
Marvel: King of Winter

Author: Torhelm
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  • 17 Chs
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Jack Worthington, a famous author, dies after a lifetime of accomplishments. After a chance encounter with an ROB, Jack sets off on his journey to the top in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. DISCLAIMERS: First ever novel, please don't hate too much; I'm writing to practice my writing skills It's pretty much a crack-fic Heavily AU - I want to make a fic where something original actually happens, not just a re-hash of canon, so don't be surprised if there's storylines besides the main MCU plot I'll try to keep timelines solid, but don't be surprised if the years and ages are a little messed up Mutants will be in this story There will be heavy gore in the fight scenes

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Chapter 1Chapter 1: The Beginning

In the infinite black void, a conspicuous golden light could be seen flickering in and out of existence. This light is the soul of Jack Worthington, an extremely talented author who was loved worldwide in his home dimension for his extremely immersive novels and plotlines. How did he get here?

After a lifetime of writing novels and winning awards, he was considered amongst the best authors on his planet with nearly every single one of his books having movie adaptations, surpassing even Stephen King and J.K. Rowling in worldwide sales. Unfortunately, like all mortals, he was fated to die.

At the age of 86, Jack died surrounded by his two daughters and son on his ranch in Montana due to natural causes.

Because Jack was somewhat of a playboy after his newfound wealth; he ended up impregnating three different women at the same time, so he left his 3 children with a sizeable inheritance of $4.3 billion dollars, which was split amongst them evenly with various real-estate properties also evenly distributed amongst them. Jack in his last moments thought that maybe he should donate it all to charity, but not having trust for any foundation's; decided in the end it was best to give it to his children, so they could have the best possible chance in life after he was gone.

When the last breath left his body, all he saw was darkness. Not knowing what awaited him, he was scared.

Himself and his children didn't believe in God. Jack, coming from one of the poorest neighborhoods in America as an orphan and seeing what other people were willing to do to each other for the slightest of insults, had dulled his already slim faith into bleak nothingness.

Having never brought his children to church, it was inevitable they'd look at life through a similar perspective.

Feeling the life slipping from his body, he hoped that wherever he went, he'd get to see his children once again someday.

Unfortunately for him and his children, all atheists go straight to the void if they don't have any belief in a particular deity or pantheon. Faithless souls are left in the void to disperse into nothingness, be consumed by wandering void creatures, or be taken as playthings for wandering ROBs. Although, the most likely outcome for a soul in the void is to disperse into nothingness as the void is infinitely large and ever expanding, and the chances of running into another being is close to nil.

Not knowing he'll most likely never his children again, his soul wandered into the void with an optimistic outlook.


After an indefinite amount of time, the floating soul of Jack Worthington could be seen flickering on the verge of dispersion in an infinite black expanse. The only reason it hasn't yet is because he was close to being worshipped as a God on his home planet for his literary works, which encompassed nearly every popular genre.

The belief and near fanatical worship of his fans had strengthened his soul to nearly 100,000 times that of a normal mortal man's, making his soul equal to that of a Greek Demi-God. Not to mention the Karma he's obtained from saving all the emo kids and depressed people from killing themselves after they've read his works has made it possible for his soul to survive in the void countless more times than it should have.

Still, as a faithless soul that failed to reach Godhood, all that awaited him was eternal death.

Luckily for him, in the distant void, a planet sized being dressed in a black, green, and red court Jester costume with a white and black mask that was half smiling, half frowning approached.

"OooohHh-hoo-hoo, what an interesting little soul we have here. It brought such entertainment and joy to its home planet that it nearly achieved Godhood. How interesting, indeed. Could he be the one?" The giant planet sized entity approached the flickering soul of Jack with a hint of mirth in its voice, and it shrank down to a size where it was able to grasp his soul with its left fingers.

"Now, to awaken this entertaining little bugger." With that proclamation, the being tapped the flickering soul with its right index finger.

