introduced me in the world deeper than anime and manga but things got quite bland due to the "repetitive" ancestry concept and it makes me wanna puke every time I read some Chinese works that follow the same stereo typing kind of work. I know there are a lot of hidden gem Chinese art out there that need respect so it's up to you to find it and if you are having some hard time then you can ask the father of your father grandfather fathers ancestor ancestors.

Well that's the beauty of being bored, we always find something interesting. Happy reading dude! Enjoy the hunt.

Juto:Hey, I totally get where you're coming from with the whole repetitive ancestry concept in Chinese novels. It can get pretty tiresome seeing the same old stereotypes over and over again. But hey, maybe there are some hidden gems out there waiting to be discovered, right? It's like digging for buried treasure in a sea of clichés!And about asking the father of your father's grandfather's ancestors for help... well, I guess it's all about perspective, right? Sometimes a little family support can go a long way, especially when you're in a tough spot. It's like having your own personal cheerleading squad, cheering you on through the ups and downs of life.Anyway, keep on exploring those novels and who knows, you might stumble upon something that breaks the mold! Until then, happy reading and may the literary gods bless you with some fresh and exciting stories.

Thanks I well I hope you enjoy your too :)

The_Fallen_Eroge:Well that's the beauty of being bored, we always find something interesting. Happy reading dude! Enjoy the hunt.

well..... whatever