Okay, I love this novel, I do. But the MC is annoying. There's been so many character change for him that I have no idea who or what he is. For someone who came from earth, even if he had a life as hard as he got, he should know better than to solve every problem with violence. There's no meaningful attachment to give the main character a sense of humanity. While he's character is well written and developed, he still comes off as bland. And hypocritical. The last person he should trust was that crazy elf, yet he does. He refuses to form an connection in the name of being betrayed by people, which is to say he looks down on people. Doing The same thing he complains about. Well written and with an exquisite world building, but to be honest I have no idea what the end game is. All he does is follow the direction of a person he knew killed his mother and then act like the rest of the world doesn't exist. Seriously! He's in a new world, he's supposed to explore, fall in love, get a harem, break records and build kingdoms. But 60+ chapters in and the only meaningful thing he has done is get stronger and hatch a duck. For a story so fast paced, this is incredibly slow. (Plus I'm a little tired of cliche anti villains without a shred of common sense. He's suppose to connect with this world, the evil elf can not be the only one capable of helping him.) But my rant aside. The story and the detail put into it is amazing. Though there are a few grammatical errors, it's negligible and does not hinder the flow of the story. Keep u the good work.
Liked by 2 people
LIKEThank you very much for the detailed review! :) i totally get what you mean with the cac development, and mabye I didn't explain all the changes happening to him properly as the story progressed. My writing and grammar definitely needs work too. 1 - he started of as detatched from his emotions for others 2 - he slowly gets some back through the kid's sacrifice 3 - he tries to put faith into others with his gained emotions, but ends up tricked. Making him reevaluate if it is really necessary to have them in order to achieve his goal. Also, he keeps getting influenced by his inhumane companion which keeps telling him that emotions are useless 4 - he tries to have a good control over who gets to be trused, but as this is new, he struggles with it. And now, it seems like something is eating away at his sanity due to trying and balance this new feeling with his cracking mind. The rest is well, very true too. My pacing isn't the best, as I should have given him more opportunities to grow and experience the world earlier on. However, I definitely plan to let him do so, and without too much contact with the other characters. Really thankful for your time! :) it is a great honor to have one of the high tier authors even give my fiest novel a chance even though it has many flaws. Hope to improve along the way, and I wish for you all the best! :D
It's great that you notice the flaws in your work. That's what really helped me, and it still helping me now. Do you best, I'll keep on supporting you as best as I can.
A slow building story isn't necessarily a bad thing. Guessing what motivations are for an mc or any character is half the fun.However within the firat 4 chapters we can see A. Cosmic overlords are fighting.B.the one on the losing end has taken desperate measures to try to change the circumstances.C.The title pretty explicitly gives us the theme of the novel.