hmmm 🤔 there's not much to say about this yet. the story intro feels like it has personality to me. and the one chapter I was able to read was similar and had little in the way of grammar errors and the dialogue felt almost like sweet chocolate to my ears 👂. I've seen a couple of rwby Saiyan self inserts and to be honest most of them are horrible even though it seems like a really cool idea. as I can only think of one that I actually enjoyed as it was fun to read. But then the author stopped writing it about two years ago after only three chapters. so the story has my attention as hoping it'll be good with strong character interactions.
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LIKEso I've been kind of meaning to bring this up about your story. I'm not sure how to say this but how is your main character going to get strong enough to become a super Saiyan or even beyond that without the resources Goku and Vegeta had in the series available to them??? that the main character doesn't seem to have available to him. like for instance magically heavy clothes a gravity training room magical beens that heal you or healing pod. the only way I could even imagine him attaining a gravity room like Vegeta's is if he traded some of his advanced technology to be studied to the guy who built penny as he seems like the only genius that might be capable of building something like that and relying on his zenkai ability just doesn't seem feasible in RWBY setting because there aren't magical means to be healed or super Syfy healing pods in RWBY to my knowledged. also magically weighted clothes don't seem possible either. as the magics in RWBY feels very elemental focused and I can't think of any enchanted gear being a thing either.
not sure on Remnant although there might be somthing to pull here. But as you've read from the first chapter, mc reicarnated into A saiayn at the moment he was in space but the saiyan went through a worm-hole to get to Remnant his agenda before combining with mc is generic WTO , It doesn't mean he hadn't been sent to an another world and i implied he vegeta was born when Kron left. I've got ideas for the future to increase his power but for now his priorty is Oozaru transformation and helping Pyrhrra
Isn't gravity dust a thing? I mean they have a floating city