
A demon is in a psychology hospital

Mallory is a person who can't differ the wrong or the right and can't see / hear / feel any evil in the world . His so called 'papa' is a wanted criminal who was about to be executed. Before his death a terrible event came : ' The harm game ' . Thanks to that Mallory was putted in a psychological high school so he could learn while meeting a amazing cast.

Mimiri2345 · Horreur
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8 Chs

chapter 3 ( Dorms )

"Oooh ... So this is a dorm room ? Everything is pure wite !!!"

Mallory checks every cranny of the room until he saw something.

" Huh ?? Hey teach !! Aren't the rooms pure wite ??"

" ..."

No response from the 'teacher '.

"Then why is this corner red ??"

" What?!"

The 'teacher' looked at the red corner with a disgusted look in his eyes .

"Come with me , please ."

" Okay!!"

The teacher grabs Mallory and brought him to another room.

On the way Mallory heard the 'teacher ' saying stuff but it was blurred completely.

" This is your new room. Now get in please ."

" Okay !!"

Mallory smiles as he enters the room.

"Carl !! Is it you ?? What a coincidence !!"

Carl was sitting on one of the beds with a blank expression.

His long black hair matches perfectly with his dark skin.

"Mallory?? Weren't you supposed to be in another room ??"

" The teacher and I saw something red in one of the corners of my room so they moved me here ."

Unlike Mallory's room Carl's has colors , mostly crem and wite .

" Did you see anything else ??"

"Yeah !! I saw a cute pair of scissors on the ground !"

Carl's face was a bit smiley .

"So it was a emergency huh ??"

" Yeah I think so..."

Mallory starts searching around the room and realized that there were only one bed wich Carl was sitting on. The other was broken to pieces.

" So ... where do I sleep ??"


Carl signals at the bed he's sitting on.

"But papa-"

" Shut it . "

Carl yankes Mallory on the bed and holds him down .

The room turned silent as they fall asleep