With a golden glow, the flickering round golden orb turned into a human male in his mid-20s. With trembling eyes, the soul of Jack was awakened for the first time since his death. With a start, he he tried acclimating to his surroundings and getting a grasp of where he was. As an orphan that spent his fair share of time on the streets, he knew to always be aware of his surroundings while asleep, so the first thing he did was try to figure out where he was.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" The last place Jack thought to be was in the palm of a giant fucking clown the height of a 5-story building in a never ending black expanse. Backing up into the beings curled up fingers, his soul was shaking like a leaf.

"Well, hello there, young man! Jolly, it's good to be seeing you in this dreadful place! How lucky it is to see another connoisseur of entertainment in these parts! Also, I'm not a clown, I'm a Jester, best remember that young man!" With a loud start, the beings' voice seemed to boom miles in every direction of the black void.

"W-w-w-what the fuck, w-w-where am I, w-who are you?!" Jack grasping onto the finger of the Jester, fumbled through his question. Looking down from where he was, he was scared to death of falling into the infinite blackness that radiated all around them.

"Ah, how rude of me, I've yet to introduce myself. I'm a Cosmic Entity that's made up of the ideals of Entertainment, Fun, and Freedom. The name's Cicero. I was once a mortal soul like yourself until the original Cosmic Entity that held my position grew bored of the universe and decided to pass his seat unto myself after making him laugh during one of my performances! A silly little Jester in a lower civilization turned into a Cosmic Entity! Can you believe that?! I still owe everything I am to that being. As for where you are? You died and are now in the void, the place where all faithless souls go and the place powerful beings like myself go to travel through different universes and dimensions." After letting that fact set in, the Jester continued explaining to the shivering mortal,

"You may also be asking yourself why a being as great as myself is speaking with you, and that answer lies in the fact that just like my mentor, I, too, have grown bored and wish to fade into nothingness and am now searching for a worthy successor. As trillions of years have passed, I've seen everything there is to see. I've had innumerbale wives and spread my seed throught countless worlds. It's a sad thing, the Cosmic Entity of Entertainment, Fun, and Freedom losing its very meaning of existence. When someone like me loses its passion for existence, it affects the beings in every dimension. Uncountable beings lose their drive for entertainment and fun, just as I have. Wars spread more quickly, and children across multiple universes are born into worlds with no light or fun, yearning for freedom." With a forlorne sigh, the giant Jester radiated an aura of desloteness and sadness.

Confused and affected by his desolate aura, Jack came to a sudden realization that the afterlife actually exists; "Does that mean I'll be able to see my children again when they pass?," he thought.

Spurred on by this train of thought and wanting nothing to do with what this Jester is offering, he asked, "You can't possibly want me to take over your position, right? I'm just an author. What about my kids? Will I be able to see them when they pass?" With a desperate voice, Jack asked this being.

"Unfortunately for you, young one, if your children were faithless like yourself, they will most likely disperse into nothingness in the void after they die; if not worse. If they had faith in any God or religion, their soul will be claimed by said faith or God." Looking at the small being that brought such joy to billions of lives, Cicero gave out a small sigh.

"Besides, you're not JUST an author. You brought joy and laughter to billions of mortals. They enjoyed your work so much you were almost deified on your home planet, Earth. You're entirely qualified for my position, or at least the chance to obtain my position." Cicero said, trying to cheer up this little soul.

"I-i-impossible, I-I'll never see my kids again? They'll disperse into n-nothingness?!" Voice cracking, Jack asked. Knowing he was responsible for his childrens atheist beliefs made his heart ache.

"It's not impossible to save them, young man. There is one way, but it is incredibly difficult," Cicero explained.

The mention of being able to save his children ignited a fire in his heart, but it was quickly doused when a being such as Cicero said something is difficult. Still, he asked, "What do I need to do to see them again?" With a determination he didn't know he had, he asked the entity with a steelcold gaze.

"Hahaha, wonderful news, my young friend. To save your children, you must pass my test to become the Cosmic Enitity of Entertainment, Fun, and Freedom! Why will that save your children? Because then you can pluck them from the void, just as I have done to you!" With a smug grin while explaining, Cicero seemed almost ecstatic, but he seemed to deflate the next second for some reason.

