When Alec was transported from Earth to a mystical world, he unexpectedly awakened a powerful system that allowed him to continually enhance his abilities. Inheriting his family's Golem magic, Alec rapidly became an unparalleled mage with the System's aid. His Golems were not only highly intelligent but could also self-upgrade by defeating stronger enemies without relying on any magical materials. Alec created numerous unique Golems and formed a formidable Golem army. As the Blood Moon approached, bringing monstrous hordes to attack human cities, Alec and his Golem army stood ready to defend their new world. In this thrilling Litrpg adventure, Alec's legend was about to unfold. ------ Dive into this fast-paced Litrpg adventure where Alec, armed with a powerful system, rapidly and continuously levels up. With the system as cheat, Alec inherits his family's Golem magic, creating a variety of fascinating Golems to aid him in his quests and battles. Expect thrilling encounters as Alec not only builds a formidable Golem army but also forms and trains his own elite team. If you're a fan of solo leveling, you'll love this novel, filled with exciting upgrades, unique Golems, and relentless action.