
A demon is in a psychology hospital

Auteur: Mimiri2345
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What is A demon is in a psychology hospital

Lisez le roman A demon is in a psychology hospital écrit par l'auteur Mimiri2345 publié sur WebNovel. Mallory is a person who can't differ the wrong or the right and can't see / hear / feel any evil in the world . His so called 'papa' is a wanted criminal who was about to be executed. Before his death...


Mallory is a person who can't differ the wrong or the right and can't see / hear / feel any evil in the world . His so called 'papa' is a wanted criminal who was about to be executed. Before his death a terrible event came : ' The harm game ' . Thanks to that Mallory was putted in a psychological high school so he could learn while meeting a amazing cast.

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