"Though it will be incredibly difficult for you to inherit my power. Not because it's inherently dangerous or anything, but it takes millions of years, if not tens of millions of years, depending on your vessel quality to assimilate my power into your being. In that time period, you could die due to external reasons and lose the chance forever to inherit my seat. You must also master another aspect of the universe as I have. This Cosmic Seat was once only for Entertainment and Fun, but with my trial, I added the aspect of Freedom into the Seat. This is to gain the acknowledgment of the collective universe's will. Without that acknowledgment, the first seat holder found that it was impossible for a mortal to inherit his position. I guess it's the universe's way of guaranteeing a being is worthy of holding that power? A warning, though, once the power transfer begins and you die, your soul will implode on itself and erase itself from existence forever; most likely along with the planet you're residing on. No do-overs. I won't be able to assist you during the power transfer either because I must be in a state of hibernation inside my domain to be able to transfer my power to you." Cicero explained with a serious expression.

"Millions of years?!?! Would my children even recognize me, or me them for that matter by the time I inherit your power?! Won't they just disappear into the void when they die in 50 or so years?" With a bewildered voice, Jack asked.

"No need to worry about that. If you decide on taking the test, I'll send you to a universe where the time dilation in accordance to the Earth in your dimension and said universe is 1,000,000 to 1. Your children would only experience a few decades, depending on how fast you pass the test. As for your memory, that depends on how much you love your 2 daughters and son. As for why I won't save them when they die? I don't really want to," Cicero said calmly and coldly.

After letting Jack process that, he continued on, "The previous holder of my Cosmic Seat spent eons placing his power in mortals only for them to die and lose the chance to inherit the seat while in the process destroying their home planets with each failure. I was just a lowly Jester in a medieval society in my previous life, and due to making that man laugh, something he hasn't done in eons, I was given the chance of inheriting his seat." Cicero seemed overcome with emotion under his mask recounting these memories.

He continued a short while later, "The trial takers before me were overun with the emotions of Entertainment and Fun during the power transfer. They let their desires control them, and in their pursuit of those desires, they usually get in over their heads and die; not even reaching the step of adding an aspect into the Cosmic Seat. Luckily, I was able to curve those thoughts until I reached Godhood, whereupon I sealed myself in an asteroid for 100 million years, scared of destroying my home planet in my own hubris. I absorbed the aspects in solitude and hibernation, though I yearned for freedom every time I awoke from hibernation. After fully assimilating the aspect of Entertainment and Fun, I was finally released from the asteroid and immediately comprehended the aspect of Freedom, thus becoming the new Cosmic Seat holder of Entertainment, Fun, and Freedom." Cicero finished with a voice filled with boasting.

With his jaw nearly touching Cicero's palm, Jack still managed to ask: "How will I even be able to get started? I'm just a mortal with no special powers. I've written and read enough novels to know the weakling will always be targeted, not to mention a weakling that's inheriting unlimited power. That's a classic recipe for getting fucked over." With clear exasperation and disbelief radiating off himself in waves, he managed to eek out this question.

Cicero, even more ecstatic with himself in his find of Jacks soul said, "Not to worry little Jacky, the previous Seat holder left 3 gacha wheels for trial takers and he also made it so when undergoing a trial, a shroud is placed over the trial taker so other Cosmic Entites can't interfere in the trial. Unfortunately, the shroud only works for entities or objects on my level. If some God or mortal wants to scry your whereabouts, the shroud won't help if it's done through their own means. Don't want you getting complacenct afterall. Anyways, as the Cosmic Entity that lordes over Entertainment and Fun, of course he'd give his trial takers power through gambling."

Continuing after reminiscing he said, "The first wheel will have every entertainment franchise you're familiar with in your home dimension on it. Your Demi-God soul allows you to spin it 3 times for 3 different characters in different franchises, though it is possible to get the same franchise over again, it's extremely unlikely. After you pick a character, you will inherit their powers and your appearance will also be based on the characters you pick, luckily for you though, you'll stay a male even when picking female characters. Although you'll receive the physique, power, and looks of the body, you'll receive no experience or skills of that person, so you'll have to train hard in your powers." Cicero explained jubilantly.

