
A demon is in a psychology hospital

Mallory is a person who can't differ the wrong or the right and can't see / hear / feel any evil in the world . His so called 'papa' is a wanted criminal who was about to be executed. Before his death a terrible event came : ' The harm game ' . Thanks to that Mallory was putted in a psychological high school so he could learn while meeting a amazing cast.

Mimiri2345 · Horreur
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8 Chs

chapter 2 ( Carl introduction)

" I heard that we have a new 'student ' coming here."

" After 'the harm game ' who the f/ck would want to come here !?! "

"Hey B/tches !! You know the freak who would be executed tonight ?? News that he has a son !!"

A woman in her early 20s walks in the two's conversation.

" No sh/t . "

2 policemen walks in with a boy cuffed . The boy smiles like he doesn't know what's going on .

*Wtf ??*

" My name is Mallory !! ..."


*So he's harmless...He's kind of cute. Big pastel pink eyes , light brown hair and a slender figure.*

Mallory stares at Him.

"Oh !! I'm so sorry !"

" Huh ,why are you apologizing ? I just wanted to say that there's dust in your hair !!"

"What ??"

Carl touches his hair to feel dust on it .

"Umn... Thanks."

Mallory smiles .

" Your welcome!!"

* He's overly joyous ..*

" Mallory !!!! "

" Papa !"

A man who was terrifying ran into the room .

His blond hair filled with blood.

" My baby's now 17 !!! Did you enjoy papa's show ??"

" No papa, I don't like games like that , now your going to the office !!"

" But my baby's more important than those good for nothing ^sshols. "

Ten policemen grabs the man and drags him away .

" See you soon Mallie !!"

" Bye papa !!"

No drench of fear was in Mallory's eyes .

* I figured... he's mentally disabled ."

" Is he your ?? "

" Nope !! But he did take care of me for 10 years."

* He was kidnapped ... well with that face it isn't surprising.*

" So where are the teachers ?? "

" Their ..... "

* WTF !??*

" Somethings wrong ??"

" You can't see them ?!?"

" Papa made it impossible for me to see scary things ..."

* So he brainwashed him too ?!*

" Don't panic everyone !! We have this under control !!"

" ...."

The classroom wasn't surprised . What do you expect when you have the most dangerous criminal mastermind's son in captive !?

"Everyone in their cells!!! "

Now the real adventure begins...