Story is boring following too many tropes, mc is a pepo by grooming ino, author destroyed team 7 by adding ino to the team. Many plot holes. System is trash and without it mc would be nothing. He’s able to trick obito with little to planning, plot is not consistent, scaling is out of thrown out the window. I’m giving it a one star, because author said ino and mc are just friends and not even the next chapter ino and mc become a “couple”. Mc name is kirito no need to explain. Grammar is alright, but nothing to write about though. Character development is weird and mc is way to irrational. Language use for system is off like [100x critical hit] but mc never attacked anyone or was attacked, it some type of reward multiplier which is just way to op. Author makes mc op but nerfs him the next chapter, like 100x rasengan damage but it doesn’t even kill anyone other than mob characters. Last but not least let me reiterate mc is a pepo/groomer.
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LIKEYou got something wrong the 100x crit doesn't increase the strength of his jutsu to do 100x dmg or let's him do more dmg ut just makes it so that in return for taking 10/100/1000 times more time to learn 1 jutsu the jutsu will be tgat much better not stronger this means he will never ever be able to learn lots of jutsu and has to stick with the few jutsu he learns but each jutsu will be mastered and at it's best stage posible like his rasengan is stronger than that of naruto/minato/jiraiya will ever be he instantly unlock every version of rasengan he is capable of leaening but he wasted 5 years plus he can't learn multiple jutsu at a time or else he could waste 100 years just to learn the easiest jutsu so i think it's fair
Plus how is the story ruined 😒 by adding ino to team 7 and replacing sakura and sasuke it doesn't make a big difference it's a fanfic there is supposed to be changes to the story 🤔 sakura could easily be replaced and ino could easily fulfil sakura's roles in naruto if needed and author can still make sakura be trained by tsunade so that sakura can fulfil her role in shipuden so no it's not ruined i fined it kund of detailed compared to other fics because there was a reason being hiruzen wanted to gain his favor other fics would just do random bull for no reason like apollo uchiha on yt where everything goes naruto/mc way and fight aren't detailed ik through experience this fic is def above 1 star the lowest should be 2.5 highest 4.5 or a full 5 star if you enjoy it and have slightly lower standerds or are new to fics
The whole mc being nothing without system is bull that's literally almost ever system fic ever that's why system fics exist if someone from our world got isekaid realistically they would die before becoming chunin in almost any timeline in naruto even before the start of the story because ain't no way you can expect going from regular ninja to being able to fight s rank shinobi or even a or b rank that just called being an optimist but i do agree with system being slightly op but atleast all the kekeigenkai he gets aren't that op cause their just uzumaki kekeigenkai that he should've been born with so in a way he had to work to unlock a bloodline he should've had a chance of getting from the start