
A demon is in a psychology hospital

Mallory is a person who can't differ the wrong or the right and can't see / hear / feel any evil in the world . His so called 'papa' is a wanted criminal who was about to be executed. Before his death a terrible event came : ' The harm game ' . Thanks to that Mallory was putted in a psychological high school so he could learn while meeting a amazing cast.

Mimiri2345 · Horreur
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8 Chs

Chapter 5 ( An early class )

"Yeah... He became more tamer when Mallory appeared. "


In class a man apears and tells them something :

"Hey Carl !! Rumors said that you slept with Mallory!!"

Carl looked at Mallory then smiled .

" Mallory and I did sleep together and all... but I'm not the type to touch an underage child ."

Mallory stares at him quietly.

" What do you mean by that??"

The man laughs as Mallory stares at him curious.

" Good thing you didn't cause the punishment is now death."

The man was a guard trying to get Carl caught touching a underage kid.

Since they did nothing wrong their faces weren't flustered nor sweaty , making them innocent.

" I figured. Now get the .F#CK .OUT. "

The guard walked off in a hallway and takes off his skin mask.

Blood falls of the man's face as a smile cross his face.

" Such a innocent, cute , perfect child... Guess I need more business to do ."

The man's laugh was heard among the halls and concerned a few people .


" Did you hear ?? That pshycho still wasn't caught and is roaming around."

" Sh/t people can't even do their jobs !!"

The class begins to laugh as the 'teacher' stands there in pure rage.

The ' teacher' throws a knife at Mallory thinking that he's the weakest of them all.

Mallory catches it and gives it to Carl.

" Papa said that throwing stuff in class might get you punished. "

The class weren't surprised but the 'teacher' was.

" Carl , can you give the knife back ??"

Carl throws the knife straight into the 'teacher's ' head .

" Carl look !! Teacher's head is blooming!!"

Blood spills on the ground as the 'teacher ' bleeds out.

Mallory began clapping his hands not knowing that the teacher is bleeding out.

" Hurry get the guards !! Some one died in class 1c !!"

Everyone was excorted in their dorms afterwards. In the dorms were dead rodents all over .

" Awww, Carl look !! A puppy."

" Yeah.... Cute."