
Alice Hunter

After showering, Abella got out and dried herself off, and she was now standing in a purple sweater with a white t-shirt underneath and blue jeans, along with a pair of black sneakers on her feet.

Now looking at herself, Abella thought she was very beautiful, or at least more beautiful than before, for some reason. Not only that, but she used to wear glasses before, but now she had perfect eyesight and could go about her day without it.

And her body was something else as well. In her memories, she never had such large breasts or a nice curvy body with a nice plump rear, plus a certain member between her legs was larger than before.

Overall, Abella would even go so far as to say that she looked like she could be a model, perhaps even prettier than one. Strangely, though, her body was very toned and looked as if it packed muscle hidden behind her feminine features.

Shaking her head, Abella thought that was foolish and left it at that. Although she had to say that this was very different from her usual style, which consisted of a meek girl with long black hair covering most of her face. While she didn't get bullied, she might as well have been since everyone avoided her.

"I wonder what those people will think of me now?" She asked in her thoughts, not expecting an answer. And yet, that wasn't her priority since she wanted to focus on improving her grades as much as she could before the end of the school year, since it's her last one.

Leaving the hallway bathroom, Abella walked toward the kitchen, where the same staircase leading down to the bakery was. In the kitchen was Abella's mother, whose name was Laura Woods.

Similar to her, Laura had straight raven-black hair and crystal blue eyes, and she wore clothing suggesting herself as a baker with her white jacket, checkered pants, and a puffy white cap.

Looking at her body, Abella thought that not only was her mother gorgeous, but her body was very sinful as well, especially her rather ample breasts, curvy body, childbearing hips, and thick butt and thighs to complete.

As she was thinking about this, another fact appeared in her mind that made her remembered something. She thought, 'My Mom is a futanari, which are women with both male and female genitalia that make up a third of the population.'

Not only was Laura one, but Abella and her sister Skye was as well.

As she was thinking about this, Abella suddenly heard Laura's morning greeting, "Good morning, Lovebug—Oh, you look different today~! Who made you want to do all that, fufufu~" She giggled as she pointed toward her daughter's new look.

She thought that maybe her daughter found a special someone who gave her the drive she needed to care about her appearance, but that was proved wrong when Abella said, "No one. I kind of want to take life seriously. Do you think I look good?"

Change was hard, and the old Abella didn't dare ask anyone about her appearance or change her style. However, she now had confidence since Abel was not shy at all with his words or actions.

Giggling once more, Laura walked up to Abella and kissed her on the forehead before rubbing Abella's shoulders, saying, "Of course I think you look good, lovebug. You could never look weird in my eyes. Now, hurry up and get ready for school. You're going to be late yet again if you don't hurry!"

Nodding with a smile, Abella walked over to one of the chairs that her bookbag had rested on before picking it up and throwing it over her back. Then, waving her mother goodbye, she walked down the staircase and walked out of the building through the alleyway door.

Walking up to the front of the building, Abella could see that people were riled up by some altercation that happened several minutes ago. Only now was she seeing the aftermath of what happened, including a soccer mom who had to pull over to the side of the street since her gray sedan was damaged near the front.

Whoever had hit them, Abella didn't know since the people weren't here. Shrugging, she thought, 'Oh, well. Not my problem,' and she left toward the bus stop that was a bit down the street.

Standing at a stop sign were a couple of students whom she recognized but couldn't remember their names. They weren't important in her life, and neither was she, so she straight up ignored them and waited for the school bus to arrive.


It took about 10 minutes for the school bus to arrive and pick up Abella, along with the other students, and drive them to their high school, which ended up taking about twenty minutes to arrive at Riverside High.

One by one, students ended up getting off the bus, as Abella was one of the first because she sat at the front while the cooler kids sat near the back. But, like she thought, ever since she got onto the bus or when she hopped off the bus to go into her high school, all the other students were looking at her as if the school was receiving a new student.

They were right to think this way, since Abella looked and appeared totally like a different person. But none of it mattered to her, so she minded her business and entered the building.

Upon entering, Abella found that it was exactly how she remembered it. At the entrance of the building, there was a massive open space with several students walking to and from their classes or wherever they needed to go.

There were multiple hallways, staircases, and rooms for the students to walk through. Down each hallway, there were lined-up lockers along the sides of the walls, though scattered here and there were doors leading to different classrooms.

The school had the usual white vinyl flooring, and the school ceiling tiles were great for acoustic performance. The classrooms doors had a dark blue metal frame, matching the same color as the student lockers.

Closing her eyes, Abella tried to remember the exact directions to where her classroom is, and once she found them, she started walking toward it while ignoring the other students looking at her with confused expressions.

