


Good thing the hour tracker doesn't work from Windows, I wouldn't want to know how much I spent reading on this site.

2018-06-18 JoinedCanada

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  • ErozothDraeor

    I never get this plot line, everyone uses it, the MC could be Homelander and its also the same. I didn't watch the TV show, but somehow I still know that Edgar has to die. The MC, in this novel... grabs him, and no one would know or see what happened, deal with him. Unless it's going with the MC being too stupid or kind (neither match his origin) to do it or see this coming? Too stuck in his hero gig?

    Ch 12 Chapter 11
    The Boys: The Speed Of Redemption
    TV · Vekay_Legend
  • ErozothDraeor

    I think there is a massive plot hole and ignoring it does nothing for the story, its like ignoring an obvious solution just to get some drama or maintain the plot for no good reason. MC: If you marry Rais to the Phenex I will not sell any of my items or potions (healing, fertility) to the Gremory or their allies. DONE! Marriage is canceled before he stops talking. MC: I won't sell to the entire devil race if that happens (this is stupid, more extreme and he can't really do it, but suggesting it as a threat to, say, Sera... will make things happen). There are many things he could do. So sticking to the rating game just feels like.... reducing your own novels quality just because its was original plot. Sometimes, simple solutions are the unique, hell, you could use this and then have issues come with the Phenex as a result which ends up with similar plot line but now it makes sense.

    What did you guys think about the chapter? I would love to know, I liked writing the Asia x Kalawarner double team. Also, what do you guys think Takumi will pull out against Riser? I would love to hear what you think.
    Highschool DxD: Dragon's Ascent
    Anime & Comics · Bronz_Deck
  • ErozothDraeor

    Many shows and books that happen on Earth could be merged, happening in different regions. Harry Potter would not make sense or point, he has no magic an it would be a tough sell to explain why the magical are not involved with all the vampires killing people (if only to hide it). Teen wolf, Originals, etc.... why? So similar it just adds a different story but doesn't add to the story. If you can think of something unique that will add to the story, if you intend to go into adventure or something like that the Tomb Raider world might work. There are plenty others.

    2. Have another franchise in the novel, and if so, what would you choose? (Y/N/Comment)
    Twilight: Rebirth
    Movies · DumbedDown
  • ErozothDraeor
    Replied to DetachedDreamer

    Yea, when the synopsis is that bad I won't give the novel half a chance.

    The Boys meets unexpected visitors from another universe.
    TV · M1ka1_7smitj
  • ErozothDraeor

    He promised to fight someone that powerful in exchange for sword fighting and language class?

    In exchange for his help against Galbatorix, with an agreed-upon time limit of 10 years for beating him, she agreed to train him in sword fighting and teach him the ancient language.
    Harry's Multiversal Journey
    Book&Literature · SenseiCaffeine
  • ErozothDraeor
    Replied to ErozothDraeor

    I am certain I did and I know why I dropped it. For me, not being a transmigrator kills it, even if you do not know the original source material. A Clark Kent character in this world, any world, is a walking plot armor, I genuinely cringe at how everything just works when nothing is real-world logic. If Superman was real, in a world like ours, I would say he is living in a delusion, The Boys world is no different.

    Ch 1 Chapter 1
    It Stands For Hope
    TV · Eletto
  • ErozothDraeor
    Replied to ErozothDraeor

    I think I read this before or at least tried.

    Ch 1 Chapter 1
    It Stands For Hope
    TV · Eletto
  • ErozothDraeor

    Come on, have some sense of realism. If she has all that experience how has she practically raised him? At least if she... 50 or immortal.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    In The boys??
    Others · naruto_maitou
  • ErozothDraeor

    If its limited time (first... nerf on first chapter?) then why does he need to be careful?

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    In The boys??
    Others · naruto_maitou
  • ErozothDraeor

    Thanks. At least this tells me when its stolen and its dead so I can skip them.

    Ch 1 Trashbag(s) and the stolen stuff
    Stolen stories and where to find their originals
    Others · Feebling
  • ErozothDraeor

    I'll try. While that world could do with someone like him... I feel his strict rules have no real chance of fixing that world with nothing short of reality manipulation, aka plot armor. It would have been more likely to have someone nearly as "good" but transmigration with vague idea of that world.

