BATMAN making his last stand against New God Darkseid A Wayne business centered fanfic with canon divergence
/Z O O O O O U U U U N N N N N N/
The sound volume of the ringing voice increased- indicating the oncoming danger. Batman pulled the wheel high to push forward with the Batwing- but not nearly enough. He punched the red button from within the cockpit-
The windshield to the wing shatters, pushing away the Dark knight outside the plane.
A rainbow ethereal pillar or light shoves the Batwing into ground, then continues to take away a circular part from the middle of it with it, leaving the Batwing with a hole in the middle- one with the diameter of 3 meters.
Below the gliding Batman- one arm injured more than the other- Thor Odinson address to the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. He gets away from then to kiss Jane Foster and then walk into the Rainbow bridge as they called it. The Dark knight worried what the measures for safeguarding such tech could entail.
<File updated on <Odinson>>
Batman saw to his left- the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents trying to salvage what was left of the Batwing.
"Pull up that and call the crane ASAP- You'll get your equipment back. You're going to need it to continue your research... which, after today's events, SHIELD would like to fully sponsor. If that's all right with you."
The ruffling cloth garnered the attention of everyone present- Coulson turned with his pistol aimed high- but took it back in when he saw the receipt.
"Leave my things." *Bang*
A bullet was shot from S.H.I.E.L.D.'s side- Batman naturally covered himself with his cape- retaliating with a Batrang- now sticking out of one of the two halves of the gun.
"Sir, this is ongoing S.H.I.E.L.D. investigation- we would like you to comply and leave things with the authorities."
"That is my plane- personal property. And I was under impression that I was free until the hearing in UN this September"
Coulson came forward- his wrist near to his face- for immediate contact with his superiors if need be.
"I would like for you to leave sir. This is a site of extraterrestrial landing, and S.H.I.E.L.D. will be taking the helm of researching it." He signals the one who shot Batman to stand down. "As you said you are free to leave."
Batman saw- in the background S.H.I.E.L.D. agents still going on with them loading the remains of the Batwing into their containers.
"Again- the plane- thats mine."
"Sir any sort of unregistered weapon technology has to go through the checks of the authorities- we just cannot let someone make a nuclear weapon at home-" Batman sighed- the conversation was going nowhere- and he was about 2000 miles away from his usual base of operations.
'350 pounds the best I can do right now' His eyes hovered over to everything- the remains of the post battler. From Uru metal the Asgardian had foolishly left after boasting of its strength and other properties to the spare Batsuit and tech Batwing was armed with.
/t n n n n n g n g n g g g g g/...
... /zoop/
He pushed the button to the thirteenth division of the Utility belt- a small radius- precise and compact EMP- works up to diameter of 7 meters- an improvement form its previous version which had it 3 meters while retaining its size.
Coulson did a hand gesture- showing he had nothing with him- a surrendering stance. Darcy Eric and Jane left with the first gunshot at the Bat- lucky bunch the whole of them.
But not all was well-
/bang/ *BANG*/bang/ *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* /bang/
The Asgardians emerge from the Bifrost to find Heimdall slumped over his controls. Before them- sliding on the Rainbow bridge was a huge chunk of metal- cut with a circular mold.
Its peripheral parts molten- except the spherical part in the middle- beeping with a red light.
He looked with his ears- none were in for close combat.
After him visiting the Helicarrier- they should make distance between them- as they were taught.
The Bat had taken refuge by a fallen truck. Back to back with the fallen volvo. He looked west- the sun was not going down anytime sooner.
The EMP had taken care of his opponent contacting others for backup- at least for a time.
This visit had been one with losses- the Batwing- gone- again, the Asgardian left earth- a good thing but not without leaving the town devastated.
This town was done- it was already a surprise for a human settlement to be doing good this far from a city, but now with the scale of devastation, it would be more profitable for the residents to shift rather than repair things here.
At least the human causalities was minimum. Without the evac orders, a lot of people would have made contact with the Dark armored giant- only one man died, that too before the intervention of the Batman.
'Meaning I was late in saving him'
Time was ticking- S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra would be sending backup soon- there was no way they would leave alone an incident with alien making contact with humans without supervision.
Bat had expected them not to shoot him at least- as were the orders from the U.N. but clearly he was still thought as a threat to the Hydra. Good thing expectations being betrayed was still on his mind before coming in contact with the S.H.I.E.L.D. infested Hydra.
<Files compiled> He had to do something about his A.I. too- this things was getting annoying when it sends prompt and messages into his earpiece while fighting- with no filter whatsoever.
<single causality- William- close family Martha(daughter)> Bat put his hand in his mask- picked out his earpiece and retrieved it into his utility belt- the name had done something to him but nothing noteworthy from the outside.
He pushed the 11th compartment button in his utility belt- one would be able to hear <protocol strong arm> was in place.
Bruce dipped into the Asphalt underneath- moving towards the truck where the Asgardian metal was loaded... /to be continued/
/chap-end-next chap ready, to be posted at 900k views or 200 power stones, whichever comes early/
[Strong arm- When humans get Bat-wings (its a condition) they need to strengthen their arms and triceps to get rid of them.]