
FGO Nasional?

Author: Yuuya3
Fan-fic komik
Ongoing · 1.4M Views
  • 131 Chs
  • 4.8
    30 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is FGO Nasional?


Melalui ke Dunia Type-Moon....Tapi kenapa ada lebih dari seribu orang selain aku?! Apakah aku bukan Protagonis?! Pada akhirnya, mereka semua terdorong ke Dunia super berbahaya dimana mereka semua merupakan seorang Master! Mereka dapat memilih untuk ditugaskan ke dunia paralel yang ingin mereka tuju dan menentukan tempat untuk menjadi penduduk asli. Namun, kenapa semuanya memilih ke Chaldea?! Jelas, Chaldea memang menggoda dimana semua servant dapat dipanggil.... Tapi, aku, Minamoto Hayate mengakui bahwa dia biasa saja! Hanya saja... Morgan: "Kau adalah milikku, semua dari milikmu adalah milikku, dan kau hanya bisa mempersembahkan semua dari milikmu hanya untukku!" Hayate: ------- Tekanan ini sangat besar sehingga aku tidak bisa mengatakan apa-apa....

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please reset the booktitle Sharon_isSyrona_4090 20231218092329 54

“Sean, shut up with the ‘I know’ statements. What of the things you don’t know? You know this, you know that. For God’s sake, you don’t fucking know anything!” By this time, I was hysterical “Audrey stop it. Your words hurt. You’re hurting me.” “ Good. Now you know how I’ve been feeling for the past two weeks. You never called, no text, no nothing. You could’ve at least asked if everything went well with my brothers and mom but no, you ignored me and now you want to undo? Pffft! How pathetic can human beings become?” I let out an airy chuckle. “ I’m sorry. I’ll call you another time but remember I’ll not give up on us. “Tiny problem. There’s no ‘us’.” “Good luck with the fight. Kick some butts cause that’s what you do.” “ I don’t need your motivation.” I said icily even though deep down, I was happy he knows me so well. I was happy he apologized and most of all, I was happy he called but I had to play hard to get. What’s the fun in giving on early anyway? Love? A deep or abiding liking for something. Motherly love deprived Audrey goes through life with her head high. Lonely and bullied, she finds joy in her friends...but most of all love. there's something about life... when things are great, they find a way to go downhill. And when it rains, it usually pours. Maybe... just maybe, life will give her a second chance at happiness.

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Table of Contents
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Volume 1


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Rasa garam saat mengacha sangat terjelaskan disini dan terasa sangat nyata sekali aowkwowkwok kalau bisa update ceritanya rutin, hanya itu saja review saya muwehehe 🤣😂😂😂


mantap nih novel,fill nya ngena banget tapi menurutku kekurangan ni novel cuman adegan action trus pas kalau adegan emosional banget tolonglah jangan tiba tiba di cut itu aja sih selebihnya bagus kok menurut gw


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I don't speak indo, but I still read this by using google translate... Author please add a tranlated version of this so others can also read it, it's good for me :)


Good Fanfiction Good Fanfiction Good Fanfiction Good Fanfiction Good Fanfiction Good Fanfiction Good Fanfiction Good Fanfiction Good Fanfiction Good Fanfiction Good Fanfiction Good Fanfiction Good Fanfiction Good Fanfiction Good Fanfiction




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Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan MorganMorgan Morgan Morgan MorganMorgan Morgan Morgan MorganMorgan Morgan Morgan MorganMorgan Morgan Morgan MorganMorgan Morgan Morgan Morgan


Keren, up terus min Keren, up terus min Keren, up terus min Keren, up terus min Keren, up terus min Keren, up terus min Keren, up terus min Keren, up terus min Keren, up terus min Keren, up terus min Keren, up terus min Keren, up terus min Keren, up terus min Keren, up terus min


Buat karya pemula cerita nya so-so lah.. gw kasih paham poin minus nya aja menurut gw 1. Adek si mc ini ga perlu ato minimal di bikin support character. Screen time nya si adek mc ini ngalahin mc, bahkan gw pikir adek nya mc ini sebenarnya mc sedangkan kakak nya itu npc. Terus reverse harem nya *cuih, kesan nya adek mc punya reverse harem ini kek lonT. Saran gw kl masih mau masukin adek mc mending di bikin ke pov laen ato di jadiin chapter omake terus tambahin screen time mc nya bambang! 2. Serius le ini yg bikin gw ga nyaman bacanya, tata bahasa lu amburadul. Minimal nulis nya pake tata bahasa yg baik dan benar... Kl pake istilah inggris boleh la, tapi lu juga masukin bahasa jepang ini bikin cringe baca nya, aura wibu nya keliatan kentel banget


Bro, kapan buat novel baru lagi? Kangen bet gua ama novel fiksi ilmiah yang elu buat sebelumnya, favorit gua si buku permintaan sama Pertemuan tak terbatas, the best lah pokoknya dua novel tu


novel fate yang sangat bagus baik dari segi alur ataupun karakter


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Moshi moshi ini udah lewat seminggu :v [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]


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