BATMAN making his last stand against New God Darkseid A Wayne business centered fanfic with canon divergence
[Now I have only watched Daredevil and the X-men except the MCU movies, so I do not know much about the Hand, either I can incorporate it in my way, with Hydra being the main antagonist and Hand just a subsidiary, or I watch the series which comes to me very non-enticing, I am all up for suggestions.]
Yinsen grabs dead Khalid's weapon and runs into the tunnel, firing in the air. He enters the outer cavern and is confronted by Raza and his troops. Yinsen lowers his weapon to the ground.
Tony, trapped in the suit, watches the loading bars on the laptop get close. Suddenly --Multiple BURSTS of gunfire. Tony throws a look. SILENCE.
Tony takes up his suit, the MArk one to counter the attack from Raza's men. On his way, he turns into the main chamber and sees Yinsen on the ground.
An RPG to the face, but not so effective, when Tony primes his flame throwers, but they malfunction. Both men square off. Raza aims, but now Tony's flame throwers kick in and --
Raza flattens as twin plumes of fire envelope him. He SCREAMS, grabbing a dead soldier as a shield.
"We could've made it. Both of us. You could've seen your family again."
"I-I am going to see them again. They're waiting for me." And now Tony understands -- Yinsen's family is dead. Yinsen grins, then sags into himself, dead.
Rage overtakes Tony. He steams towards the exit, roaring, with Yinsen's last words heaving his mind.
"Don't waste it, Don't waste your life."
And there comes the light-bringer, with Firse in his hands, razing Raza's men to the ground as he destroys all of the Stark Tech they had saved here in their stash.
Tony flames everything, everyone in sight until nothing with the logo Stark is ashes in the valley.
The gray armor shoots up. Tony clears the mountain ridge by inches, and then -- His boosters are suddenly spent. He plunges like a human cannonball.
The Earth swells up at us and - Tony THUDS into the sand, pieces of the armor splitting away.
Dazed, he struggles with the exoskeleton. He staggers into the dunes, away from the smoke and DISTANT EXPLOSIONS. He's torn up, clutching a bullet wound. He falls, gets up again, and keeps moving.
The Apache lands at a distance, with four men taking lead, running forward was Rhodes- Thodey.
"How was the 'fun-vee'?"
Tony smiles, with visible expressions of sadness and hints of regret. They hug each other.
"Next time, your ride with me, Okay?" Rhodey supports Anthony as they make their way to the heli.
[Batman logs, unknown file location- <Header> New day 91, continued log, Old day-3931]
Henceforth this world would be called the new world and the old one would be the Gotham World, to not cause confusion for my successor, the memory wiped me or a friend from the past.
The previous quarter has been fruitful, the following excerpt is for the above-mentioned individuals, should the need for a helping hand comes.
All the logs and papers for inheritance has been safely hidden in a safe, isolated from the likes of anything, only to be received by a series of identity check incorporated. The safe is to include, as of the 91st day all the land inheritance papers, company rights, and individual copyright rights. It also includes authentic individual identities for people the majority of the League, and individuals tracing their bond to <Bruce Wayne> with a background tracing back to the individual <Ben Tucker> valid in the time period between the <20th of March 1920> to <19th of May 2024> if the need ever arises for one. (The safe is to include a one-time device with the operating system Al-ios, capable of accessing all file types and applications before it would self-destruct in 15 hours)
The safe is heavily isolated, along with this information not being on any of the servers, unique to this drive only, to be hidden in a way readily accessible for people from <Gotham World> after being subjected to a series of identity checks.
The said background is to be valid until <20th of November, 2024> after which the information would be subjected to incinerated
Continued report of the world finances and note-worthy events is below <15500 words> <highlighted 12 words>
With the individual Tony Stark brought back from Afghanistan, stocks of Stark Industries raise 29 points in the previous 9 hours. An increase in the net worth of the Industries by 21.95 billion. Further investments are to be made after the scheduled press conference the young CEO demanded first thing coming out of the desert.
