Just wondering if you all are reading the same story that I just tried to read? I mean a four or five star review, when you can't even follow the story because of all the grammatical errors. Come on! Dear author, maybe take a moment or two to go over your work. That way you can catch some of these errors yourself. Unless of course you just want to throw words out there. If thats it, then your doing an awful fine job.
Liked by 58 people
LIKEI believe most of the high rated reviews are by bots or people with grammar just as bad as the author, I tried reading this novel and just the first few paragraphs were enough to warn me about this novel and subsequently drop it. Examples; 1) the word "I" is not capitalized, 2) Words are improperly ordered when the author wrote "why I can't see" it should be "why can't I see." That's just the start too, this novel is capable of giving me migraines just because of the grammar.
The guy has a point though. If your novel has around a hundred glaring mistakes in spelling, punctuation and grammar in the very first chapter... Well, that's anything *but* a sign of quality. If you can't proofread, then at least find an editor for Pete's sake.
Idk about you but there's a difference in expecting some mistakes and just reading someone using english for the first time... Like he could use google translate and grammarly or get an editor or have proper eenglish sentences by the side as an example and compare it to see how his is...
Yeah I mean Grammarly should really be used by everyone on here
I don't think even that would help tbh, I frequently read CN, JP, KR and Spanish novels run through google translate, they all read better than this so not knowing the language it is posted in simply does not work in this regard when literal machine translation does a better job, this reads like a child read a novel for the first time and decided to write their own, what makes it worse is on top of the awful grammar mistakes there is a constant sense of disbelief through the plot as with the background author established for MC (Which reads like it's straight out of EPIC) rather than make the guy act broken, distrustful etc which would be expected instead acts like he has no brain filter while also latching onto with absolute trust the first person he comes across. (Despite knowing they are far from 'good guys' in the manga he's read about them.) His background would take a lot of work if he ever recovered from it or end up morphing him into the Joker yet ends up as some weird cross between Asta and Generic Dense Shonen Protagonist #1000057
que es la gramatica?