It didn't take her long to arrive near her classroom, and when she entered, she could see several students that were either talking to their friends or on their phones doing whatever.

Abella had neither, so she walked to her seat that was facing toward the front of the classroom before sitting down, opening up her bookbag, and pulling out her notebook for her first class of the day, math.

She wasn't very good at math; well, it would be more accurate to say that she barely gave any effort to it, just like in all her other classes. Knowing full well that she didn't do any of the homework assigned to her, she figured that now was a good time as any to start it so that she could get the most number of points possible.

The only problem with this is that she didn't remember any of the material since she would always fall asleep during class. When she was about to sigh in disappointment, she felt a hand on her shoulder, and behind her was a rather attractive woman with long, blonde hair and green eyes.

Abella remembered that her name was Alice Hunter, a very popular student who was good at academics, sports, and social life. Someone who was the total opposite of the old Abella.

Not only this, Alice's sister was best friends with Skye, Abella's older sister. They've never talked outside of school, and even when they met, it wasn't as if they talked with one another.

Though now that Abella had the chance to look at Alice, who was dressed in a white off-shoulder top over her pink skirt and stood in white flats with white stockings, she was a woman who Abella, or rather Abel, was attracted to.

Focusing back on the present, she heard Alice say, "Hey, Abella! You look so different; I almost didn't recognize you. Anyway, do you need help with the math homework?"

Her tone of voice suggested that she, too, knew that Abella didn't do it or couldn't do it since she never paid attention. Nodding her head yes, Abella asked her politely if she could, and Alice was more than willing to.

Before class had started, they started working together to complete Abella's homework, though Abella didn't want the answers, just the know-how on how to complete the problems.

During this time, both Abella and Alice realized that it was fun working with each other, and before they knew it, class had started and Alice had to return to her seat.

Abella looked up at the clock and knew that each class was an hour, and after math it was English, gym, lunch, social studies, art, and finally, science.

"Time to focus and get caught up..." She said and then gave her full, undivided attention toward math class and English, and like that, two hours had gone by, and she was now heading to the woman's locker rooms before changing into her gym uniform.


Inside the locker rooms, there were red lockers belonging to several other students, and both Alice and Abella were now changing into a white shirt and blue knee-high shorts with their sneakers on.

After getting dressed, they met up and were now walking inside the gym connected to their locker room, and on the opposite side of the room, they could see some of the boys as well. For the futanari, they dressed with the female students since they were mostly female and were comfortable changing with them.

Standing next to Abella, Alice wondered about something and whispered to her, "Hey, do you have a crush on anyone? Is that why you're so different?"

Shaking her head nonchalantly, Abella just shrugged, "No, that's not why. My mom asked the same thing; why do you two automatically assume that's the case? Anyway, like I told her, I just wanted to change my life around. I was acting too comfortably, and I wanted to start taking it seriously."

Alice looked amazed, and commended her for that. It's not everyday someone could change their lifestyle a complete 180 like she did, so it was impressive and respect-worthy. Plus, bettering your life should always be celebrated.

Before they had the chance to talk some more, they, as well as the other students, noticed that walking into the gym was the gym teacher named Robert, who didn't look like a gym teacher at all.

Robert was short, overweight, and hairy, and in the woman's eyes, he was a disgusting pervert who leered his eyes on all the female students' bodies. Thankfully, Abella was an exception to this before, since she didn't align with the whole 'Perfect face, perfect body' standard of his until now, when his eyes were practically glued to her body, or more accurately, her large chest.

Twitching her eyebrow, Abella really wanted to say something until Alice stopped her by standing directly in front of her. This way, instead of looking at Abella, he was looking at Alice.

Before Abella could thank or say anything to her, the both of them heard Robert click his tongue before he began today's lesson. "Alright, listen up! Today, we're going to be running half a mile around the track, and then in the second half, we'll be playing volleyball. Any questions...?"

After seeing there were none, they were then led outside the building and were now standing in the school's large and wide yard, with a football field surrounded by a running track.

The students were then told to line up in a line next to each other, and when Robert yelled, "Go!" did the students start running. Of course, both Alice and Abella stood next to each other and sprinted off together as well.

"Wanna race to see who's faster?" Alice looked over at Abella, who didn't look all that confident in her capabilities. After all, she was a couch and bed potato, so it wasn't as if she was all that athletic.

Giving a self-deprecating laugh, Abella replied, "Sure, I guess. I think you'll beat me, though!"

And giving each other a queue, they both started to run as fast as they could to see who's faster, while also having fun doing it too.
