
A demon is in a psychology hospital

Mallory is a person who can't differ the wrong or the right and can't see / hear / feel any evil in the world . His so called 'papa' is a wanted criminal who was about to be executed. Before his death a terrible event came : ' The harm game ' . Thanks to that Mallory was putted in a psychological high school so he could learn while meeting a amazing cast.

Mimiri2345 · Horreur
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8 Chs

Chapter 6 ( the cafeteria 1)

Carl looked at the dead rat and looked Mallory.

In.a second Mallory was stomping on.the dead rat , over and over till it turned into red mush.

" Now the puppy's will find their mommies!!"

Carl realized how Mallory's brain works in 2 days so he knows what kind of sick b/stard did this to him.

Carl cleaned up the red mush and Mallory helped him.

" So sad... the puppy didn't even laugh..."

After cleaning the mess up they were called to the cafeteria.


" So... What did they do with the rodents??"

" One of them stomped those to a bloody pump."

" Wich one ??"

" The new one sir."

" Sh/t.... he's crazier than expected. Grab the guns , we need t-"

" Sir, before you try to brainwash him you should look at this ."

On the TV was a old video of Mallory and his 'papa'.

On the video was something cruel.

" So Mallory, whenever you see a animal you should stomp it till its a red mush. "

" Why,papa ??"

" Then they can bloom into a red flower , just like this."

The man started to stomp on a pregnant cat over and over till its nothing but a red mush.

" See ??? Isn't it a pretty flower ?"

" It is papa !!"

" Here . You can try it yourself. "

A young boy looking to be around 4 started stomping a baby cat till its a red mush.

" Well done !!! Papa's so proud!!"

The video ends .


" Ugh . So he was brainwashed. We should kill that Michael before it's too late. "

" Yes sir."


" Bro, you finished cleaning up already ??? My rooms still full of those sh/ts !!!"

" Yeah..."

" Can I ask how ?? Those sh/ts takes hours to kill."

" He stomped them to mush ."

" I did !! Papa said that's the quickest way to make them bloom."

" What ??"

" I made them bloom silly !! Somethings wrong ??"

The boy who they were talking with signaled something but it was too late.

A tall man walked in the cafeteria where they were sitting.

His brown eyes glaring at Carl .

" Hey Mallory, do you know him ??"

" Yep !! He's my roommate!!"