    Ch 1 Chapter 1
    It Stands For Hope
    TV · Eletto
  • ErozothDraeor

    I get the idea of the story, It's cool... it was just poorly done. Several plot holes with how Jin regains his power and memories when the gates opening but then the MC needing to protect the world before that happens... but there are no gates for him to grow strong. Feels like the author didn't want transmigration into Jin so he made a new MC and half assed his explanation, which is pretty bad since the entire plot depends on it.

    Ch 2 2. Explanation
    Un-Solo Leveling
    Anime & Comics · PeekACoo
  • ErozothDraeor

    Where will he get these XP from? Once the gate opens Jin regains his memories, this was literally two paragraphs ago and the MC needs to protect the world BEFORE Jin regains his memories. What a mess.

    "The system I made will absorb some of the power of magical beings you defeated, just like how game characters gained XP. It's actually the same as me, except that I got my XP from Ashborn while you get your XP from magical beings you kill."
    Un-Solo Leveling
    Anime & Comics · PeekACoo
  • ErozothDraeor

    What? Jin will get his memories when the gates start appearing, MC needs to protect the earth until then, ie he needs to be strong BEFORE the gates appear? How will he get power if there are no gates and are you saying the super powerful enemies that Jin was unable to defeat 300 years in the future will show up early (I mean, if they retain their memories, why wait?). This seems like some pretty messy plot holes. The entire explanation seems good on the surface but even a quick overview comes up with multiple plot holes that cannot be resolved, feels like author either missed those (unlikely) or decided to ignore and: It will be fine, don't worry! but eventually it will cause the story to be somewhat of a joke.

    "It will cost Jin Woo's memory and power as Shadow Monarch. He won't lose them, but they'll get sealed for a few years before returning slowly. Jin Woo has made preparation for it though, so don't worry. His memory will return when Gates starts appearing and he'll start recovering his power too by then because magic starts filling Earth's atmosphere. That's why we need you to protect Earth from Monarchs & other invaders until Jin Woo recovers. My power will also decline although not as bad as Jin Woo because we will mainly use his power. But it will still take years for me to recover and go to Earth from my world."
    Un-Solo Leveling
    Anime & Comics · PeekACoo
  • ErozothDraeor

    Guess Alucard can be his alias or something like that when dealing with other supernaturals.

    Ch 19 Fangs And All
    Twilight: Rebirth
    Movies · DumbedDown
  • ErozothDraeor

    I would imagine he is the true vampire and they are a variant at best, but most likely just something else that similar to vampire and the only similarity really is the blood.

    Gabriel closed his mouth, his fangs still elongated as his face exuded gentleness. "I'm something of a vampire, too. I guess you could refer to me as a hybrid of sorts, but a hybrid that has never existed before."
    Twilight: Rebirth
    Movies · DumbedDown
  • ErozothDraeor

    Ignoring the cold is kinda.... not working.

    They both lay there in silence as the sound of rain splashed on the windows of the house, the low hum of a thunderstorm gathering. Gabriel's fingers stroked Rosalie's hair as her body vibrated in his arms, a deep but happy sigh escaping her mouth.
    Twilight: Rebirth
    Movies · DumbedDown
  • ErozothDraeor

    I feel your writing style is too detail-oriented, while the amount of details and description does make it easier to see what the MC does I think you are overdoing it. A simple: "Walked in and killed 3 molerats and set up a trap for the others" turned into an entire chapter, this is barebone, no good, level of description but at least the story will go somewhere. at the current rate, you will have: a very short amount of time described over several chapters>Time skip>repeat.

    Ch 11 Chapter 11: First Blood
    Fallout Wastelander
    Video Games · PowerArmorGuy
  • ErozothDraeor
    I should've made those caltrops. They would've been quite helpful here to slow down any mole rats from coming out of these holes, since there is a possibility they could use these to flank me and cut me off from the entrance. However, it's a bit too late to turn back now, so I'll think about making a lot of them for my next trip into the mines.
    Fallout Wastelander
    Video Games · PowerArmorGuy
  • ErozothDraeor

    This mostly feels like an auxiliary chapter.

    Ch 9 Chapter 9: Another One
    Fallout Wastelander
    Video Games · PowerArmorGuy