The individual may be suffering from Post-traumatic stress, Attention disorders from a young age, and depression, but the speculations are yet to be verified.
Batman continues his activities as a vigilante in Hell's Kitchen and its vicinity, one previous mention of the daily illegal dealing being stopped after the first hit, points to the cautious head of the organization.
The new information in this log includes mention of <Highlight> The Hand <Highlight> of which no information was to be found in the public domain. With the lacking means of information gathering, it is advised to increase patrol, as Batman gains more information that way until the logistics and support are funded and developed.
Continuing, major terrorist organizations in the <New world> include <Highlight> Hydra <Highlight>, previously mentioned The Hand, and the occurring group of unguided religious fanatics in the Middle East, something that was found to be common between the new world and Gotham world.
The financial report includes...
Another noteworthy mention is the investigating agencies present. With the addition of S.H.I.E.L.D. being fast on the tail, mystic arts are observed to have a part in the search for Batman.
Confirming the presence of the closely associated concept of magic here. With the findings of immortals, technology unbefitting of time, Spy agencies, the Hydra, mystic arts, and by extension magic, and the presence of potentially living Steppenwolf, the future of the world is bound to be anything but peaceful.
An irregularity in the common life of Bruce Wayne and that of Batman was noticed when the intelligence and decision-making prowess of both individuals was found to be limited, being capped due to means beyond understandings as of yet.
The Mind being compromised was taken into consideration but after the protocol <MOSgg#zero-five_AIKON> was taken into effect, the notion was put down. Further study on the matter is required.
Inside Stark Industries lobby, Packed with Reporters waiting for the hundred-carat headline Pepper is approached by a man with a receding hairline, suit, and ID.
"You'll have to take a seat, Sir."
"Oh, I'm not a reporter. I'm Agent Phil Coulson with the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division."
"That's a mouthful."
"I know, we are working on that. Here." He hands her a card. She squints at the tiny font.
"Look, Mr. Coulson, we've already spoken with the D.O.D., the FBI, the CIA-"
"We're a separate division with a more...specific focus. We need to debrief Tony about the circumstances of his escape. More importantly--" Pepper cuts him off.
"Well, great, I'll let him know-"
"-we're here to help. We're here to listen. I assure you Mr. Stark will want to talk to us."
"I'm sure he will. Now if you could just take your seat."
Before the television was Bruce Wayne, on another, was the director of Shield, and on another was Archibald Garrod, a normal man with a huge investment in Stark Industries
"The official report was sketchy. What happened to you over there, Mr. Stark?"
"What happened? I had my eyes opened. I came to realize that I had more to offer this world than just making things that blow up.
And that is why, effective immediately, I am shutting down the weapons manufacturing division of Stark Industries."
The room is in chaos. Obadiah's ready to wrap this up, and moves towards Tony. The questions are now firing in a CACOPHONY. Obadiah takes the podium.
Tony steps down, exhilarated. He works his way through the swarming reporters, approaching Rhodey and Pepper -- who have stunned looks on their faces.
"You mean that? Or is this some clever stock maneuver?" Rhodey asks with a serious expression.
"That was not clever for a stock maneuver. Pepper counters, starting to complain when tony hushes here."
"Wait and see."
Nick runs amok to gather his subordinates in S.H.I.E.L.D. unsure of what action to take, while Archibald Garrod was trying to connect to his investment banker, the one who had him but Stark Industry when it was at its peak yesterday, just after the news of Tony's return was aired on the television. He tried calling him and messaging him again and again, but to no avail, as it answered line is busy each time.
"Yes, this is Nokia Investments how may I help you?"
"May I know your name kind si-"
"I said SELL!!! connect me to that Swiss bastard Fleming!!! or I will find and kill him myself!!!"
In Wayne Enterprises, Bruce walked out of the room slowly after watching the press conference, heading towards his personal gym for his daily four hour workout.