
A demon is in a psychology hospital

Mallory is a person who can't differ the wrong or the right and can't see / hear / feel any evil in the world . His so called 'papa' is a wanted criminal who was about to be executed. Before his death a terrible event came : ' The harm game ' . Thanks to that Mallory was putted in a psychological high school so he could learn while meeting a amazing cast.

Mimiri2345 · Horreur
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8 Chs

Chapter 7 ( the cafeteria 2)

" Roommates huh ?? Seem that you're doing good ."

Carl was shocked .

" Hey Mallory, how did you know him ??"

" He's my uncle silly ! Though he likes to hug me alot."

" It's just that my baby's growing up ....and ....I just can't."

Carl knew something was up with Mallory's relatives,but what??

"So Uncle Sam ! Why are you here ?"

"To visit my sweet nephew ofcourse!! You're now 17 and I need to congratulate you. "

" Really ?? Thanks."

Sam was a little too clingy .

As they they talk,the more close he gets but luckily Carl stopped him.

" You're making him uncomfortable. "

" Oh shut up you n-"


A policewoman ran in and tazed him.

"Hi Clarissa !!"

The woman looked at Mallory and began crying.

" Y-you...."

She ran with Sam out of the room crying.

" What's wrong??"

Carl was worried.

" She lost her arm thanks to papa... I helped her but she wasn't happy."

" Did.. you ."

" No. I'm not allowed to play. "

* Thank Gosh*

" Can you explain ??"

" In the game she pushes her sister into hot orange juice.

She blames me for her sister's loss knowing that I didn't push her.

She also said bye to her arm in order to win."

" That's brutal."

" She could have just left but she didn't."

" What ?? "

" Papa plays a game with all the players.They can leave if the challenges gets too tough for them but they always choose not to."

" So what's in it for them if they win ??"

" Green thingy , Papers .... Cars .... Anything you want. "

* That basically means that they were desperate. *

" What did Clarissa won ??"

" The green thingy . And some medicine as bonus."

* So she murdered her sister and cutter her arm off for some money .*

" Now lets go ."

They went back to the dorms .

When they enter they saw the other bed where Mallory slept on had a piece of chocolate.and a note.

×How's my baby doing ?? Make sure that you stay safe.-Papa ×

" Oh !! Papa left me a gift !"

Carl nervously smiled and went outside.

* Only staff or users can enter. ...*

He went back to see Mallory eating the chocolate.

" Want some ?? "

" Sure. "

Mallory gets a piece of chocolate and gives it to Carl.

" Here !!"

" Thanks. "

They eat up and later took individual showers and went to sleep.


" He is a murderer !!!! We need to execute him immediately !!"

Clarissa was trying to convince the council to execute Mallory but with no avail.

" He killed my sister !! We nee-"

The council turned around in disgust.

Suddenly a video played .

10 year old Mallory :" If you want to win you just have to push someone in the hot red juice . "

-" What !?!"

" Or you could stop playing... "

" NEVER !!!!"

" Times ticking Clarissa.... if you don't push someone you'll automatically lose and will get sent home."

Clarissa looks at her terrified sister that was crying .

She had a broken leg and was shaking.

" Clarissa !! Please ... I want my mommy..."

" Sorry . But money is more important ."

With zero hesitations she pushed her sister in the lava.

" Congrats. You can now proceed to the next level. But you still ca- "

" Shut it."

Clarissa left as her sister screams in terror.


Clarissa walked away as the video ends.

" Clarissa Williams... You are hereby sent to death penalty for murder and framing. "


"You could've have saved her and left but you pushed her into lava without any guilt or hesitation . And you call yourself a police officer. "

Clarissa was taken into a prison .

" Look !! The high and mighty Clarissa Williams fell !!"

Clarissa realized that she slowly dug her own grave.