
Jungle Battle Part 2.

"What's your plan?"

The System Spirit, who was now fully released in the absence of anyone else, asked Alec with a somber expression.

"Truth be told, I'm just as clueless."

" I can only hope for a miracle, as always, If not, I'll have to buy us some time by deploying my golems and hope that With their help, it'll be much harder for the pursuers to track us down, since we'll always find them first thanks to Legions scanner" Alec replied.

"That sounds like a foolish plan," the system spirit retorted.

"Do you have a better plan?, If you do, please let me know right away, I am opened to new ideas and opinion " Alec challenged the spirit, who averted its gaze in embarrassment.

"Well, since we don't have any other plan, I guess we'll stick to this one, After all, a bad plan is still better than no plan,"

the system spirit grumbled reluctantly, agreeing to Alec's proposal.