
A demon is in a psychology hospital

Mallory is a person who can't differ the wrong or the right and can't see / hear / feel any evil in the world . His so called 'papa' is a wanted criminal who was about to be executed. Before his death a terrible event came : ' The harm game ' . Thanks to that Mallory was putted in a psychological high school so he could learn while meeting a amazing cast.

Mimiri2345 · Horreur
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8 Chs

Chapter 4 ( first morning)

" Shhh. Whatever the f/ck you do, you won't have him ."

The same woman in chapter 2 was in Mallory's and Carl's room.

She saw Carl holding Mallory ontop of him and Mallory's head on his chest.

The woman grabs a knife from her dress pockets.

" It's disgusting really ... But I-"

A hand grabbed the woman and flipped her over the room, leaving nothing but blood on the floor .

" My baby ... Shouldn't sleep with such a f/cking creep."

The next day Mallory woke up on a different bed and walks up towards Carl .

" Morning..."

Carl sees blood on the floor and cleans it up before Mallory noticed. p

" Question, did you put me on another bed ??"

" No... Didn't you fix one ??"

The two looks at each other quietly in the room and decides it's best to ignore.

As they walk out the room some people came asking questions .

" You guys were 10 minutes late, what were you two doing ??"

Carl looks at them with a cold blank and Mallory answered.

" Oh we were ?? Carl here just wanted to teach me how the school works and we lost track of time !!"

May not seem like it but Mallory's a amazing liar due to hide what happens at papa's home 24/7 .

" Aww man now I owe him 39 bucks ."

" Shouldn't start rumors then ."

Mallory mocks him and without notice Carl smiles.

"Let's go !! Class is about to start anyways!!"

Mallory diverts the attention to the clock and they all rush to 'class'.

Meanwhile in a meeting...

"What.The.F/ck. "

The bloody execution room was empty,only filled with blood.

"That man has an obsessive love disorder and the victim is his only lets say son ."

" The man is somewhere near here . We could still catch him ."

" Can you ?? "


Mallory stares at the board unable to understand a thing on it .

" Carl ?? "

" Yeah ? "

" Can you tell me what's the red stuff on the board ??"

On the board was a dismembered corpse with his hart sticking out.

" It's best for you not to know."

The guards realized Mallory's weird behavior and how he acts in gruesome situations.

They also realized that Carl is only talkative around him and explains everything in a childish way for Mallory.

" It's best for them to stay together for now."