So. You want a classical adventure, the likes of Hogwarts and the Lord of the Rings? You've come to the right place then. No seriously, you have. MC is the good guy yet.... I can see him teetering on the edge between... he might be the villain for the right reasons. Magic? Check that off the list. He has raw power, no control. He's also deceiving. He's the young-slightly-buff-dude that you can't help to scoff and ask, how is he a mage? Wizened Grandpa figure? Check. In this case, not so wizened, more like 40 years old-still-able-to-knock-ladies-AND-men-down-with- a- wink. (That was long.) The MC runs into a bunch of trouble near the ending of the first arc, novice against masters and grandmaster, that sort of thing. Overall. It's a good read. There much more I could tell you... but that just ruins the fun of unraveling the plot that is Paragon of Destruction. So add it the library and join me for the wild, magical ride. P.S: No harem. Not unless you count the gaggles of old men MC meets.... fine. Maybe a twincy wincy, old man harem. Only one romance lead.
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LIKESo far it wasn't that "big", he met girls then went separate ways, not sure whether he would meet each other again soon nor he would ends up with one of them or he would find another new girl. It's not harem because nothing really happened
Harem where nothing really happens that sounds like one of those Japanese novels where the characters have some sort of virginity forcefield despite the harem of archetypes
You're right, at some points. But rather than harem it was more like he changed girlfriends in every part of his journey and all of the girls had to go separate way each times. This comes the part where we aren't sure yet whether he would meet any of them again in the future or how it would end for them. If those girls still retains their feelings then it might lead to harem but time could changes a lot of things, with their experiences and responsibilities they might just remember him as their puppy love and forget it, then mc ends up with "the" girl eventually, whoever it is