Firstly this is the first time I have read a game role-playing type novel. It was an eye-opener for me. Good thing I like playing slash and kill type games (^_^). I felt like I was reading Diablo (the game) in a novel, but since I adored the game, I enjoyed the story. Some might find the book a bit on the gory side, but well this is a dungeon type role-playing game novel, don't know anyone who has ever entered a dungeon in a game and not had to slash and kill their way through. The game screen's that come up in the novel can be jarring but that is no mistake of the author, that is the limitation of using webnovel's platform - and the author should not be held accountable for it. All in all, if you like slash and kill with a side dish of gore and brains, then this is definitely a story to read. If you are a sensitive reader, then maybe you should find something different.
Liked by 2 people
LIKEThank you very much for the review! :) very grateful for your time! Yes, have been given the diablo resemblance before😂 and mabye my old addiction to it resurfaced when I first started writing. I have tried finding a solution for the system info, and I think the new spacing method works! :) thank you for shedding more light on.this, as it definitely needed improvement. Thank you again for.the review! ;D am a big fan of your work too! All the best!
You are welcome, and I am looking to reading more of your story - so do keep it up!