"You're very lucky on this one, because of your Demi-God level soul due to all your fans in your home dimension, you're capable of fusing 3 different characters into your vessel. I only received one spin on this wheel due to my low soul power when the previous seat holder discovered me." Cicero explained to Jack.

Jack tried not looking smug, but failed. If Cicero has eyes under that mask, Jack was sure he would be rolling them at this time.

"The second wheel will be identical to the first one, but instead of picking powers and mixing appearances, you're allowed to choose a single skill of a person in that franchise you drew. You'll only be able to spin this wheel once, but it uses all of your karma to initiate it."

"The third and final wheel is a completely random item gacha. There's anything from weapons, items, pets, and even God divinities if you're lucky enough." Cicero put his right hand on his chin in a thinking position.

"Also, with the amount of Karma you have, you should be pretty lucky. If you gave the $4.3 billion to a non-profit before you died, it would probably be even more. No matter, though, you should get some pretty good rolls as is. I myself got the Sealing Formation from the gacha, and that was how I was able to finish my trial. It all depends on luck, my little friend." Cicero said.

Jack was also in deep thought, but nonetheless, he replied, "Cicero, what's the point of making money if it's not used to make the ones you love and yourself happy?"

Cicero, stunned by this response, laughed out loud in the void, his voice seemingly echoing on forever in the abyss that is the void. He finally replied: "Jacky, you really are a funny mortal. I, too, gave great care to my wives and descendants no matter the consequences, even though they're all dust now. You remind me much of myself. Most men with money like yours tend to donate it all at the end of their lives to make up for the sins they've committed." He said with a forlorne demeanor.

After a comfortable silence between the normal sized Jack and the 5 story tall Jester, probably long lost in the thoughts of their lost families, Cicero finally decided to say something with a serious atmosphere hidden underneath his mask.

"Jack, are you ready for the trial?" The atmosphere in Cicero's palm seemed to change.

With determination he hasnt felt since his life as a poor orphan, he responded with a resounding: "Yes!"

"Good," and with that, Cicero waved his hand, and 3 dazzling golden wheels with fancy lights and decorations adorning them materialized in Ciceros palm, right infront of Jacks eyes.

The first two wheels were identical and had innumerbale franchises on it. Some were big and encompassed entire movies and book series, and others were small standalone films or novels. [Star Trek], [Harry Potter], [Marvel], [DC], [Resident Evil], [Pixar], [Iron-Man], [Superman], [Thor], [Lord of the Rings] and uncountable others. The wheel was filled to the brim with different franchises he's seen throughout his life. He even saw some options from his own novels on there.

The third wheel had the same exterior as the other wheels, but the options were completely different. Instead of franchises, it was filled with items that shocked him to his core. Some examples were: [Pet: Phoenix], [Super Soldier Serum], [Lesser Divinity of Lightning], [72 Ways of Immortality], [Universal Infinity Stone], [Requirement Free Mjolnir], [Growable Sword and Armor], [AI: Red Queen], [Sun Wukong's Inheritance] and other items he's never even heard of. Of course, there were some items on there that would be useless to him. It all depended on luck.

With determination, Jack approached the first wheel.

After standing in front of it for a long time and observing the different options, Cicero finally said, "Well, give it a spin."

With a huff, Jack grabbed the wheel and spun it down as hard as he could.


After spinning for 2 minutes, the dial finally started to slow down. It first went from [DC], then it went to [Naruto], and finally, it landed on [DreamWorks Animation].

"Fuck!" Jack exclaimed after seeing [DC] and [Naruto] pass by an inch just to stop on [DreamWorks Animation]. Jack also lamented that the option after it was [One Piece].

"Well Jack, [DreamWorks Animation] isn't the best franchise you could've gotten, but it's not the worst. Although it's no [DC] or [Naruto], you'll still be able to accomplish wonders if you pick the right combination." Cicero comforted and explained to the obviously distraught Jack.

