
BATMAN in MCU [Dropped]

BATMAN making his last stand against New God Darkseid A Wayne business centered fanfic with canon divergence

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59 Chs

Aurora- [edited]

[With this Chapter- 50, we are at- 68737 words, chapter for date 25]

Batman ripped the card into two- it acquired a flaming disposition vigorously until only ash remains. He waited there- for sometime.

He was currently in Nevada- the nearest human settlement about 3 kilometers away. Precautions for a safe journey to Hell.

Batman looked at his Iridium-Caesium watch- fifteen minutes had gone by.

Just then- an angel in glistening purplish-red wings appeared on horizon- from the west.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!- sorry I forgot how to land- or come or- leave it- Big fan Batman- I have read all of the stories about you- all the news- the documentaries- the legacy- I cried my eyes out when my mother told me you were not in hell- like even in the future-

Oh- sorry- I am Aurora- Aurora Morningstar- Lucifer's and Chloe's daughter from the future- Its all very complicated- given their wedding-"

"Was your mother brought down to hell by Lucifer or she earned that part herself?" Bats asked Aurora.

"Oh- yes. She had to be brought down- after she had died and went to heaven- after which Lucifer nearly died while bringing her down to earth- after which he brought her down to hell-"

Batman picked the bag to his left- pushing away the second option for wedding gift away while Aurora continued her story- how her dad met her mother-

"And then Lucifer told me to fetch you- the Batman- and I asked for real- and he said- Bloody yes- he is my best man."

/Wnhh thud thud thud thud/ A helicopter- on horizon- tracing the path Aurora had taken.

"We should leave-unless they are for you and you expected such?"

"We should leave" Aurora got her hand at Batman's waist- and kissed him on his cheek?n


"Ahem- just for a memory- and for Snapchat." Her wings flapped- and they got up in the sky- /scene change/ and then comes the fiery ash hell.



<Draft- letter of Application Wayne children's home and Residential care>




"Umm..." The girl puts one finger up after another- till she could show five fingers to the matron.

"That's five. Do you have identity card of your previous guardian or parent?"

She did not reply.

"Okay- Welcome Martha. Due to this children home being already full- you will be sent to New York building- the new one. Are you alright?"


The receptionist left her desk as she walked Martha to the Mother- the head Matron. Martha was let go off to enter the taxi, while she stopped the Matron to talk.

"The second one of the bunch- Martha she... uh- she needs therapy but at this age it would not do any good for her-" The receptionist scratched the back of her head "I would request a special mother to be sent to her- her denial is affecting her- Take care of all the children." The Mother- Matron nodded solemnly and followed the other children to the Taxi.



Martha walked solemnly forward. She just had her first airplane experience- while it was not much for others- she had just fly over land!

There were five others- Jake the six year old, Harry the oldest - seven years old, Helen four year old, Jane- five her old- the same as her and the unnamed boy- one year old- he did not have a name and it was decided he would be named in New York only- where he would have a new home.

They were actually seven of them- including Martha but the four year old Jacob was adopted- no less than on the plane itself!

The Peralta couple who was beside them in the flight had been nice to talk to- while talking to the Matron- it was found that they were Brooklyn residents- and were going to the same destination in NY.

Now Jacob was in their car- heading to the Wayne house- for paperwork as the lady said. When Martha asked how did they make paper work- she did not answer and laughed at her.

The cab stopped at a two story building- outside were the words- Wayne children house etched in the wall itself.

She excitedly entered the home- as her Mother- the Lady had told her- she entered the room on the left of the hallway on the first floor- arranging her things without complaining like others did

'- other children were stupid- they cried when they came here- Martha was not stupid- she does not cry like other stupid children- she would study and become an airplane pilot- because it fascinated her how they did not allow anybody to enter the cockpit- at least they refused her to enter- she wanted to see what was inside- Martha love mysteries- she would become pilot and see what is inside the cockpit- and then she won't let anyone enter there!'




<News/?>...Wayne is providing. Scholarships given away worth $116 million, Orphanages housing 50,000 children across the world, food, cloth- the money is used as it should be. I personally contributed $20,000 not much if compared to others, but-... <News/?>

"Well somebody is doing good for everyone" She smirks while collecting all the papers from the table.

"What do you want me to do bigger- done- JARVIS do a $117 million dollar donation to them- What do you even like about this guy?"

"Well he is a peer CEO- it is good to have relations with the guy and its good for the PR." She turns and collects more papers- Tony sits on the couch- turns some other channel.

"Well he stood up for accountability with his charity thing- do you know who else stood for accountability- I did when I closed down our weapon division." Tony complains.

"It is not a dick measuring contest- and you could have done that gradually- rather than doing it on a press conference without telling us- we lost 85 points- we could have been prepared." Tony turns while sitting- with his eyebrow up.

"Did you just used the word dick in a sentence? You kiss me with that mouth?"

"Uh-uh Jarvis-" /"DICK is ranked as the 878th most popular given name in the United States with an estimated population of 44,255- it should not be confused as a derogatory slur."/

Tony looks up to the ceiling- addressing Jarvis

"Do you know what punishment I have for traitors?"

/"Traitor- a person who betrays another person, a cause, or any trust- I am afraid with Mrs. Potts having same clearance level as you sir, I do not see the traitor in the house."/

Pepper opens the glass gate to leave- turns to Tony last minute.

"Did Batman come to you?"

"No- do you really think I won't-" "JARVIS?"

"Negative, Mrs. Potts- there has not been any contact between Sir and Batman." Tony makes a hurtful face- falling back on the couch.'

"I am hurt with the lack of trust in me Mrs. Potts" He says with his arm on his chest.

Pepper gave an astute expression- her demeanor shouting at him- 'Really?' She looks up- signal for Jarvis.

/"Given Mr. Stark's Personality overview- compulsive behavior, self-destructive tendencies and-"/

"Okay Okay Okay I got it- now shoo away- while I get to be the unemployed house-husband" she leaves.

Tony resumes his seat of power before the television- "Jarvis did we make an IG account?"

/"Negative sir- you had the idea of one for a later date."/

"Make one- and double the Wayne fund-"

/"Do we make from Stark Industries sir? I am afraid I have to check with Mrs. Potts for that matter-"/ Tony looks up-

/"donation of $234 million from Tony stark- cross posted on your Instagram sir."/ Tony continued his movie with a smug expression.





/Power stones- we got 900k+ views while I was writing this chapter (6:00 AM GMT 24/06/2023)/

[Aim-1 Million overall views or top 10 power ranking in next week (between 24/06/2023 to 2/07/2023

Incentives- Till 2/07/2023 daily chapters, 1200-1500 words each- thats 9 chapters, if one of the "Aim" is fulfilled, you get +3 chapters on 3/07/2023, if both of them if fulfilled, you get +7 chapters on 3/07/2023.

i.e. +12 chapters in one goal, +15 chaps if the second one too is done]