Jack now has the dilemma of picking a [DreamWorks Animation] character to build his initial form. Jack was constantly wracking his brain for anybody in DreamWorks that's powerful enough to withstand his future problems. He is also taking into account the need to master an aspect of the universe while still spreading Entertainment, Fun, and Freedom throughout the multiverse.

After what seemed like days, Jack finally decided upon his first character.

"Cicero, I choose [Jack Frost] from [Rise of the Guardian's]!" Jack thought back onto that movie he saw while watching his kids. He felt a kinship with that character due to having the same name. With his core being fun in the movie, it should be a great choice for his future plans. He's also decently powerful. The only downside is that others are unable to see him without believing in him, but hopefully fusing 2 corporeal beings in the next spins will counter that defecit.

"Excellent choice, Jack! What a perfect first ingredient for your vessel. His character is a perfect representation of Fun and Entertainment!" Cicero exclaimed in genuine surprise. He couldn't think of a character that better encapsulates those 2 aspects.

Jack, still in his soul form, decided to spin the wheel again after a short break.


Seeing the franchises pass through the wheel, Jack was extremely nervous and excited. What felt like an eternity later, the wheel stopped on [Disney] after passing [Harry Potter] and [DC].

"Fucking hell Cicero! Are you going to reincarnate me into a fucking kids cartoon or something? Where's all the graphic universes like [It] or [Deadspace]?" Jack exclaimed after getting [Disney] right after [DreamWorks Animations].

"Haha young Jack, you get to have 3 choices of the universe you enter. So far, you can either enter a [DreamWorks Animations] universe or a [Disney] universe. Using part of the vessel such as a hair, we send you to the universe of your choice out of the 3. Although, once you reach the Cosmic Entity level or become a God with various means, you'll be able to freely break into the void and travel to other worlds."

After a brief silence, Cicero continued, "You're a lucky little fellow, I was sent directly into a place called [Doom] since I had only one spin on the gacha wheel, and the previous seat holder said he added it since our culture back then was quote on quote 'trash'!" Cicero lamented to Jack.

*Gulp* Jack just decided to move on and ignore that last comment. Definitely a can of trauma he didn't want to open.

"Shit, so I can only go to a [Disney] universe or a [DreamWorks Animations] universe? The power levels there aren't very high at all. It'll be extremely difficult to get experience in those worlds. Maybe they're darker than their animation counterparts, though?" Jack quietly thought. He needed power to save his children while also being able to master an aspect as fast as possible before his kids croaked.

With that in mind, he said, "Cicero, for [Disney], I choose Elsa. With her corporeal form and expertise over ice, it'll immensely help my vessel reach the next level in ice powers. It's said Elsa was given her powers by a Winter Spirit, and with Jack Frost already being a Winter Spirit, maybe it'll add more than just 1+1. Hopefully, I can master the aspect of ice for the Cosmic Seat position as well." Jack decided and explained.

"Another great choice, Jack, let's move onto your last spin, my boy. Make this one count." Cicero said in a serious tone.

"Of course," Jack replied after getting into spinning position and pulling the wheel.


After another gruesome wait with a thundering heart, the wheel started to slow down again and passed [Disney], [Pixar], [Splatoon], and [Call of Duty] to land on [Marvel].

"FUCK YES!" With an ecstatic shout, Jack jumped in the air from his position due exitement. Marvel had some insanely powerful characters. Celestials, God's, Omnipotent beings, Mutants, the list goes on an on. It'll also be the universe he starts in.

"Okay, I've gotta really think on this one. Can't I just pick the OAA or a Celestial?" Jack was already thinking of all the OP beings in Marvel he can become.

Unfortunately, Cicero popped that bubble fast as fuck, "Sorry to say Jack, but you can't pick Celestials or the OAA. Your vessel that's mixed with a half-spirit and mortal would directly blow up if injected with Celestial energy or the power the OAA manipulates. If only you pulled [Marvel] first." Cicero said in a mock-sad-tone.

"Shit," Jack said. "There goes the easy breezy route," he thought. After calming down, he seriously started to analyze what character he should pick from Marvel.

After another break, Jack finally decided.

"Cicero, for my final vessel ingredient, I choose [Bobby Drake]. He himself is an Omega level ice-mutant with an entire ice dimension at his fingertips, it'll be immensely helpful in mastering the ice aspect," Jack said with determination.

If Cicero has eyebrows, they're for sure at the top of his head, Jack thought.

"What an amazing combination you have created Jack, definitely one of the most powerful starting points for a trial taker ever recorded. I have a great feeling about you, Jack." Cicero exclaimed in genuine shock and amazement.

After completing the first gacha wheel, Jack approached the second with trepidation. "This one spin will use every bit of Karma from my old life, let's make it count!" he secretly thought.

With a forceful tug, the wheel was spun.


After finally stopping between [Cars] and [Peter Pan], it landed on [Demon Slayer].

Jack, having seen his son watch this anime, knows that he's hit the Jackpot.

"Cicero, I choose Nakime's [Infinity Castle]." With clear determination in his voice, Jack decided.

"Great choice, Jack, although due to your vessel being so unique, I wouldn't be surprised if this skill underwent changes due to the nature of your powers." Cicero calmly explained.

"What do you mean? Will it be weaker or stronger?" Jack asked, confused.

"It's hard to tell the exact changes, but you should know the basic concept of the skill still applies. An infinitely expanding castle that allows gravity defying buildings to be built. You'll be able to move any object or person within without the use of the biwa, but it'll consume energy. Same with building buildings. Everything in this realm will cost energy. Your ice elemental powers may also affect the environment the skill is based in. The skill will try its best to adapt and evolve with your body. To enter the [Inifnity Castle], you must infuse any door with your energy until the gateway appears. You'll be able to leave the [Inifnity Castle] through any door infused with your energy. Not to mention you used your entire lifes Karma on that spin; the changes to the skill will only show itself with time." Cicero explained.

"Make sure you always have a way out of your dimension, though. It'd be sad to see you die to your own skill." Cicero let out a laugh after that.

"Amazing," Jack exclaimed. With this skill, he doesn't have to worry about storage in the future. He can also turn it into a giant prison or a sanctuary for mutants. The possibilities for this skill were endless. This skill was definitely worth his karma points.

After sorting through his gains, Jack finally comes face to face with the last gacha wheel. Filled with items across the multiverse, if any of these treasures found their way out into the known universe, countless wars would be waged for the privilege of owning them.

With a nervous, shaking hand, Jack spun the wheel.


Finally stopping, the wheel landed in between [Pet: Kylin] and [Super Soldier Serum]. He squinted his eyes and read the result: [A.I. Chip].

"Ah, an [A.I. Chip]! I picked that up on one of my dimensional travels. It's extremely useful. It'll allow you to read the data of your body and see its innate talents while also being able to scan others for their information. Even if you create original skills with your ice powers, the [A.I. Chip] will automatically record them." He then brought his right hand up in a thinking position once again.

After recalling more information, Cicero said, "This [A.I. Chip] has also been upgraded by yours truly and will evolve with you as you gain more power, so the stats of even Cosmic Entites can be read if you reach a high enough level! Although I wouldn't recommend scanning any Cosmic Entites or Celestials since they can sense when they're being observed and this chip will magnify that feeling by thousands of times in Higher Beings. For you, I will load the chips data directly into your soul, so you don't actually need a chip implanted into you." Cicero said with a smile.

Jack, now realizing how much this cosmic entity has done for him, almost broke down into tears. "I thank you from the bottom of my heart, Cicero, for this chance. I promise you I won't let you down, I'll inherit your Cosmic Seat. Just wait."

Cicero, seemingly surprised by this statement, responded with, "I believe you will Jack! I believe you will! There's no need to thank me. The previous seat holder also gave me a similar chance. Now, between [Dreamworks Animations], [Disney], or [Marvel], which would you like to start your journey off in?"

Jack, with no hesitation, responded, "MARVEL!"

"I'll see you after you inherit my seat then, Jack! It's time for me to go back into hibernation to transfer my power to you." Cicero exclaimed and then clenched his hand into a ball, seemingly crushing Jack into a paste.

And with that, everything faded to black.

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